"Ice Ghost!"

It is ice blue all over. When it spreads its wings, it looks like a big moth. When it retracts its wings, it looks like a mysterious man in a robe. It exudes a cool breath all over its body.

As soon as it appears, the temperature around it drops sharply, as if the air conditioner is turned on!

As a Nakfuji star, the Ice Ghost is hermaphrodite and lays eggs every 80 years.

Abilities: freezing, phantom, ice crystal transformation.

The Ice Ghost can control the ice it creates at will and change into various shapes.

Weakness: Afraid of electricity, has the means to break through the other-dimensional space.

Hunting natural enemies: The spiritual thunder god moth

"What kind of alien is this? It looks so beautiful!"

Dong Xiang, who was standing by, was stunned by the strange appearance of the Ice Ghost.

"I call it the Ice Ghost."

The ethereal voice came, adding a touch of mystery to the Ice Ghost.

"Haha, it actually turned into a fragile moth?"

"You really don't take the road to heaven, but you throw yourself into hell!"

Murderous Man came out from behind the stone statue of the Snow Monster, laughing.

He was a little afraid of the petrification ability of the Snake King Kong, but that human turned into a skinny Mothman?

It looks like he can be knocked down with one punch!

"Weak and fragile?" The Ice Ghost laughed in anger,"You can try it yourself."


Miejue Langjun didn't waste any words, he directly picked up the meteor hammer full of destructive power and rushed over fiercely.

The next second, a bone-chilling cold wind blew past.

Miejue Langjun's burly body was covered with crystal frost at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"This is......"His eyes widened in disbelief.

This Mothman has the ability to freeze!?

Miejue Langjun came to his senses and twisted his limbs desperately, trying to get rid of the frozen state.

However, it was too late.

Soon, he turned into a huge human-shaped ice sculpture.

The stone statue of the lightning snow monster was motionless.

"I declare that the Earthlings are the winners!"

The Dragon Girl above shouted, looking very excited.

"Ward sent! Miejue Langjun and the others actually lost?"

"Damn it, I lost completely!"

"That male earthling is so scary! He is so changeable!"

The aliens in the audience were all surprised, their hearts were pounding, and they all focused their attention on the Ice Ghost.

For a while, Ye Chen became the focus of their discussion and became a popular player to bet on!

They believed that as long as they bet on this earthling to win every time, they would definitely make a lot of money!

However, some people sneered.

"Haha, after defeating the runner-up, their next opponent is the champion!"

"I don't believe they can win, the champions are invincible!"

Upon hearing this, most of the audience fell silent.

They had seen how powerful the champions were, and although the moth man in front of them was very powerful, they still felt a little bit worse.

In the arena, the Ice Ghost saw that the winner was clear, so he exhaled a breath of cold air and disintegrated the ice on the hands of Extinction Man and Lightning Snow Monster.

Then he changed back to his original form and touched the claws of the two aliens with the Omnitrix to collect their DNA.

Beep beep!

The Omnitrix suddenly turned yellow and entered the collection unlock mode.

Extinction Man, Lightning Snow Monster!

These two aliens are very strong, and they will definitely be a great help in the future!

Soon, the red robot appeared again, with red light emerging from the soles of its feet, and brought the two to the Soul Reaper Webok.

It was still the translucent red screen, with a green figure standing behind it.

"I admire you. You really surprise me. How can a small earthling burst out such a powerful force?"

"This battle earned me at least thousands of Tianjing jades in profit, and the audience was very satisfied!"

"The fifty pieces of Celestial Crystal Jade were not wasted. The effect of the Succubus Candle looks quite good......."

"How about you absorb some more of the succubus candles to improve your coordination?"

Soul Reaper Weibok said with a sinister smile.

"Bastard, don’t even think about it!"

Kirishima Touka clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, feeling a dull pain in her lower body.

Ye Chen was too powerful. If she didn’t have the physique of an S-class ghoul, she might not be able to bear it.

What if it happened again?

Then she would really die on the spot!

"Okay, I'm kidding." The Soul Reaper waved his claws and continued,"In the next battle, you will challenge the strongest champion of the Soul Reaper Contestant!"

"Who is it?"Ye Chen became interested.

There is another powerful alien to be included!

The Soul Taker stretched out a finger and said with a smile:"Friendly reminder, it is a big crab"

""Big crab?" Ye Chen muttered to himself,"Could it be Crab Armor Mastermind?"

That's not bad.

Crab Armor Mastermind has a high IQ and excellent combat calculation ability. It can analyze the next landing point of an object after reflection in advance.

It has powerful telekinesis and can emit brain wave shock cannons, telekinesis shields, etc.

It is just more arrogant and often scolds people with words that people can't understand.......

"The next battle will begin in two and a half hours!"

"Get ready, the two of you go to the VIP room to rest first."

The Soul Reaper waved his claws and teleported the two of them to the gorgeous VIP room.......

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