"This is my true form!" The Alien King roared crazily.

His body rose to more than ten meters high, like a small mountain, with mucus rolling all over his body, and his momentum was extremely terrifying!

"Oh no, this weirdo can actually grow bigger!"Tian Xiaowen's eyes showed horror and fear.

How can we fight him?

Tian Mark's face was also very ugly.

The Alien King was not afraid of water, and now it has grown bigger, it will be difficult for Shui Batian to fight!

However, Shui Batian was not panicked at all.

No matter what kind of enemy he faced, he was fearless.

Shui Batian raised his arm and shot out a sharp water knife, swiping left and right, madly cutting the Alien King's body!

In an instant, a large number of cracks appeared on the Alien King's body, densely packed, but it just took a deep breath and recovered as before!

The Alien King in its true form has an even more amazing recovery speed!

"Become a part of me!"

The fat body of the Alien King shot out dozens of tentacles, grabbing this side fiercely!

Shui Batian immediately released a water column to attack, but there were too many tentacles and he was caught in the palm of the Alien King's hand!

The Alien King smiled wildly and suddenly pulled Shui Batian into his body!

Shui Batian instantly felt that he was wrapped in a ball of"jelly", sticky and almost unable to breathe.

"You big weirdo, let go of Brother Ye!" Tian Xiaoban threw a stone at the Alien King viciously.

But it was sucked into the body of the Alien King, and not even a ripple could be caused.

Tian Xiaowen's face was pale, and she sank to the bottom of the valley when she saw Shui Batian trapped in the Alien King's body.

Shui Batian was still struggling, but suddenly he stopped moving.

"Hehe, are you scared silly?"

"Then become my nourishment in fear!"

The Alien King laughed loudly, and the whole cave was shaking.

When the others saw this scene, their faces turned pale.

Is Ye Chen really dead?

At this time, the Water Tyrant in the Alien King's body ignited a faint green light!


The Water Tyrant disappeared.

Instead, there was a short frog!

It had green skin, round eyes, a slightly bulging belly, and organs similar to fish gills on its face.

The Evil Exploding Frog!

It can eat almost anything, including its own planet!

Because in the stomach of the Evil Exploding Frog, there is a small quadrant connected that can accommodate a large number of objects.

This sudden scene stunned everyone else.

"What kind of alien is this?"

At this moment, the evil exploding frog was still inside the Alien King.

It grinned, opened its huge mouth and bit down, and began to devour the Alien King's body frantically!

"What the hell!"

The Alien King was shocked and immediately expelled the Exploding Frog from his body.

The chubby body of the Exploding Frog fell to the ground, its belly was already bulging and emitting green light.

After it eats something, it can turn it into an energy bomb and spit it out, rebounding to the opponent.

The more food it eats, the bigger the energy bomb and the more powerful it is!

Moreover, the energy bomb of the Exploding Frog is corrosive.

The Exploding Frog ate a lot of the"meat" of the Alien King just now, and it is now brewing an energy bomb.

""Looking for death!"

The Alien King was furious, and shot out sharp wolf-fang tentacles, slamming them towards the evil blast frog!

The evil blast frog suddenly stood up, opened its huge mouth, and spit out a huge green energy bomb!


Those wolf-fang tentacles were all shattered and fell to the ground. At the same time, they were quickly corroded by the evil blast frog's stomach acid and could no longer be restored.

"You!" The alien was shocked. This could be considered its nemesis.

"Great! Yege's new hero can restrain the big weirdo!"Tian Xiaoban was overjoyed.

Under the gaze of everyone, the evil blast frog quickly climbed onto the Alien King and gnawed it madly.

Its teeth were very sharp, and it could easily eat stone or steel, not to mention the Alien King who was a pool of mucus.

The evil blast frog ate and spit at the same time!

The Alien King's body quickly shrank, exploded, and corroded!


"Spare my life! Please don't eat me!"

The Alien King struggled desperately and wailed, hoping that the Evil Exploding Frog would let him go.

But the Evil Exploding Frog adhered to the concept of"eradicating the roots" and eventually destroyed the Alien King.

Not a single scrap was left!


The Explosive Frog touched his stomach and burped.

There was a pool of green stomach acid on the ground. It was his masterpiece.

【Successfully kill the"Alien King" and get 2000 points!】

【Current points: 7000! 】

Originally it was 8000 points, but I redeemed it for the Exploding Frog, which consumed 1000 points.

"All right, kids, the crisis is over."

Tian Mark smiled kindly, walked to the side of the evil frog, and patted him on the shoulder:"Well done, Xiaoye."

He defeated the monster again and saved innocent humans.

"Great, this alien is so cruel and evil, and looks like a frog!"

""Why not just call it the Explosive Frog?"

Tian Xiaoban smiled happily.

Tian Xiaowen was also very happy, but she quickly looked at the trapped old people next to her,"What about these eggs?"

Tian Mark frowned slightly. There were at least thousands of eggs.

It would take several days to move them one by one.

"Don't worry, just leave it to Flash Star."The Explosive Frog said, with a silly and cute voice.......

A few minutes later, the evil frog returned to its original form.

Then, while waiting for the watch to recharge, Ye Chen turned into a flash star and sent all the residents back to the surface.

【Ding~ Successfully rescued all residents and obtained 3000 points!】

【Current points: 10,000! 】

Afterwards, Flash Star destroyed the UFO underground, eliminating the trouble forever.

The Alien King incident came to an end

"Children, come and play often in the future!"

Aunt Vera stood at the door and said goodbye to everyone.

"Goodbye, Aunt Vera"

"Goodbye, Vera.

Everyone got on the old rickshaw and left the desert town.

A new journey began.......

Exploding Frog

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