Normally, dogs don't eat their own kind.

They have a keen sense of smell, which allows them to distinguish their own kind and refuse to eat them.

Cannibalism is very likely to infect dogs with prions.

But there is a kind of creature that is born to eat its own kind.

That is parasitic animals!

The food of parasitic animals is their own kind that has not been parasitized.

For example, if it parasitizes humans, then its food is humans that have not been parasitized.

If it parasitizes dogs, then its food is dogs that have not been parasitized.

And so on.....

Parasitic animals look like humans, and unless they reveal their true appearance, it is difficult to be discovered.

The same is true for parasitic dogs, which look the same as ordinary dogs.

Ye Chen guessed that the husky in front of him must have been parasitized.

As if noticing Ye Chen's gaze, the little husky suddenly raised its head, bared its teeth, and kept growling.

""Xiao Ha, that's a guest! Be quiet!" The proprietress tried to teach the husky a lesson.

She held a small bamboo whip and tried to scare Xiao Ha.

But before she got close, the husky's head split open and turned into a flying sickle!


The proprietress was horrified and stood there in shock.


Tian Mark quickly pulled the proprietress back.

The diners at the nearby tables also noticed this scene and immediately screamed and ran away.

"Help! There's a monster!"

"Oh my goodness, I must be dreaming, yes yes"

"It's coming!"

Xiao Ha, revealing his true identity, brandished his sickle and charged towards Ye Chen fiercely.

【Detect"parasitic dog", kill it to get 500 points】

"It's not as good as Dong Wu's mutant creature."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, facing the ferocious parasitic dog, as if he was looking at a puppy.

He had faced the threats of sharks and plesiosaurs, and compared with these boss-level monsters, parasitic dogs were nothing.

Ye Chen entered the house, and a faint green light burst out.


The next second, a wild beast covered in orange hair rushed out!

It had no eyes, sharp teeth, and ran on all fours, leaving deep claw marks on the ground!

Super Beast!

As a Wapinmanser star beast, Super Beast has super senses, with extremely sharp senses of smell and hearing, and can form thermal images in the mind.

Although it has no eyes, it knows everything about the surroundings!

It is very effective against invisible enemies.


The Husky waved the sickle above his head and rushed towards the frightened Xiaowen!

He was about to cut off Xiaowen's neck!

Bang -

Tian Mark threw out a trash can and smashed the parasitic dog away

"Don't hurt my granddaughter."

Tian Mark reached for his waist, ready to pull out his pistol.

After a series of"monster events", Tian Mark knew that human society was quietly changing.

Various monsters appeared one after another.

Machine monsters, creatures made by Dong Wu, big water monsters, plesiosaurs.........

There are even parasitic beasts and ghouls in the dark.

Human society has begun to be turbulent, and those monsters hiding in the dark are ready to move.

So Tian Mark felt that he must carry some weapons with him in case of emergency.

However, before Tian Mark pulled out his pistol, a huge group photo flew over his head.

The super beast jumped into the air, suddenly attacked the parasitic dog, and slapped the parasitic dog's head!

The parasitic dog was so scared that it tucked its tail between its legs and hurriedly hid to the side!


The fierce power of the super beast directly smashed a thick telephone pole!


The parasitic dog chose to counterattack, and several sickles on its head rolled over, flashing sharp cold light, trying to chop the super beast into pieces! The super beast stood still.

Clang clang!

The parasitic dog's sickles slashed on it, making a sound of metal clashing and a small spark.

No matter how hard the parasitic dog tried, it couldn't pierce the super beast's skin! The parasitic dog was stunned. What was going on? We are both dogs, why are you so good?


The super beast shot out like a cannonball, turning into an orange afterimage, and instantly attacked the parasitic dog.

A few cold lights flashed, and the parasitic dog was torn into pieces.

Blood stained the ground of the street red, and the fishy smell filled the air.

The appearance of the parasitic dog basically scared away the people around.

Except for Tian Mark and others, and the boss lady

【Successfully kill the"parasitic dog" and get 500 points!】

【Current points: 6400!】

"Xiao Ha!"

The lady boss's eyes were filled with tears. She ran to the body of the parasitic dog and burst into tears.

That was her beloved dog, and now it was dead.......

The super beast growled and turned away.

The parasitic creature could not recover because the parasite had already taken root in the host. If the parasite died, the host would perish.

Unless the parasite was not in the brain.......There might still be hope.

Tian Mark looked at the sad lady boss and rushed forward to comfort her.

Tian Xiaoban looked at the back of Super Beast leaving, surprised and happy:"Cool! This is a new alien hero!"

"I want to ride on Ye Ge and run wildly!"

Tian Xiaowen laughed like a silver bell and trotted after him.

Finally, Tian Mark also left.

He gave the boss lady a large sum of money, a full 100,000 US dollars.

As a retired plumber, Tian Mark naturally had no shortage of money.

He felt that it was not easy for the boss lady to live alone, and it would take a long time for her to recover after losing her beloved dog.

This 100,000 US dollars would allow the boss lady to rest for a long time.

After the episode, everyone returned to the old broken car and started a new journey.

"Xiaoye, you performed very well today." Tian Mark praised generously, holding the steering wheel.

"It's okay, just killing a parasitic beast."Ye Chen shrugged.

"Brother Ye, you are too modest!" Tian Xiaowen was still a little scared,"If you were not here today, we might all have been eaten by the parasitic dog."

"And the fishmeal shop owner......"Tian Mark added.

If Ye Chen doesn't take action, it's only a matter of time before the parasitic dog kills the boss lady.

"Hehe, that alien beast is awesome!" Tian Xiaoban gestured as if he had defeated the monster,"By the way, Brother Ye, what is the name of this alien hero?"

"Super beast." Ye Chen responded

"What a good name, it's really cool!" Tian Xiaoban grinned.

Time flies, like a white horse passing by.

Night falls quietly, covering the sky with a layer of black gauze.

The old broken car stops at a service area, and everyone will spend the night here tonight.

Late at night.

Tian Mark and the other two have fallen asleep.

Ye Chen gently opened the car door, closed it, and walked behind a tall banyan tree.

Boom- a green light flashed past.

Then, a blue afterimage rushed out, speeding on the highway, which was elusive to the naked eye!

If someone took a high-speed camera at this time, they would see a strange-looking alien!

It has a slender figure, black and blue skin, and its shape is similar to that of a velociraptor, with sharp black claws and two pulleys on the soles of its feet.

This is one of the original ten heroes-Flash Star.

As a member of the Zina Flash Mob, he has super fast movement and attack speeds, and is good at escaping, chasing enemies, or using it to hurry.

Now, he is going to a place.

Bei's Mask Shop......

Super Beast Race: Wapinmanser Star Beast

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