
One after another, huge crystal mountains pressed down on the God Power Tyrannosaurus Rex, and there were loud noises like thunder!

The whole city of Bell was shaking, and the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked.

The giant God Power Tyrannosaurus Rex could not withstand so many crystal mountains and was pressed down.

On the surface of the crystal mountains, there were many sharp spikes, cutting the skin of the God Power Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was extremely harmful!

After a while, the loud noise gradually subsided.

In front of the Diamond Overlord, there were countless crystal fragments piled up, at least hundreds of meters high!

"Ha, that's all."

Diamond Overlord turned sideways, looked at the guards who came to support, and waved his hand:"Everyone disperse, I have won, continue your work."

Luke and the guards were shocked. They didn't expect that the Crazy Class would resolve the battle so quickly.

""Yes, my king!"

Luke was about to lead everyone away.

Boom - suddenly, a huge figure rushed out from the crystal mountain.

"The battle is not over yet."

The Divine Tyrannosaurus was covered with wounds and many scratches appeared on its body. They were caused by the crystal spikes.

Even so, the Divine Tyrannosaurus, with its rough skin and flesh, did not break its skin, and did not even bleed.

These minor scratches will heal quickly.

"Why aren't you dead yet!"

Looking at the Tyrannosaurus Rex standing up again, Diamond Overlord felt extremely angry, clenching his crystal fists and making crackling sounds.

This seriously affected his majesty!

The huge body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex looked down at the Diamond Overlord,"It's my turn."

As soon as the voice fell, the Tyrannosaurus Rex took a step forward and pressed towards the Diamond Overlord!

The Diamond Overlord gathered a crystal protective shield covered with spikes to block above his body!

With a loud bang, the Tyrannosaurus Rex hit the target!

There was a slight tingling sensation in the soles of his feet, but it was insignificant to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

He roared, pressed his entire dragon body towards the Diamond Overlord, and stepped on the protective shield with one foot!


With a crisp sound, it seemed that something broke.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex did not let go, and rubbed the Diamond Overlord under his feet hard, as if he was trampling a beetle.

"Ah! Quickly let go of King Tian Xiaoban!"

Luke raised his musket and shot out streams of flames at the Godly Tyrannosaurus.

Hundreds of guards behind him hurriedly followed, picked up their weapons and opened fire.

A large amount of flames and bullets shot at the Godly Tyrannosaurus, like a group of monsters beating a boss.

The Godly Tyrannosaurus head did not turn back. These attacks were like tickling to him.

He continued to rub the Diamond Overlord under his feet.

After a while, the soles of his feet no longer had the power to resist.

The Godly Tyrannosaurus slowly raised his feet, and saw the Diamond Overlord below, lying in a pit in a mess, his body torn into pieces.

His arms and legs"ran away from home", many of the spikes on his head were broken, his head was covered with fine cracks, and the Diamond Overlord's eyes were dim.

A flash of khaki light passed, and the Diamond Overlord turned back into a mad spot.

"You win." Kuangban grinned and looked at the tall and mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Then hand over the Power Watch.

"You won, but......I haven't lost yet!"

Kuangban pressed the Power Watch and slammed it down!

The Divine Tyrannosaurus punched down and smashed into the earth pit!

Boom - the extreme khaki light burst out and repelled the Divine Tyrannosaurus!

A huge figure rose from the ground, towering into the clouds, standing under the bright moon!

""Mad Titan!"

He was the same height as the Colossal Titan, about fifty meters tall, and yellow and white all over.

There were sharp fins on his head and forearms, with many spikes on the fins, bulging armor on his shoulders, and wearing wrist guards covered with spikes.

Compared with the Colossal Titan, the Mad Titan looked even more ferocious and terrifying!

Now it was the turn of the Mad Titan to look down on the God Tyrannosaurus!

The Mad Titan, who was nearly fifty meters tall, had an absolute height advantage in the face of the twenty-meter-tall God Tyrannosaurus! His attack power and defense power far exceeded that of the God Tyrannosaurus!

The God Tyrannosaurus was not afraid at all, and rushed forward to hug the Mad Titan's calf, bursting out all his strength and fiercely overturning it!


