As soon as he said it, the psychic stretched out six tentacles, attached them to the cables, and released the surging electricity in his body.

The power of the entire Huanguang Paradise was slowly recovering.

"It's amazing." Dong Xiang muttered to herself as she watched this scene.

"This guy is awesome......."

When she thought about it, she wanted to humiliate Yechen, the coward, because she thought he had deserted.

Unexpectedly, Yechen was the monster itself. He did not escape at all, but transformed.

Not only that, he also rescued everyone in the Antique Cafe.

Kirishima Touka felt ashamed. Fortunately, she did not ask Yechen for advice. Otherwise

, she would be embarrassed.

Soon, the psychic sent most of the electricity back to restore the power supply of the Fantasy Light Paradise.

And the hundreds of small light monsters were all collected by him in the glass bottle.

It turned into a giant light bulb!

"Cool, now the director's business is even better." Mr. Bad scratched his head and said cutely.

A breeze blew by, and the psychic celestial being slowly landed.


At this time, the surrounding electric light cage was approaching in front of him, less than five meters long, wide and high.

The psychic celestial being waved his hand and instantly disintegrated the electric light cage, turning it into countless energy particles, flying all over the sky.

"Great, this is a really cool move!"Mr. Oops laughed.

"By the way, Brother Ye, what is the name of this alien hero of yours?"


"This is a good name, and it's pretty much what I thought. Mr. Bad nodded.

"Phew, the crisis is finally resolved. Tian Mark couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Fangcun Gongshan held his daughter in his arms and screamed loudly, his expression full of sadness.

Everyone then noticed that Fangcun Aite was already dying.

It seemed that he was about to die.......

"Sadly, this elder sister just helped us block the little light, it would be a pity if she died......."Mr. Bad said distressedly

"Yes, is there any way to save her?"Tian Xiaowen looked worried.

The psychic shook his head. He didn't have any alien heroes who could heal life forms.

Fangcun Aite's breathing became weaker and weaker.

That petite body seemed to have lost all its strength.

【Ding~ Fangcun Aite detected that life is rapidly passing away】

【Please enter the system mall to redeem the special medicine for treating electric injuries and save Fangcun Aite】

【After successful completion, you will receive 600 points. 】

A cold reminder sounded in Ye Chen's mind.

"This works?"

Ye Chen was a little surprised.

However, he quickly entered the system mall and found the potion for treating electric injuries.

【Dianyuling: No matter how serious the electrical injury or burn is, it can be cured quickly, 100% cured, and will not leave sequelae】

【Exchange points: 100. 】

It's so cheap, this system mall is quite conscientious.

After completion, you can get 600 points, and the exchange only needs 100.

In other words, he also earned 500 points?

This deal is not a loss no matter how you look at it.

"System, isn't this too simple?"Ye Chen muttered in his heart

The system said calmly.

Ye Chen's mouth twitched. That's all right.

But if you think about it carefully, you need to pay a fee to withdraw your own money from the bank.

It's not surprising.

Soon, Ye Chen exchanged for the Electric Healing Spirit. A bottle of purple potion suddenly appeared in his hand.

Ye Chen put his hands behind his back and slowly walked to the weak Fangcun At

"I have a way to save her." Ye Chen's eyes were calm.

Fangcun Gongshan's body shook, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, and hurriedly grabbed Ye Chen's shoulders.

He looked excited:"Then please save her quickly, please, as long as you can save her, no matter what you want me to do in the future, I will do it!"

Decades ago, the cleaner who was feared by the whole ghoul world would also have a day to ask for help like this.

Just for his daughter

"I will save her, you go aside first."Ye Chen said slowly

"Good!" Fangcun Gongshan quickly stepped back.

Just like that, everyone gathered around, leaving only Yechen and Aite in the middle.

"How can I recover from this kind of injury?......"Dong Xiang couldn't believe it.

Fangcun Aite's whole body was almost burnt to charcoal, and his internal organs basically lost their functions.

In the eyes of others, even the Great God couldn't save him.

At this moment, Fangcun Aite's pretty face was stained with a lot of black, and he fell into a deep coma.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand, pried open Fangcun Aite's mouth, and slowly poured the purple potion into it.

The purple potion seemed to have life, and it automatically entered Fangcun Aite's body without swallowing.

A faint purple light emerged from Fangcun Aite's petite body.

"Wow, this is amazing!"Tian Xiaoban widened his eyes in surprise.

"Yes, but where did this potion come from?......"Tian Mark was confused again.

He always felt that Ye Chen had many secrets.

Tian Mark would not ask too many questions because he knew that everyone had their own little secrets.

When the store manager saw this scene, his eyes were filled with joy and he was as happy as a child:"Haha, it works! Aite is saved!"

Kirishima Touka was dumbfounded and stared at the glowing little girl.

"Is this guy really human?......Why are there so many strange things?"

In the gorgeous purple light, the charcoal on Fangcun Eite's body slowly faded away, and fresh tender flesh grew.

Living dead, flesh and bones.

The internal organs in the body quickly recovered under the infiltration of the purple potion.

The heart beat strongly and the breathing returned to normal.

In just a few minutes, Fangcun Eite's injuries were all healed.

Her skin was white, her body was soft and beautiful.

If it weren't for the tattered JK uniform, everyone would even think she had never been injured.

Fangcun Eite's eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes.

In the green pupils, a handsome face first emerged

"It's you......"Fangcun Eite looked confused and sat up slowly,"Why did I faint just now?"

She touched her body, looked at Ye Chen who looked calm, and asked tentatively:"Did you save me?"

"What else can we do?"Ye Chen said calmly.

"Thank you. Fangcun Aite was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he could still be alive.

""Aite, I'm so glad you're okay." Fangcun Gongshan hurried forward to check on Aite's condition.

Fangcun Aite looked unnatural:"Get out of the way, old man!""

"It was Ye Chen who saved me, not you, so stop pretending."

Ye Chen complained in his heart, this Et is still very stubborn.

Just now, in order to save the store manager, he risked his life to block in front of the store manager and absorbed the attack of the light.

Now, he has turned back to his cold appearance.

Hearing his daughter's harsh words, Fangcun Gongshan was not angry, but very happy.

He knew his daughter's temper, and as long as Et could survive, nothing else mattered.

"At, don't go back to the Qingtong tree, come back to the antique with me"

"You are needed there."

A kind smile appeared on Fangcun Gongshan’s face.

"Get out of here, old man. I won't go to any antique coffee shop."

Fangcun Et pushed the store manager's hand away and said,"I have my own goals. I can't live a life of mediocrity like you."

Fangcun Gongshan smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

"Hey kid, are you interested in joining Qingtong Tree?

Fangcun At suddenly turned his attention to Yechen, his eyes shining.......

That light, race: Dowat people

PS: At present, it seems that Xiaowen will be accepted, but there will be some trade-offs, and age is a big problem.

So, can you readers guess what it is?

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