The magnificent VIP room.

It is very spacious and bright, with a variety of high-tech massage equipment and entertainment facilities.

On the rectangular dining table in the center, there are many precious dishes from various planets, fragrant and tempting.

Three-headed dragon meat, void beast ribs, charcoal grilled Swift Shadow rabbit legs, fluorescent fish soup, starlight worm fried snake eggs, mantis sashimi, magic tiger hoof, steamed green vine, nebula leopard whip tail......

In addition, there are some beautiful female aliens.

But they were all driven out by Ye Chen.

Don't ask, asking will only disturb him from enjoying the food.

Ye Chen and Dong Xiang have been hungry for a long time, and they haven't eaten anything since they were teleported to this ghost place.

After confirming that it was non-toxic, the two began to feast on it, eating with relish.

Not to mention, it tastes really good.

Especially some meat dishes made from alien beasts, which are very helpful for the body to restore energy.

But Ye Chen is still quite picky, and he didn't touch some dishes that looked a bit disgusting.

For example, mantis sashimi......

The strange thing is that Touka is a ghoul, so theoretically she can only eat human flesh.

Unexpectedly, she can also eat alien food! ?

Perhaps these substances are not available on Earth, and can also satisfy the taste buds and nutritional needs of ghouls.

"Mm, it's delicious!"

Dong Xiang's mouth was full of oil, and she was very excited and excited, with tears streaming down her face.

Oh my God, there are actually foods that ghouls can eat!!

And it tastes much better than humans!!

Dong Xiang even had the urge to not go back to Earth!!

While the two were eating, the Soul Reaper did not come to disturb them.

Because the next battle is crucial.

It not only determines whether a new champion will be born, but also is the key to the Soul Reaper's huge wealth!

If it is handled properly, it can make a lot of money this time!!

In the VIP room, Dong Xiang picked up a large bowl of fluorescent fish soup, which was shining with green light, and swallowed it in one breath!

""Wow, it's so delicious!"

Dong Xiang put down the empty crystal bowl, looking satisfied and comfortable, and touched her belly.

She was very full and had never eaten such delicious food before.

""Ye, when we go back, will we not be able to eat them anymore?"

Dong Xiang asked with a bitter look on her face.

If she returns to Earth, she will have to eat humans like before.......

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled:"Don't worry, I will find a way to bring you some alien food when I go back."

He has the Omnitrix, which allows him to transform into an alien hero and travel to other planets.

For example, the Light, the Ten-Unlike, the Psychic Celestial Being, the Ice Ghost, etc. These aliens can travel in the universe without fear of the vacuum environment.

The only thing to pay attention to is the transformation time.

Fortunately, these aliens are not slow, and they should be able to reach the neighboring planets.

At worst, there are also the Tiangong.......

Dong Xiang remained silent, just looking at Ye Chen quietly, she felt that the man in front of her became more and more handsome.

If it weren't for Ye Chen, she would have died in the hands of the Soul Taker.......

Time is like a little monster with long legs, running very fast.

Two and a half hours later.

The Soul Reaper appeared again and teleported Ye Chen and Dong Xiang to the largest arena.

This arena is made entirely of gold, glittering with golden light, extremely dazzling! The arena was surrounded by VIP spectators on all sides, at least tens of thousands of them, all of them were top wealthy people from various planets.

They laughed loudly, scattering rare crystals and gold coins all over the sky, cheering for the Soul Reaper, hoping to witness a visual feast!

Ye Chen held Dong Xiang's trembling jade hand and whispered,"Don't be nervous, I'll take you home after this battle."

""Yeah." Dong Xiang nodded gently, feeling warm in her heart.

"Warmly welcome the Earthlings!"

Above the arena, a fox girl in a purple robe stood on a hoverboard. She had a sexy, curvy figure, a pair of cute fox ears on her head, fair skin, and piercing purple eyes, showing her charm and allure.

Except for the soft purple tail behind her and the fox ears on her head, she was almost the same as a human.

"Next, let's welcome our champion!!"

Wow - the audience was excited and cheered wildly, resounding throughout the gladiator arena, deafening like thunder!

It can be seen how popular the champion is!


A pair of mysterious figures fell from the sky and slammed down in front of Ye Chen.

They were wearing large black robes that covered their faces, exuding extremely terrifying murderous intent.

"They are the strongest and bravest crab generals!"

"And the softest and most clinging bandage man!"

As the purple fox girl finished speaking.

The two figures' eyes flashed, and they tore off their black robes, revealing their true faces!

When Ye Chen saw who was coming, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Gravity Crab King, Mummy?!"

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