Hearing this name, Ye Chen was slightly stunned.

""Psychic celestial being?" Ye Chen's eyes gradually brightened, and he was ecstatic.

This was simply a timely help!

The psychic celestial being could just restrain that light!


Hundreds of small light monsters no longer had the patience to wait for the electric light cage to gather, they wanted to kill everyone present first!

They raised their hands, concentrated their strength, and condensed a super-giant electric light bomb in the sky, like a golden sun, emitting a terrifying temperature!

"It's over. I'm going to die......."

Lying on the ground, Fangcun Aite smiled, with a kind of sad beauty.

Fangcun Gong used his remaining strength to stand in front of his daughter and said,"Aite, I will not escape this time."

""Stop it, get out of here." Fangcun Aite raised her eyebrows and said,"Don't hinder me from enjoying the scenery."

Fangcun Gongshan smiled bitterly, said nothing, and stood there resolutely, as firm and unwavering as the towering Mount Tai.

"Good boy, the story of the demon ape is coming to an end."

Gu Jianyuan looked disappointed, looking at the lightning bomb in the sky, his heart was dead.

"Perhaps, this is our fate."Rujianxuan said calmly, her eyes calm.

She had already prepared to die in battle at any time.

Kirishima Dongxiang was covered in wounds, lying on the sand, looking sideways at Ye Chen who was in a daze not far away.

"Hey, you guy, are you scared silly? Why don't you leave quickly? Are you just waiting to die?"

Ye Chen came back to his senses, looked at Dong Xiang who was lying on the ground, and said with a smile:"Who said I was going to die?"

Kirishima Dong Xiang was stunned and at a loss.

What does this mean?

At this moment, Ye Chen was full of confidence, and his eyes were full of high fighting spirit.

He pressed the omnitrix and switched heroes.

Laughing Mushroom, Evil Explosion Frog, Alien King, Gliding Kong, Flash Star......

Psychic celestial being!

An illustration shaped like a jellyfish appeared on the green list.

Ye Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly and pressed it directly.

Boom - a faint green light flashed, and Ye Chen instantly turned into a psychic celestial being.

He has blue and white skin, shaped like a large jellyfish, and has six soft tentacles.

Two tentacles are located under the body, standing like humans, and the other four are on both sides of the body, like four arms.

The eyes are faint green, and the body is covered with white lightning stripes. The omnitrix is located in front of the chest.

The psychic celestial being is a DNA sample taken from the Amperetian from the star Thesros in Andromeda.

Abilities: electrical ability, electrical energy absorption, mind reading, flight, and intangibility.

The psychic celestial being is a ghost-like creature, with ghostly whereabouts and is good at lurking.

It is worth mentioning that the psychic celestial being cannot release electric current under water, otherwise it is easy to accidentally hurt himself.

"What kind of alien is this?"

Tian Xiaowen was a little surprised. She didn't expect Ye Chen to unlock a new alien hero.

The psychic celestial being was illusory and floated into the sky.

Several small light monsters immediately shot out lightning, trying to stop the psychic celestial being from approaching.


The fierce lightning passed through the psychic celestial being's figure directly, and could not cause any damage.


The psychic celestial being is somewhat similar to the ice ghost and the ghost shadow. They can all enter the phantom and avoid most attacks.

However, the ghost shadow can be invisible.

The psychic celestial being and the ice ghost do not have the ability to be invisible.

But the psychic celestial being can turn into an electric current, hiding in cables, or lurking in other people's bodies.

And The ability of the Ice Ghost to become virtual is relatively complex and involves some spatial concepts. Unless you have the ability to break through space, it is difficult to hurt the Ice Ghost.

It can only be said that the three have their own strengths.

The only constant is that they all have strong combat power!

Immune to electric light, the psychic celestial being turned into a blue electric current and rushed straight to the huge electric light bomb!

Many small light monsters panicked and desperately launched attacks to stop the psychic celestial being.

However, their attacks not only did not hurt the psychic celestial being.

Instead, they were all absorbed by the psychic celestial being and strengthened with nutrients!

This made the power of the psychic celestial being even stronger!

"This alien is so strong!"Tian Mark was also very surprised.

There are very few aliens who are not afraid of electricity. Even the strong ones like Tukusda are afraid of high voltage electricity.

Who is this alien in front of him? He is not afraid of electricity and can even absorb electricity!

Could he be a conductive alien?

"It doesn't look like it."Tian Mark held his chin and thought hard.

It seems that there are many alien species in this universe that he has not seen.

Soon, the psychic celestial being drilled into the electric light bomb, stretched out six tentacles, and madly absorbed the violent electrical energy!


Endless power poured into the body like a turbulent tsunami, reaching all the limbs and bones.

The psychic celestial being groaned, and felt that his body was extremely comfortable. These electric lights were like the source of life for him.

Sensing the loss of energy, the small light monsters were horrified and wanted to stop releasing energy.

But they were horrified to find that they couldn't stop at all!

It seemed that in the electric light bomb, there was a monster with a huge mouth of the abyss, which was madly absorbing their energy!

At this moment, the electric light bomb in the sky was decreasing sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's spectacular......"

Fangcun Aite, with green hair and green eyes, looked at the"sun" that was gradually getting smaller, and her red lips slightly raised.

She closed her eyes, and the life energy in her body quickly disappeared.

She was dying.

After experiencing the bombardment of hundreds of small light monsters, Fangcun Aite was able to hold on until now, which was already very strong.

In this situation, ordinary aliens would be killed instantly.

It can be seen that the vitality of the one-eyed owl is very strong.


Fangcun Gongshan's old eyes were red with tears and he could no longer speak.

He knew very well that even the best doctors in the world could not save Fangcun Aite from such a serious injury.......

In the blue sky, the blazing electric bomb had disappeared. It was all sucked into the body of the psychic celestial being!

"Very strong���......"

The psychic celestial being was flashing with electricity, and his aura was extremely strong.

Compared with before, it was like the difference between a tiger and a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

His fighting power reached its peak!

Hundreds of small light horrors looked at the psychic celestial being in the middle, trembling with fear and baring their teeth. The psychic celestial being snorted coldly, released a blue electric current, and lifted a huge glass bottle from the ground.

"Do you want to go in by yourselves, or do you want me to send you on your way?"

Many small light monsters were furious. They didn't want to be imprisoned and just wanted to cause trouble everywhere!

They urged their remaining energy, roared wildly, concentrated their strength, and released an electric light python as thick as a bucket!

The psychic celestial being looked indifferent and slowly raised his hand.

Boom - a fierce blue lightning dragon instantly bit the golden light python to pieces, and it exploded into flying electric light.

A large number of small light monsters saw the blue lightning dragon, and their eyes suddenly lit up, like a group of hungry tigers wanting to pounce on it and absorb the energy of the blue dragon.

But before they got close, they were controlled by the electric current of the psychic celestial being and absorbed energy frantically.

After a while, the energy of all the small light monsters was absorbed by the psychic celestial being and fell into a deep sleep.

After losing power, the Dowatt people will enter a short sleep and will not wake up until the power is restored.

The psychic celestial being gritted his teeth and felt that his body was about to burst.

There was too much electricity accumulated in his body, and he couldn't split and copy it

"Got it!"

The psychic suddenly noticed the black cable below.

Since he couldn't digest it completely, he would return the electricity.......

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