At this moment, if you look down from the sky, you can see a tall"defense tower" that is constantly firing shells to attack a"blue soldier".

However, the hit rate of this defense tower is not 100%, but all of them are missed by the opponent.



All miss!

"Ah! I'm so pissed off!"

The Mad Giant poured out all the energy in his body like crazy, shooting at Flash Star like it was free.

The Doomsday Wasteland was already riddled with holes, almost plowed flat by cosmic rays, with huge pits and scorched earth everywhere.

Flash Star dodged while looking at the furious Mad Giant.

This was one of his plans.

Deliberately anger the Mad Class, causing the Mad Giant to launch crazy attacks and consume the energy in his body.

This can shorten the opponent's transformation time to a certain extent.

Although the Mad Class has strong combat power, when he is insulted, abused or ridiculed by others, he will become very angry and manic, reckless and aggressive.

This is the weakness of the Mad Class!

Ye Chen took advantage of this and continued to wear down the Mad Class's strength.

After a few minutes, the Mad Giant finally stopped.���

He panted heavily, supported his knees with his hands, and was very tired. Ding!

A yellowish-brown light lit up, and the mad giant returned to its original form.

"Damn, this slippery loser."

Kuangban clenched his fists, his eyes full of resentment and anger.


Flashstar took advantage of the victory and stretched out its black claws to grab Kuangban.

Kuangban was shocked and quickly retreated.

At this time, Luk led many guards to block in front of Kuangban, and fired flaming bullets crazily, covering the path of Flashstar. Flashstar dodged back and forth, leaving a trail of afterimages. After avoiding all the bullets, it swept out with its tail and knocked Luk and other guards out!

Boom - a familiar voice sounded from behind.

Flashstar turned his head and found that Kuangban had transformed again.

"How much transformation time is left?......"

Flash Star's heart sank as he looked at the Hurricane War Turtle opposite him.

The Hurricane War Turtle was of the same species as the Whirlwind God Turtle in the main time and space.

It was a standing giant turtle with green skin, a hard shell on its back, and many earthy yellow spikes on its body.

"Don't think you can defeat me like this"

"Besides, you injured my men, I will settle this account with you."

Hurricane War Turtle said coldly

"Oh, really?"

The next second, Flash Star flashed behind the Hurricane Turtle.


The powerful legs kicked the Hurricane Turtle, leaving blue afterimages.

"It doesn't hurt."

The Hurricane Turtle floated in place, stretched its limbs, and then spun rapidly, turning into a large green gyroscope!

This is the ability of the Hurricane Turtle, which can control the wind element to attack the enemy.

Flash Star was blown away by the fierce hurricane, staggered back dozens of steps, and barely stabilized his body.

Before he could come to his senses, the green gyroscope spun at high speed, like an electric fan tearing through the air, whistling and smashing towards this side!

Flash Star slipped and rushed out in an instant.

The electric fan fell to the ground, raising a large cloud of dust, and restored the appearance of the Hurricane Turtle.

"I wonder how long you can run!"

The Hurricane Turtle changed back to its original form, and the Crazy Class pressed the power watch and slammed it down.


A bulky suit of armor appeared in front of Flash Star.

The whole body is made of black and gray alloy, with a bloated body, looks very bulky, and has many yellow spikes on its body.

The Power Watch logo is located in the center of the chest, tied by two chain-like things.

There is a handle embedded on its head, and the eyes are three vertical gaps, with a fiery red light flashing inside.

This is one of the thirteen heroes of the Crazy Class, the Atomic Reactor!

The same as the Nuclear Steel King in the main time and space.

The main body of the Atomic Reactor is a group of humanoid creatures with extremely strong radioactive energy, all fiery red, and very fierce.

In order to prevent the radiation and heat energy of the main body from spreading outward, it usually wears hard armor, which is equivalent to its isolation clothing.

In general, it looks like a big furnace.

Disassembly tools such as electric drills and electric saws cannot destroy this layer of armor at all.

Unless it is a blade made of sky crystal jade.......

"Let me show you how powerful the Atomic Reactor is!"

The Atomic Reactor slammed his palms on the ground, and the surrounding desert suddenly turned into boiling magma. That was the radiation energy he released! The fiery red energy spread along the path of the melted desert towards the Flash Star.

The Flash Star felt a chill on his back and immediately flashed out.


A stream of fiery red magma shot up from the ground, and the burning space was distorted.

If the Flash Star ran a step slower, I'm afraid there would be nothing left.

"All you can do is run, you coward."

The"eyes" of the atomic reactor shot out fiery red energy rays, and shot them at Flash Star again.

The latter dodged easily.

Nuclear Steel Lord spit out dozens of rays in succession, blocking Flash Star's escape route.

Seeing this, Flash Star stopped dodging, slapped the omnitrix on his chest, and turned into Diamond War God!

He wanted to turn into an extremely frozen lizard, but considering that the temperature of the atomic reactor was too high and it could not be effectively frozen, he chose Pedro Shapin.

The golden eyes of the Diamond War God flashed, and he raised his palm and sent out a large number of crystal giant swords to offset the energy rays that followed.

"Do you think you can defeat me by becoming a Diamond Overlord?"


The Atomic Reactor raised his hands and condensed a huge fireball, which was scorching hot and full of deadly radiation energy.

The Diamond God of War punched the desert.

In an instant, dozens of crystal chains shot out from under the Atomic Reactor's feet, wrapping around the Atomic Reactor like lightning.......

Crazy Universe, Atomic Reactor ps: This book is officially recommended. Please support it and send some small gifts. The author is working hard on writing. If the data is good, it will be updated!!

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