Snake King Kong

Snake King Kong, about two meters tall, is a snake-like bipedal alien with a coral-like torso and three snake heads on top. It has electric light-like eyes that can emit golden petrifying rays.

It is one of the abandoned heroes in the original work, and the alien that Ben in the future helped his son Tian Kenny to unlock.


The three slender tongues of the snake king kong, with golden eyes flashing, swayed slightly, exuding a dangerous aura

"Hey, wasn't this guy our opponent just now?" Dong Xiang couldn't help but ask

"Yes, but I put its genes into my watch."Snake King Kong replied


The huge meteor hammer of Miejue Langjun, carrying a raging storm, has already arrived in front of the Snake

King Kong! The Snake King Kong immediately shot out a petrifying ray and blasted towards Miejue Langjun.

The latter quickly dodged and narrowly avoided the golden ray. He seemed to know how powerful the Snake King Kong was.

It was also possible that the DNA of the Snake King Kong was collected in this arena. I am afraid that Miejue Langjun had fought with it before.

"I'm here!"

The snow monster's hair stood up, and violent golden lightning instantly attached to his fist! With his huge body, he kicked his legs hard, turning into a dazzling golden afterimage, tearing through the air and attacking this side!

Kirishima Touka released blood-colored feathers, bursting out a large number of spikes, and madly hit the snow monster.

However, the snow monster had thick skin and good resistance to blows, and this attack had no effect on him at all.

"Lie on me." Snake King Kong suddenly said

"Ah?" Dong Xiang was stunned.

Snake King Kong grabbed her and let Dong Xiang ride on his neck as a"conjoined twin"."

"This way you won't be killed alone, and you can send out Yuhe from time to time to help me harass the enemy."Snake King Kong smiled faintly.

"Well, this is a great idea, why didn't I think of it?"Dong Xiang blushed.

It seems that the"cooperation test" arranged by the Soul Reaper just now is still somewhat effective.......

But she always felt weird riding on the slender"snake head" of King Kong.

""Here we go!"

The snake King Kong's golden eyes flashed, and he charged forward with his legs, crashing straight into Miejue Langjun!

In terms of physical fitness alone, his strength was not as good as Miejue Langjun.

But the snake King Kong had petrifying light, which could make up for this shortcoming well, making the enemy dare not confront him head-on.

As expected, Miejue Langjun saw the aggressive snake King Kong, turned around and ran, and went behind the lightning snow monster

"Brother, use your electric current to knock this guy out first, and then I'll use my fists to deal damage!" Miejue Langjun whispered.


The Lightning Snow Monster nodded. He was quite agile and could run and jump, making it difficult for the petrifying light to attack him.


He roared, and golden electricity ignited all over his body, his hair stood up, and"Z"The snake King Kong moved in a shape of a character, and quickly approached the two.

The snake King Kong continued to emit pupil light, trying to petrify the lightning snow monster.

But the opponent's speed was too agile, and with the combination of attack and defense, it was even not inferior to the four-handed king!

Dong Xiang saw that the situation was not good, and found the right time to release a large number of feathers to attack the lightning snow monster's toes!

The sharp"spikes" could not hurt the lightning snow monster's fur, but it also slowed down the opponent's speed a little!

"Now is the time!"

Snake King Kong seized the opportunity, and the lightning snow monster in his eyes was full of flaws. Six golden rays suddenly burst out, all of which hit it!

In a flash, the body of the lightning snow monster quickly turned gray and was petrified in mid-air, still maintaining a running posture!

Of course, the petrification effect of the snake king Kong is only temporary.

The impact on different species is also different.

With the physical fitness of the lightning snow monster, it may not take a few minutes to recover.

Therefore, we must take this opportunity to get rid of the extinction man!

"Ah! Brother Lightning!"

Witnessing his companion being petrified, Lord Miejue panicked.

But he had no way out. If he wanted to win now, he could only rely on himself!

"Boy, I won't fail so easily!"

"I am a person who cannot afford to lose!"

Miejue Langjun decided to fight to the death with the opponent!

Snake King Kong snorted coldly,"Defeat is only a matter of time, don't make meaningless struggles."

As he said, he and Dong Xiang launched an attack together. The golden electric light mixed with the blood-red blade-like Yu He rushed towards Miejue Langjun.

As a result, Miejue Langjun actually ran behind the petrified lightning snow monster, picked it up directly, and blocked it in front of himself!

Clang clang!

The golden light could not petrify the petrified enemy, and the blood-red Yu He could not smash the stone statue.

"This guy actually used his companion as a shield."

Dong Xiang, who was riding on the neck of the snake king Kong, had a trace of anger in her beautiful eyes.

The snake king Kong turned his head and said,"This extinction man is not weak, and he also has a sense of combat. No wonder he can reach this level."

The second place of the Soul Reaper Competition is already very strong.

After all, this spaceship has countless powerful alien races, and it is increasing at a very fast rate every day.......

Noticing that the snake's neck was twisting under her, Dong Xiang's pretty face flushed immediately, and she gritted her teeth and said,"Stupid, don't move!"......"


Snake King Kong threw Dong Xiang off his neck and slapped the omnitrix on his chest, which burst into a faint green light.

He transformed into an ice-blue hawk moth!......To be continued

Howling Wolf

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