New York City.

The dense steel jungle, with towering iron trees, is full of the atmosphere of science and culture.

The busy streets are crowded with cars and pedestrians. In the distance, the Statue of Liberty stands in the harbor, holding the torch in her hand, symbolizing freedom and hope.

Her existence seems to inject youthful vitality into the city, making people full of longing for the future.

This city attracts tourists from all over the world in a unique way.

An old and broken car crossed the street and slowly drove to the Wolma Shopping Mall.

""Children, our food is running out, we need to restock!"

Tian Mark smiled and led everyone out of the car.

Ye Chen looked around and found that this place was indeed very prosperous.

Various high-rise buildings blocked the sky and stood around like a group of giants, overlooking the tiny humans.

On the street, all kinds of cool luxury sports cars appeared one after another.

La Si Lai Si, Fala Li, Bao Shi Jie, Maybach, Lamborghini......

Many beautiful blondes are walking on the street. They are tall and have delicate faces, like porcelain dolls. Their every frown and smile makes people fascinated.

"Wow, this place is amazing!"Tian Xiaoban couldn't help but cheer

"This is heaven on earth. If I could live here, I would be so happy. Tian Xiaowen closed her eyes and yearned for it.

"Ah? It's not difficult to live here."Tian Mark scratched his head.

He just didn't want to live here. He preferred the quiet environment in the countryside.

Ye Chen smiled. It was not difficult for Grandpa.

He was the best legendary plumber in the universe.

Living in the small New York City was just a matter of words.

But for others, it was not necessarily the case.

The housing prices and commodity prices here were frighteningly expensive. Without a certain amount of capital, it was really impossible to gain a foothold.

Soon, everyone entered the Snailma Shopping Mall.

"As usual, I'll go buy food, and you guys go buy what you want." Tian Mark paused, and continued,"Remember not to spend money recklessly, Xiaoban Xiaowen"

"Got it."

The two of them were frowning.

Ye Chen had no restrictions, because Tian Mark knew that he would not spend money recklessly.

In fact, Ye Chen himself had some savings over the years.

After all, his cheap father was a plumber before, and he died in the line of duty.

For this reason, Tian Gong will give Ye Chen a large family pension.

Five million US dollars!

As long as Ye Chen does not squander it casually, this money can allow him to live a stable life.

At this time, Tian Mark went to the pet area to buy food.

Ye Chen went to the clothing area to pick out one or two new clothes.

He had worn this set of clothes for a long time, and it was a little white. It was time to change it.

Tian Xiaowen didn't know where he ran.

As for Tian Xiaoban, he had already run to the snack area, his face full of joy.

He looked at the violent sumo corn flakes on the shelf and smiled:"Hehe, I hope I can draw the violent sumo gold card today!"

These violent sumo corn flakes will be accompanied by some cards.

Most of them are ordinary cards, and the violent sumo gold card is extremely rare! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in a million!

"But I only have enough money to buy one bag......"

Tian Xiaoban looked embarrassed. If he picked the wrong one, he wouldn't get the gold card.

""Oh, I got it!"

Tian Xiaoban suddenly had an idea and a sly smile appeared on his lips.

Through this period of practice, he was basically familiar with the characteristics of the aliens in the Power Watch.

Just now, he thought of a good way to identify the violent sumo gold card!

Tian Xiaoban looked around and found that there was no one around.

"Hey, heroes are here!"

Tian Xiaoban pressed the power watch, and an orange holographic projection popped up.

Diamond Overlord, Barrier Ape, Gluttonous Frog, Micro Soldier, Atomic Reactor, Crazy Tiger......

Noise machine!

"Got it!"

Tian Xiaoban looked delighted and pressed the button suddenly.

With a thud, a yellow light flashed.

A white dwarf appeared here.

He was wearing a headset with two yellow spikes on it. The watch is located in front of the chest.

Noise Machine is the same race as Little Bobo.

As a Sonorosi, the main body of the Noise Machine is actually a group of"living sounds" wrapped in white silicon clothes.

Abilities: clones, sonic attacks, sonic barriers, echolocation.

Weaknesses: almost zero melee ability.

Unlike Dido, even if Little Bobo's clone dies, the main body will not suffer any damage or backlash.

Moreover, as long as one clone is alive, Little Bobo will not die completely and directly replace the main body.

In addition, in the state of Little Bobo's clone, turning back to human can still maintain the clone effect.

For example, Ye Chen turns into Little Bobo and splits into two clones.

Then turn the omnitrix and turn back to the original form at the same time.

At this time, three identical Ye Chens will appear!

They will have different personality traits and their strength will be dispersed.

Little Bobo's combat power is very strong and can defeat most aliens.

Tian Xiaoban, in his youth, once turned into the ultimate Little Bobo and easily defeated the ultimate Ten Unlike.

Little Bobo can restrain some aliens.

For example, Diamond War God, Super Beast, Howling Wolf......

""As long as we use echolocation, we can find the violent sumo gold card!"

Noise Machine said confidently.

The ultrasonic waves he emitted could bounce back after touching an object, just like a bat.

"The material of the card is different, and the frequency of the sound waves that bounce back is also different!"

"This way you can identify the Furious Sumo Gold Card!"

"Haha, I'm such a genius!"

Noise Machine put his hands on his hips and boasted about himself.

As soon as he said it, he opened his mouth and spurted out an invisible sound wave.

"Wow wow wow......"

Invisible sound waves swept across the entire shelf.

The noise machine can control the intensity of the sound waves and decide whether to use it for"attack" or"echolocation".

But Tian Xiaoqi still overestimated his control ability.

Or rather, these corn chips are too fragile.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bags of violent sumo corn chips exploded one after another, shooting out a large number of corn chips and cards.

The ground was a mess and a fragrant smell!

The noise machine scratched his head:"Oh, this is bad."

""Daitou, what are you doing!" Tian Xiaowen was stunned and stood on the other side of the shelf.

She had just finished shopping when she received a warning from her grandfather, saying that she should look after Xiaoban and not let him get into trouble.

As a result, as soon as she arrived here, she saw this infuriating scene.

This big idiot!

"Oh, okay, I'll explain."The voice machine lowered his eyes.

A moment later, Tian Mark and Ye Chen came here to find Xiaoban and the others.

As expected, Tian Xiaoban's behavior angered Tian Mark.

"Tian Xiaoban, do you know what you are doing?"

Tian Mark was very angry and felt that Xiaoban should not abuse the watch.

"I didn't know that would happen, the packaging of those chips was too fragile!" the noise machine said in defense.

"Transforming in a shopping mall, you will scare ordinary people by doing this!" Tian Mark shouted

"Besides, the power of the watch should not be abused, especially to satisfy one's vanity, which is even more unacceptable!"

The Noise Machine clenched his fists:"You don't understand the importance of the Furious Sumo Gold Card!"

"You still don't repent!" Tian Mark was so angry that he said,"I'm going to punish you by not allowing you to play games or watch TV for a month!"

Facing the quarrel between the two, Ye Chen was unmoved.

A child of this age group would not listen to the truth, not to mention that the violent sumo gold card was very important to him.

"You are not my father, leave me alone!"

The noise machine left angrily and disappeared from everyone's sight.......

Power Watch – Noise Machine

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