The Mad Titan fell to the ground in astonishment. He did not expect the opponent to be so powerful!

As a Vaxsaari, the God Tyrannosaurus is definitely the strongest in the universe.

But he is clumsy and easily defeated.

Compared with the Four-Handed Tyrannosaurus, the God Tyrannosaurus is more powerful, but much slower, and his bounce is not as good as the Four-Handed Tyrannosaurus. It is almost as fast as a"matchbox".

This is also an important reason why in the original work, Tian Xiaoban became the God Tyrannosaurus and was repeatedly defeated.

"Oh my god, that guy can actually defeat the king's mad giant!"

"It's incredible!"

"I thought the king was scary enough, but I didn't expect this mysterious man to be even more brave than him!"

"Whose king is this!"

The guards were all surprised and puzzled, talking about it.

At this moment, the mad giant fell on the empty desert, his eyes gradually showing rage and mania.

The huge eyes quickly turned blood red!

"Oops, the king is angry!"

"That dinosaur is going to die. The king will definitely crush him!"

The guards who knew the temper of the mad giant immediately retreated far away when they saw the mad giant like this, so as not to be affected.

The mad giant supported himself with his hands and slowly stood up.

Under the cold moonlight, the sharp blade fins on his head reflected a chilling light, and the whole person exuded a furious and bloodthirsty aura.

"Very good, you succeeded in angering me."

The Crazy Giant clenched his fists and stared at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Come on!" The Tyrannosaurus roared, and his momentum was not weak at all.

The battle was about to start!

The Mad Giant took the lead and blasted out a mountain-like iron fist. The Tyrannosaurus did the same, and went all out to punch the strongest punch!


A violent air wave swept across in an instant, raising thick smoke and dust.

With the two as the center, a vacuum zone of one kilometer was formed, and nothing could get close!

The guards who ran slower were directly blown away by the strong wind and disappeared into the depths of the wilderness.

In the center of the battlefield, a man and a dragon were playing fiercely.

The two fists collided, and Luan had enough strength, and neither of them was willing to give in.

But the Mad Giant was suppressed by blood after all. As a Tukusda, he was much stronger than the Tyrannosaurus!

Soon, the Tyrannosaurus's arms began to tremble. Unable to withstand the power of the super giant, his body couldn't help but retreat

"Ha, let me tell you who is the big king!"

The mad giant suddenly exerted his strength and punched the Tyrannosaurus Rex away, and it fell heavily on the desert in the distance.

Then, he put his left hand flat, raised his right arm, and shot out a blue cosmic ray!

"Hahahaha, go to hell!"

"This is what happens if you provoke me!"

The mad giant laughed wildly, and even saw the scene of the God Power Tyrannosaurus being blown to pieces.


Suddenly, the God Power Tyrannosaurus lying on the desert burst into a faint green light.

A blue afterimage rushed out at high speed, easily avoiding the cosmic rays and appeared a hundred meters away.


The desert behind him was razed to the ground, and the violent cosmic energy annihilated countless loess and cacti, and blasted out a bottomless giant pit!

"Fortunately, I dodged quickly."

Flashstar took off his mask and said with lingering fear.

Just now at the critical moment, the Tyrannosaurus pressed the Omnitrix and switched to Flashstar.

Flashstar had been strengthened before, and its speed had increased by 50% on the original basis!

His figure was like a ghost, coming and going without a trace

"Damn, you can even do this."

The Mad Giant was unwilling to give up, and sent out another cosmic ray, trying to kill Flash Star.

Flash Star crossed his hands, flashing back and forth, dodging one attack after another.

For him, this was easier than drinking water.

"Damn it, you loser, if you have the guts, don't hide!" The mad giant was furious and stamped his feet in anger.

He was almost mad at Ye Chen.

"If you have the guts, don't attack me, just stand there and let me hit you." Flash Star smiled contemptuously, deliberately angering the Crazy Giant.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

The mad giant's eyes were red, and he released the most powerful cosmic rays, like a roaring blue dragon, annihilating everything along the way and blasting towards the Flash Star.......

Crazy Universe, Crazy Giant

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