Wow— two violent water columns shot up into the sky, and the icy cold instantly dispersed a large number of alien monsters around them!

Those alien monsters didn't even have time to scream before they were torn to pieces by the surging"water dragon" and drowned in the torrent.

Hundreds of alien monsters were strangled to death in just a few seconds.

The cold water splashed in all directions, making the entire cave cold and damp.

"Oh my god, what is that?"

Tian Xiaoban stared at that direction in a daze.

At some point, the super beast had disappeared.

In the rain of flowers, stood a red figure.

He was wearing red armor, emerald eyes, sharp claws, and a hood-shaped armor on his head.

Water Tyrant!

The DNA comes from the Orisans of the Andromeda Galaxy. They are similar to crustaceans, with many exoskeletons on their bodies and have excellent defense.

Water Tyrant can absorb water from the air and store it in the body.

There is a hole in each of the palms, which can be used to"absorb water" and"spray water".

Water Tyrant can not only spray cold water, but also hot water.

It is worth mentioning that Water Tyrant can breathe underwater.

Water Tyrant, who has the ability to control water, happens to be the nemesis of the alien monster!

"I'm so lucky." Shui Batian looked at his hands.

He had just used up 1,000 points, and now only had 6,000 points.

But it was worth it!

At this moment, all the ordinary alien monsters died under Shui Batian's torrent. The only threat left was the Alien King.

On the UFO side, everyone had moved all the green eggs out.

The inside of the UFO was empty, with nothing.

Tian Mark brought Xiaoban and Xiaowen to Shui Batian's side.

"Cool! This is a new alien!"Tian Xiaoban couldn't help but exclaimed

"It killed those slugs in seconds, Brother Ye is awesome! Superb!"Tian Xiaowen cheered happily.

Tian Mark scratched his head, he didn't recognize the alien in front of him.

You know, he has been fighting in the universe for decades and has seen countless aliens.

Tian Mark has basically seen all the ones that Ye Chen had transformed into before, but he has no impression of this red creature in front of him


The Alien King, who was now left alone, was so angry that he shot out two tentacles towards this side!


Shui Batian raised his hands and shot out a surging column of water, ruthlessly defeating the slime tentacles!


The Alien King was shocked. He didn't expect Shui Batian's attack power to be so strong!

If he hadn't cut off the connection with the tentacles in time, he would have been affected.

""Disgusting snot monster, go to hell."

Shui Batian leaped nimbly and rushed in front of the Alien King.

In the Alien King's astonished eyes, he put his palms together and pushed forward fiercely, bursting out an extremely huge water column!

Boom - the Alien King was instantly submerged by the violent water flow!


The Alien King let out a shrill roar, and his body twisted and deformed.

Ten seconds later, Shui Batian retracted his hands.

But just when everyone thought that the Alien King had been reduced to ashes, a shocking scene appeared!

In front of them, the Alien King was still standing there, with holes all over his body and severely twisted and deformed. That was caused by the impact of the water flow.

"Hehe, do you think you can kill me like this?"The Alien King's eyes flashed red.

As he spoke, his body recovered quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he was back to normal!

"Oh my god, what's going on?" Tian Xiaoban was completely confused,"Didn't they say that these weirdos are afraid of water?"

Hearing this, the Alien King sneered:"Haha, do you think I'm the same as those trash?"

"I am not afraid of water because I am the king of alien monsters!"

"The only king!"

Tian Mark's face changed drastically,"Oh no, this alien monster boss is not afraid of water, how can we defeat it?"

"Night Brother......"Tian Xiaowen also had a worried look on her face, her eyebrows furrowed.

Water is the only weapon of Water Tyrant, but the Alien King is not afraid of water. Everyone's hearts are in a knot at this moment.

"Go to hell, this is the price you pay for challenging the king!"

The Alien King spat out a mouthful of mucus, which turned into a spider web in the air and pounced on Shui Batian at high speed.

Shui Batian's eyes condensed, and he immediately shot out a water ball, blasting the spider web apart.

However, the Alien King had already approached!

His hands turned into dancing tentacles with countless spikes on them, and he yanked towards Shui Batian fiercely!

Shui Batian raised his hand and condensed a high-density bubble of water around him, which actually resisted this fierce attack!

These waters were compressed at high density, and their defense was amazing.

After all, the Alien King was also made of mucus, not a hard object, and could not directly break the defense.

"Wow! This hero's superpower is so cool!" Tian Xiaoban's eyes were wide open.

After blocking the attack, Shui Batian found the right time to withdraw the water bubble.

At the same time, he shot out two thick streams of water, and controlled them, compressing them into sharp water knives!

The water knife is invincible and is known as the sharpest knife in the world!

Swish - in an instant, the Alien King's body was cut into pieces by the water knife and rolled to the ground.

"This alien is really strong."Tian Mark couldn't help but give a thumbs up,"It seems that it is not impossible to defeat the Alien King."

Xiaoban and Xiaowen nodded in agreement.

Even if the Alien King is not afraid of water, Shui Batian is not inferior at all.

"You pissed me off! Little brat!"

The Alien King's body quickly recovered and swelled up like a balloon!

In an instant, it turned into a more than ten-meter-tall alien giant!

To be continued......

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