Looking at the expressionless headmaster, Tian Xiaoban was confused and couldn't help asking,"Headmaster, weren't you checking tickets at the gate? Why are you here?"

"Child, I think you should understand the meaning of 'the more capable, the more work'.

——Wang Defa, everyone in Huanguang Paradise ran away. Once the book signing session was over, the place became deserted again.

——I'm standing at the door, starving?

The director wanted to curse, but was afraid to scare away the few tourists.

No matter how small a mosquito is

, it's still meat. It depends on whether the great writer from the country of cherry blossoms will continue to come here to hold book signings in the future.

After everyone bought their tickets, they entered the house.

"It's so dark here......"

In the darkness, Tian Xiaowen's frightened voice could be heard.

In this small room, there was no sunlight, only endless darkness.

And the panting and footsteps of the crowd......

"Playing tricks."Kirishima Touka snorted coldly. She was not afraid of the dark.

The same was true for Moyuan and Rujian Xuan. They had experienced many life and death experiences. Compared with the days of licking blood on the edge of a knife, these seemed insignificant.

Darkness, is it more terrifying than humans?

Fangcun Gongshan said nothing and walked quietly.


Suddenly, glowing English letters appeared behind him.

"Do not touch"

"No photographing"

"Please do not use electronic devices nearby."

Tian Mark smiled,"Look, it's coming soon." As soon as he finished speaking.

The lights in the house suddenly lit up!

Everyone was a little uncomfortable for a while, and the strong light hurt their eyes.

After a moment, they looked forward.

There appeared a huge wooden box there, which was very old and covered with scratches.

On the wooden box, there was a golden lightning logo.

There was also an English sentence written below: This is it!

The four sides of the wooden box slowly unfolded, and a white rubber band ball, about five or six meters high, lay quietly inside.

"Grandpa, is this the super weird facility you mentioned?"Tian Xiaoban's eyes widened.

No, how is it weird?

Except that it looks bigger, it's no different from an ordinary rubber band ball.

"Yes, I often came here to see it when I was a kid." Tian Mark laughed.

The store manager smiled and said,"This is the first time I have seen such a big rubber band ball. It's really interesting."

He was not disappointed.

"Hehe, Gong Shan is still good at understanding goods."Tian Mark gave the store manager a thumbs up as if he had found a soulmate.

Ye Chen looked up at the huge rubber band ball and pondered in his heart.

He vaguely remembered that there seemed to be some aliens hidden in the rubber band ball.

It seemed that......That light!

This guy is hard to catch, like a flexible electric light, coming and going without a trace.

I don't know who trapped it in the rubber band ball.

Because the rubber band ball is an insulating object, it can trap the light.

Mo Yuan and Ru Jianxuan looked at each other and felt very strange. They didn't think there was anything special about this ball.

"Hey, is this the fun facility you were talking about?" Kirishima Touka glared at Yechen unhappily.

Yechen was not panicked at all:"Yes, what can you do to me?"

"Pull it out by the roots, how do you pull it out?"

Kirishima Dongxiang gritted her teeth, wishing she could give Ye Chen a monkey stealing peaches.

This guy is so hateful.

If she wasn't afraid of exposing her identity, she would have taken action long ago.

"Manager, I want to go back and rest!"

"This place is so boring, just like someone."

Dong Xiang was indignant and turned to leave.

If she couldn't afford to offend him, couldn't she hide from him?

""Take care." Ye Chen's lazy voice came from behind.


Dong Xiang turned around suddenly, her face flushed with anger, wishing she could bite this guy to death.

"Hey, I feel bored just like that lady."

Tian Xiaoban walked forward, stretched out his left hand, and patted the rubber band ball:"It doesn't feel weird at all, it's super lame."


The power watch on his hand flashed with golden electricity.

A golden stream of light instantly escaped from the rubber band ball, along Tian Xiaoban's arm, and rushed straight into the sky!

The watch is made of metal and can conduct electricity, guiding the light out!

Ye Chen stared at the flashing ball of light above with a serious look.

"What is that?"

The store manager noticed something was wrong and immediately looked up.

Others reacted and looked over as well.

"Oh no, that light has escaped!" Tian Mark's face changed drastically.

"That light? What is that?"

The faces of the ghouls were filled with question marks.

"Some people say that it is a kind of electric light with vitality."

"Some people also say that it is the electrostatic field that causes"

"Some even say that the electric current has become a spirit."

"There are many different opinions, and no one knows what it is."

Tian Mark explained.

Of course, he knew what the light was.

It was an alien species called"Dowatts", which could absorb electricity and discharge electricity. It was very cunning and sensitive, and had great destructive power.

It was just to cover up the identity of"plumber" that he did not tell the truth to everyone.

Above, the ball of light gradually condensed into a small human figure.

It looked eccentric, with egg-like eyes, black and white all over, surrounded by golden electric light.

On the back was engraved"+""-"The symbol looks like a small battery


The light laughed evilly, turned into a flash of golden lightning, and disappeared.

"Hey, where did that weirdo go?" Tian Xiaoban looked around.

Suddenly, a little head popped out from behind his shoulder and smiled slyly:"Hahahaha!"


Tian Xiaoban was frightened and staggered, falling to the ground.


Seeing that the prank had worked, the light laughed devilishly again.

Then it turned into a golden stream of light and ran around the room.

""Let me do it!"

The demon ape was agile, and rushed forward at the right time, pinching the electric current that passed by him.


A strong electric current struck the demon ape, and it was electrocuted and stiffened, rolling its eyes.

"What the hell is this?���"

Kirishima Touka was stunned.

You know, the demon ape is a strong one among the SS-level ghouls, and ordinary electricity can't hurt him.

I didn't expect that he would be injured like this by a flash of lightning and lose his fighting ability directly.

"It's really weird......."Dong Xiang said coldly

"No, if this continues, his life will be in danger."Tian Mark knew the horror of the light very well, and said sternly.

The store manager stretched out his hand and wanted to separate the demon ape from the light.

"Let me do it."

Ye Chen grabbed a wooden stick from somewhere and gently pushed the magic ape's palm away, letting the light go.

"Great! Why didn't I think of that just now?"The store manager smiled.

He was able to remain calm in this situation. This young man is not simple.

"By the way, the wooden stick has certain insulating properties and can be used to isolate the injured from the power supply. Tian Xiaowen suddenly realized

"The prerequisite is that the sticks must be dry. She added

"Great, Brother Ye is still so cool."Tian Xiaoban laughed.

The demon ape's eyes turned white and he fell straight to the ground. Ru Jianxuan supported him and checked his physical condition.

"Fortunately, I am not going to die." Ru Jianxuan heaved a sigh of relief.

"You are awesome." Dong Xiang looked at Ye Chen

"It's just common sense."Ye Chen said calmly.

Chi Chi!

The golden electric current in the sky suddenly flashed violently and rushed out of the house at an extremely fast speed.......

That light, race: Dowat

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