SSS-level ghoul - Yoshimura Kousen, codename: The Unkillable Owl......


Sixteen golden lightning bolts all bombarded Mr. Bad.

Mr. Bad twitched and felt slightly numb, but not much pain.

"I am so resistant to attacks, it's so cool!" Mr. Bad looked happy.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because he found that he couldn't hit that light!

"Oh, I am so upset, am I just going to get beaten?"

Mr. Bad was so angry that he stamped his feet on the spot and wanted to jump up and beat that light up, but he couldn't do it.

Instead, he was charred all over by that light, looking very embarrassed.

"The hero was beaten like this in his first show. Oh~ This is not cool at all. It's too lame."Mr. Bad is in tears.

"Hey, your monster is too weak, hurry up and call Big Bucktooth over." Kirishima Dongxiang looked at Ye Chen

"Come over when you call me? Then I won't lose face."Ye Chen said


Kirishima Touka clenched her fists, wanting to hit someone but unable to do anything

"It's too dangerous here. Let's evacuate the Fantasy Light Paradise first, and then make a long-term plan."Tian Mark suggested that he wanted to go back to the car to get weapons.

The laser pistol on his body alone could not deal with the Dowat people.

"Yes, that's exactly what I meant."Yoshimura Gongshan nodded.

Then, Tian Mark led everyone to run towards the exit of the Fantasy Light Paradise.

The light noticed the people running away below and immediately let out a shrill scream!

It hasn't had enough fun yet!

These people can't leave!


Six of the lights continued to attack Mr. Bad.

The remaining ten went after Tian Mark and the others.

The ten lights formed a circle in the sky, trapping them inside.

"Oops, it's not going to let us go!" Tian Mark's face changed.

The Dowatt people moved very fast, and they could never outrun them.

Tian Mark looked at Ye Chen, but the other party shook his head.

Now is not the time to transform.

He wants to see the reaction of these ghouls.

If the store manager and others abandon them in order to survive, then there is no need to be friends in the future.

Ye Chen also saw that his grandfather and the store manager could chat and appreciate each other, otherwise he would have driven them away long ago.

Ye Chen understands that others have the right to live, but he also has the right to choose friends.

"Manager, what should we do?" Dong Xiang asked.

Fangcun Gongshan closed his eyes and his face was very gloomy.


The others looked panicked, and those little lights were about to attack.

After a moment's silence, Fangcun Gongshan finally opened his eyes, and they were all bloodshot.

"We stayed and fought it."

""Got it!"

All the ghouls lined up and released their kagune, ready to fight the light!

Among them, the weakest Kaneki Ken also took a fighting stance. He couldn't control his kagune yet, but for everyone, he was willing to fight to the last moment.

"Watch out!"

Kirishima Touka released a blood-red feather from her left shoulder, which burst out with a large number of spikes, shooting many of the light into sieves!

The light laughed evilly, and the holes on its body healed in an instant.

"What?"Touka was stunned.

Xiaoguang raised his hand and shot dozens of electric lights, instantly injuring Touka and others.

Moyuan and Rujianxuan were also overwhelmed. Their attacks were ineffective against the light, and their bodies twitched instead.

Kaneki Ken was even worse. He was directly knocked to the ground by the electric shock, like a fish that had fainted, lying on the ground motionless.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yoshimura Kousen released all the kagune on his body and wrapped himself!

As an SSS ghoul, Yoshimura Kousen was different from ordinary ghouls. He only had one or two kagune bags on his body, but six!

This was caused by a lot of"co-gourmet" when he was young!

Co-gourmet means cannibalism.

Ghouls eat ghouls and absorb a lot of kagune. A large amount of RC cells, and then become more powerful!

But it may also lose its mind.

In an instant, Yoshimura Kousen turned into a huge monster.

About three meters tall, wearing a mask made of kagune on his head, pale face, revealing a single scarlet eye.

The broad back grows plump feathers, like a blooming carnivorous plant, and on both sides of the shoulders are two purple-red armor kagune, like two sharp and thick spears!

Kagune transformation!

Kagune transformation is a unique skill of powerful ghouls, which is to wrap the whole body with kagune, greatly improving the combat effectiveness!

At this moment, Yoshimura Kousen has completely turned into a monster-the unkillable owl

"I haven't used this power for many years......."

The Unkillable Owl's one eye suddenly lit up, and its wings spread out, shooting out countless thick arrow feathers!

The few lights were caught off guard and torn apart by the terrifying force, turning into flying lightning before gathering together again.

"Physical attacks can't kill it." Tian Mark said worriedly.

"I know." The tall and unkillable owl said in a low and hoarse voice,"So, I'll hold them back, and you guys go quickly."

"No, we can't leave you alone!" Tian Mark immediately refused

"Hahaha, I am evil in the first place, there is no need for you to feel pity for me." The Unkillable Owl laughed wildly.

He raised his head and looked up at the furious Little Light Monsters above him,"Come on, kill me."

The ten Little Light Monsters condensed into one, shining brightly, and burst out a beam of light as thick as a bucket, instantly submerging the Unkillable Owl!


The Unkillable Owl felt a stinging pain all over his body, as if he was washed by flames, comparable to the pain of being tortured by slow slicing!

These alien powers are not something that ghouls can resist.

Moreover, the Dowat people are also ranked among the best creatures in the universe, with strong combat power.


Tian Xiaowen screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks.

She had never expected that this old man, whom she had just met, would risk his own life for them.

"Let's go!"

Tian Mark knew that staying would only hinder them, so he pulled up the sad Xiaowen and ran away.

He wanted to get weapons from the old broken car and come back to help Fangcun Gongshan.

However, the light would not let them escape easily.

One of the lights separated and caught up with Tian Mark and Tian Xiaowen.


It raised its hand and created a lightning cage, which slammed into the two people, trapping them inside.

"Hey you, why don't you call your monsters to help!!"

Dong Xiang turned around suddenly and looked at Ye Chen's position.

The latter was nowhere to be found, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

""Where are the people?"

At the same time, behind a warehouse,

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix and turned into a blue hippopotamus.

"Density Hippo!"......

Abandoned Hero: Density Hippo

PS: Please give this book a five-star rating. The rating is rising. I hope this book can also reach 9 points! Let more people read this book!

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