Two days later.

CCG branch in the United States.

In the dark conference room, a large screen was playing.

On it was the surveillance footage of the Fantasy Light Paradise.

But only a small part.

It seemed to have been deleted by some force. The top hackers of CCG spent two days and two nights to restore only such a small part.

It was the footage of the Unkillable Owl and the One-Eyed Owl fighting against the light.

And some scattered footage of the Density Hippopotamus and the Frozen Lizard.

Then, the screen fell into darkness.

The playback ended.

At the conference table, there were three special investigators.

A middle-aged man in a black suit and a middle-parted hair sat in the main seat.

Marute Sai, one of the seven special investigators of CCG.

He was harsh in words, but he had a good heart. He originally worked at the CCG headquarters in Sakura Country.

In order to hunt down antiques and Aogiri Tree, as well as the ghouls who fled to the United States, the CCG headquarters decided to transfer Marute Sai here.

Opposite Marute Sai, there were two other special investigators.

Yukinori Shinohara and Iwa Kuroiwa.

Both of them are big men with burly builds. Although they are middle-aged, they are still strong.

CCG's investigators are divided into the following levels from high to low.

Special investigator, quasi-special investigator, senior investigator, first-class investigator, second-class investigator, and third-class investigator.

The first three are high-level investigators, and the last three are low-level investigators.

The rank of an investigator is mostly determined by merit and honor, and is basically linked to strength.

After all, the stronger the strength, the greater the merits that can be achieved, such as killing ghouls above S-level.

Marutesai looked very unhappy and said nothing.

"Unexpectedly, there are two one-eyed owls......."

Shinohara Yukinori spoke, breaking the strange silence.

Hei Panyan frowned and said,"Well, we have already reported to the higher-ups. I wonder what the news is like over there."

"We can't deal with the two one-eyed owls right now. We have to wait for support." Marutesai rested his chin with both hands and rested his elbows on the table.

Then he switched the screen.

It was a tall, dilapidated old RV, driving near the Fantasy Light Paradise.

"According to the intelligence department, this RV has been appearing near the monsters, and it is suspected that the One-Eyed Owl had a close contact with it......."

Marutesai's mouth curled up into a meaningful smile

"How did those monsters come from?"Shinohara Yukinori was a little confused.

CCG also noticed the monsters in the news.

Four-armed Overlord, Flame Man, Diamond God of War, Frozen Lizard, etc.

CCG didn't want to deal with them at first, their mission was to eliminate ghouls.

But now, those monsters have been linked to ghouls, maybe there is something fishy going on.

"So, you suspect this old RV is related to those monsters and ghouls?" Hei Panyan asked.

"Well, I have reported to the headquarters some time ago."

"What is the attitude of headquarters?"

"They said they have applied to the US authorities for transnational law enforcement authority to investigate this old RV."Marutesai replied.

"Now we are waiting for the news from the United States. As soon as it is approved, we will immediately start the investigation."Marutesai grinned.


At this time, there was a hurried knock on the door.

"Come in." Marute Sai said calmly.

A young intelligence officer ran in from outside the door.

"Special agents, there's news from headquarters!" The intelligence officer panted, out of breath.

"Take your time, why are you in such a hurry? Marutesai frowned.

"Has the United States agreed to our transnational law enforcement?" Yukinori Shinohara stood up and looked at Hei Panyan:"Old man, it's time for us to go out."

"Be careful and don't die."Marutesai said with a smile

"No......No!" The intelligence officer's face flushed, and he said hurriedly:"Headquarters told us not to investigate this old RV!"


The three special investigators said in unison, staring at the intelligence officer in amazement.

"What happened?" Marutesai grabbed the intelligence officer by the collar.

The intelligence officer turned pale with fear, took a deep breath, and told the story.

It turned out that when the US officials heard that CCG was going to investigate Laopoche, they reacted greatly and cursed at the CCG contact.

