Fangcun Gongshan's eyes, which had been narrowed, quietly opened, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes.

Blood began to emanate from his body, and a purple-red armor stretched out from behind his shoulder blades, like a sharp spear!

"The act of taking life is a sin"

"We have been robbing other things since we were born."

"Life is a constant stream of sins"

"Life is sin itself"

"I know it, I am sin."

"And you too."

As soon as the words fell, Fangcun Gongshan's eyes burst out with murderous intent, and blood rushed to the sky!

This huge breath was shocking and turbulent, roaring violently like a flood and a beast, like a monster walking out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, which was frightening!

Tian Mark on the side was stunned,"This kind of tyrannical breath, is it what species on earth should have?......"

Even some of the alien villains don't have such a strong momentum as Yoshimura Kousen.

Tian Mark's face was solemn. He believed that if he wanted to eliminate a ghoul of the store manager's level, he would need to use at least level 5 alien weapons.

The omnitrix is a level 20 technology.

Of course, every level difference is a world of difference.

Yoshimura Kousen faced the triple parasite that was approaching him, and slapped it with his palm, instantly blasting the opponent away.


The triple hybrid's split head spat out a large mouthful of blood mixed with a lot of minced meat and internal organs, and fell to the ground, dying.

The parasites on its hands immediately struggled frantically. They felt the threat to their lives and wanted to escape from the dying host.

Generally speaking, multiple parasites are dominated by a parasite that controls the actions of other parasites.

But if the host is seriously injured or poisoned, and other fatal injuries, it will cause other parasites to"defect" because they don't want to sit and wait to die.

In this case, the"dominant parasite" cannot perfectly control other parasites as usual.

Just like a flock of birds encountering thunder, each flies away when disaster strikes.

At this moment, the triple parasite is the best example.

""Don't be afraid, be quiet!"

The leader of the triple parasite began to speak, but his hands were still wriggling violently, and he didn't obey at all.

Seeing that he was about to lose control, the leader of the parasite decided to fight to the death, kicked his legs hard, and rushed towards the store manager!

His head and hands were full of flying sickles, tearing through the air, and fiercely grabbed Fangcun Gongshan's head!

""Be careful!" Tian Xiaowen exclaimed.

Fangcun Gongshan smiled faintly, and lightly swept the purple-red spear on his shoulder blade.


A cold light flashed!

The sickles on the triple parasite were all broken into pieces, and blood splattered!


The parasitic beast let out a terrifying roar.

He staggered to the ground like a machine that had lost its power, barely breathing.

"He's dead?"Tian Xiaowen's eyes widened.

She didn't expect that such a scary monster could be solved by the store manager in just two or three moves.

"No, it won't die at this level."The store manager shook his head slightly.

The vitality of the multi-parasitic beast is very strong. Although it is seriously injured, its body is still slowly recovering.

I believe it will recover soon, but it will be weaker.

As long as the parasitic beast eats people and replenishes energy, it can quickly get rid of the weak state.

"Don't kill him, keep him for the New Year?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Fangcun Gongshan smiled bitterly and shook his head,"I don't want to commit murder again."

——When I was young, I committed enough murders.

The demon ape understood what the store manager meant and smiled knowingly:"Then let me be the bad guy."

A blood-red tail drilled into the parasitic beast and crushed its body.

The triple hybrid was completely dead.

"You are indeed the Owl who never kills."Ye Chen couldn't help but take a second look at the store manager.

This old man over fifty years old no longer wanted to deprive anyone of life.

When he was young, Yoshimura Kousen killed too many people and ghouls, but as a member of the V organization and a"cleaner", he had to do so.

Anyone who opposed the V organization was Yoshimura Kousen's assassination target.

Later, he got tired of it and quit the V organization.

After so many years, the store manager hasn't eaten a living person for a long time. He only ate the corpses of those who committed suicide.

This also caused his body to gradually weaken and his strength was no longer at its peak.

Otherwise, the slap just now would have directly smashed the triple parasite to pieces.

Soon, the demon apes killed all the parasitic beasts present.

Not a single one was left alive.

"Well, anyway, these dirty guys started it first, I was just defending myself."The demon ape spread his hands.

"I agree." Ru Jianxuan nodded.

It was rare for the two to reach a consensus.

"But what about those guys?"

Kirishima Touka frowned as she looked at the lightning flying all over the sky.

"There are so many monsters, let's run away." Ru Jianxuan suggested

"Ye Chen, you are a monster agent, is there any way to take them away?" the store manager asked


This is the truth. With the aliens he has unlocked so far, he cannot capture so many small light monsters.

"Hey, then ask for help."

Tian Xiaoban quietly slipped into the house, pressed the power watch, and an orange fluorescent ring popped up.

There were many alien portraits engraved on it, which could be switched left and right.

Diamond Overlord, Hurricane Ghost, Micro Soldier, Atomic Reactor, Alien Monster......

Four-handed Overlord!

"It's you!"

Tian Xiaoban looked delighted and snapped his hands!

Boom - a yellowish light burst out.

Tian Xiaoban turned into a......A short groundhog?

It has a short, fat, round body, short limbs, two big eyes, three yellow spikes on its head, and a silly face.

The whole person looks like a piece of dead meat, unmoved by thunder.

"Mr. Oops?"

"Oh, I am so tired!"

Mr. Bad looked at his short claws with a sad face.

As a Yazhuo, Mr. Bad has super strong���Defense.

It can withstand a huge amount of physical attacks, is invulnerable to weapons, and can also effectively resist energy attacks.

However, although it is very resistant to attacks, Mr. Bad will still feel pain.

Mr. Bad has no offensive means and can be said to be a"mobile sandbag"."

"Then let me see what you are capable of."

Mr. Bad spread his chubby paws and ran out quickly, looking very funny.

""Heroes are coming!"

A yellow groundhog jumped out of the house next to it and suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Except for Ye Chen, everyone else was stunned.

"What kind of monster is this?"Tian Xiaowen couldn't help asking

"Yechen, is he a monster under your control?" Dong Xiang looked puzzled.

"I guess so." Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

This kid must have clapped his hands hard again, which caused him to become the wrong alien hero.

Otherwise, with his personality, he would never become such a weak alien hero.

"Hey, Xiao Guang Hai, come and learn how powerful this hero is!!"

Mr. Bad said angrily, with his hands on his hips.

The sixteen lights were immediately attracted by the voice and gathered above the crowd.


They laughed so hard that their mouths could not close, and they looked down on Mr. Terrible, emitting strong electric light.......

Power Watch - Mr. Oops

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