Outside the Magic Light Paradise Ball House.

After the light escaped, it swam along the electric pole to the cable, madly absorbing electricity!

The cables of the entire Magic Light Paradise lit up almost at the same time, flashing golden and dazzling currents, crackling!


Xiao Guang's crazy and devilish laughter echoed in the sky.

The tourists present were so scared that their faces turned pale. They looked up at the sky in horror and were at a loss for a moment.

"That light has escaped again." The director sat on a bench, expressionless.


The light appeared on the cable.

It was full of electricity, flashing violently, and then split into two!




As a Dowatt person, when the light absorbs full electricity or is seriously attacked by physical attacks, it will split and replicate.


All the little light monsters went out to wreak havoc in the Magic Light Park!

Wherever they went, they were like a whirlwind, destroying all kinds of entertainment facilities and wires.

However, they were not satisfied with this.

Because they have a dangerous sense of humor.

A little light monster rushed to a beautiful woman in cool clothes, stretched out his little finger, and shot lightning at her.

Neck, chest, thighs, calves, abdomen, jade feet......

"Ah! Help!"

The beauty screamed, feeling a stinging pain on her body, and ran desperately.

The light chased after her.

There were countless scenes like this in the Fantasy Light Paradise.

They did not attack with all their strength, but just played with humans, which made them feel very happy and joyful.

"There's a monster!"

"Run, family!"

"Fuck, what the hell is this!"

"Oh my God, if you dare to shock my breasts again, I will spank you hard with a broom, little light man!"

"I swear I will do this......"Ah! I was wrong!! Let me go!"

Many tourists were frightened and panicked. They fled in all directions and rushed to the entrance of the park, fearing that they would be slow.

The whole Fantasy Light Park was in chaos, with garbage, footprints, and noisy screams and running sounds everywhere on the ground.

The director looked calm and kept sitting on the bench, drinking the slush in his hand.

He looked at the mess on the ground and the broken wires hanging above, and couldn't help sighing:"Well, let's go back to the time before liberation."

All the money earned from this event was lost!

Ye Chen and others quickly came outside and were shocked to see the devastation.

"This monster's power is amazing......."The store manager narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice

"Hey, Gao Leng, don't you care about that monster?"Kirishima Dongxiang looked at Ye Chen.

She always thought that Ye Chen was a monster agent.

"It's not my business."Ye Chen spread his hands.

"Huh?" Dong Xiang was stunned.

Tian Mark looked solemnly at the lightning flashing around in the sky:"We must catch them back, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

"Oh, so annoying! How can I catch all these little leopards?"Tian Xiaoban felt a headache.

""Daitou, it's all your fault, you have to catch him." Tian Xiaowen said unhappily.

The demon ape looked at the deserted Fantasy Light Paradise and said with a smile:"Those people are scared away, maybe we can show our skills now."

He has recovered, except for his clothes being a little burnt, there is nothing else wrong with him.

"No, there are still some people over there." The store manager looked to the left.

Under a giant beer bottle, there were more than a dozen figures standing, with their backs to this side, motionless.

"Why didn't they run? Were they scared silly?"Tian Xiaoban was very confused.

Fangcun Gongshan's eyes flashed red:"No, it should be that the lightning stimulated the beast in their bodies."

"Beastly?" Ye Chen's eyes fixed:"Could it be that they are......"Parasitic beasts!"

At this time, Xiao Guanghai was suspended above those figures, constantly releasing electricity to tease them.

Those people were originally just frozen in place, as if their brains had short-circuited.

But soon they reacted, and their heads all split into sharp sickles, dancing wildly!

Parasitic beasts!

More than a dozen parasitic beasts waved their sickles angrily, trying to kill Xiao Guanghai above.


Xiao Guanghai was very cunning. He took advantage of the situation and ran away.

The parasitic beasts lost their target and were still in a violent state. They looked around and immediately found the people here.

"Human, Human......"

"Eat them"


The parasitic beasts kept repeating, waving their terrifying sickles, and rushed over here aggressively!

Ye Chen was about to take action.

The store manager stepped forward and said with a smile:"Leave it to us."

The store manager knew that Ye Chen already knew the identities of Dong Xiang and the demon ape, so there was no need to hide it from them.

Besides, the ordinary people around had already run away, so there was no need to worry about being exposed.

Those parasitic beasts were ferocious, and the scythes they danced were so fierce and terrifying!

""Let me do it!"

The demon ape rushed forward first, and a scarlet tail burst out from behind!

A flash of blood-red light passed by, and several parasitic beasts were cut off in half!

The tail is shaped like a tail, and its abilities are balanced in all aspects. It has no obvious weaknesses, nor outstanding strengths.

In terms of data alone, the tail has the best comprehensive ability.

But actual combat is another matter.


"Kill them!"

The other parasitic beasts took advantage of the opportunity and pounced on the demon ape.

Rujianxuan's eyes quickly turned scarlet, and she rushed into the group of parasitic beasts, flashing back and forth, instantly killing several parasitic beasts.

Facing these two SS-level ghouls, ordinary parasitic beasts were no different from chickens and ducks, and had no power to fight back.

"So powerful, pretty cool."Tian Mark nodded, looking at the extremely brave Ma Yuan and Ru Jianxuan, and retracted his hand from his waist.

He had seen Dong Xiang and Ma Yuan on the white fishing boat before, and knew that they were ghouls.

The same was true for Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen.

"Since Irimi Xuan is a ghoul, then Yoshimura Kousen should also be one......."Tian Mark thought to himself.

Or, in other words, all the people in the antique coffee shop are ghouls.


Suddenly, a multi-parasite rushed over!

His head and hands turned into sharp machetes, dancing wildly, tearing the air, exuding a bloodthirsty breath!

Three hybrids!

Three parasitic beasts parasitized this human!

Yes, parasitic beasts can parasitize the same host at the same time, greatly enhancing their combat effectiveness!

Facing the attacking multi-hybrids, Ye Chen looked calm and did not move.

Because the store manager took action......

As usual, here's a beautiful picture, hehe

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