It even alarmed the US top brass!

"They said that if anyone dared to attack the old RV, all CCG members would be kicked out.....Go back to Sakura Country, don't blame them for being ruthless."The intelligence officer said stiffly.

"Baka, what the hell is going on!"Marutesai slammed the table hard.

Shinohara Yukinori and Kuroiwa looked at each other, somewhat at a loss.

"Could it be that there is some important person hiding in this RV that even the US government attaches so much importance to it?"Xinyuan Yukinori couldn't help but say

"The United States disagrees, so we have no choice but to cancel this plan."Hei Panyan sighed.

"I don't think so."

At this time, a hunchbacked old man walked in.

He was wearing a gray coat, with big and small eyes and a smug smile on his face.

It seemed that he was mentally ill.

"Mado, you are eavesdropping outside again!" Marute Sai said unhappily.

"No, this is called strategic monitoring."Mado Wuxu smiled and said,"I heard everything just now."

"So, I plan to resign."


Everyone was stunned for a moment. What the hell is this guy doing?

"After I leave CCG, I will investigate the old RV."

"Whatever happened has nothing to do with CCG, it is my responsibility alone."

Mado Wuxu explained, while secretly clenching his fists.

He would not let go of any clues related to the One-Eyed Owl.

Because ten years ago, the One-Eyed Owl killed his wife!

This is also the reason why Mado Wuxu went crazy. Since his wife's death, his mental state has not been normal.

"What a lunatic." Marutesai gritted his teeth.

"Mado, I still admire you."Shinohara Yukinori said seriously

"Me too." Black Rock echoed

"There is another person, I will resign on his behalf."Mado Wuxu suddenly said


"First-class investigator, Kotaro Amon"......

At night, the stars are twinkling.

The old car is parked beside the clear river.

People are bringing tools and food, planning to have a picnic.

A few people are sitting around the campfire.

They are eating the skewers in their hands and chatting about random things.

At this time, Tian Xiaoban asked a strange question:

"Oh, by the way, Grandpa, since you belong to the Tiangong Society, do they know about the existence of ghouls?"

Tian Xiaowen nodded and looked at her grandfather beside her:"Yes, if the Tiangong Society knew about ghouls, they would not allow them to exist, right?""

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

Ye Chen had also thought about this question. He looked at his grandfather with a puzzled look.

Tian Mark smiled kindly and said,"I asked this some time ago."

"It turns out that they already knew about the existence of ghouls."

Ye Chen's eyes turned slightly:"Then why don't they adopt the plan to eliminate ghouls all over the world?"

"No, things are not as simple as you think."

Tamako paused and explained the reason.

The Tiangong Association knew that there were ghouls on Earth, but the top leaders had different opinions on this.

Some said that all ghouls should be eradicated to restore peace to mankind.

Others said that ghouls are native inhabitants of the Earth and should have equal status with humans. They should not be killed or plundered, and ghouls also have the right to survive.

Most of the top leaders supported the second view.

Because most members of the Tiangong Association are aliens, they regard the Earth as a whole, not just belonging to humans.

As long as there is no invasion by alien species and harm to humans on Earth, they will not interfere.

Only a few high-ranking earthlings of the Tiangong Association tried their best to demand the eradication of all ghouls.

Because that is their homeland, foreign invasion is not allowed.

The commander of the Tiangong Association was very troubled by this.

He led the entire Tiangong Association organization, and faced with such a situation, it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

It is worth mentioning that the commander of the Tiangong Association is also an alien.

""I see." Ye Chen thought.

No wonder the ghouls can survive until now. It turns out that the Tiangong Society doesn't care much about them.

Otherwise, with the high-tech weapons of the Tiangong Society, they would be able to kill all the ghouls in a few rounds.

"Grandpa, where are we going to play next?" Tian Xiaowen asked with a smile, taking a bite of the chicken leg.

"Hey, New York City, of course......."

Adult Xiaowen

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