CCG Senior Investigator, Mado Wuxiong

In the afternoon, the weather was gloomy and the rain was hazy.

The whole New York City was covered with a layer of smog, and it was dead.

Many pedestrians trotted to hide in the mall, patted their wet clothes, and cursed in their mouths.

At this moment, in a dark alley, two tall figures, each holding a white box, stood in the hazy rain.

One of them had gray hair, uneven eyes, and wore a loose gray coat. He had a sick smile on his face and looked mentally ill.

Senior Investigator, Mado Wuxiong!

The other one was a young man with a strong blood.

He wore a cool black suit, had a burly figure, was about 1.9 meters tall, had a resolute face, and had short black hair, exuding a tough and masculine temperament.

First-class Investigator, Amon Kotaro!

The two have resigned from CCG.

The purpose of this trip is to investigate whether the old broken car is related to those monsters and ghouls.

Thinking of this, Amon Kotaro got angry.

Mado next to him ignored his personal wishes and directly applied for his resignation.

What's more infuriating is that Marutesai actually approved it!

Amon sighed, he wanted to call him a bastard.

But when he thought that this was for the sake of the people and sacrificing himself, he felt relieved.

As long as he could find clues about the One-Eyed Owl, what would his sacrifice be?

Mado Wuxu also understood Amon's character, so he took the initiative to apply for his resignation.

At this moment, in front of the two of them was an old broken car parked under the eaves.

Through the rain curtain, you can see that the lights in the car are on and people are moving.

"Senior, should we go over and ask directly?" Yamen looked at Zhenhu Wuxu.

"Of course, is there a better way?"

Mado Wuxu grinned.......

Meanwhile, in the old car, Ye Chen was sitting on the sofa, reading a fantasy novel.

"Trash novel, the author always writes nonsense, I have deleted it......"

Ye Chen turned off his phone and found that Xiaoban had not returned yet.

Several hours had passed since noon.

There was no sign of Tian Xiaoban.

Tian Mark sat aside and sighed:"This child is in his rebellious period."

Tian Xiaowen was a little worried:"Why don't I go find him? This idiot might be lost."

"No, wait a little longer."Tian Mark closed his eyes and tried not to think about him.

Dongdong-- at this moment, there was a light knocking sound on the car window.

Ye Chen glanced sideways and his pupils shrank slightly.

That was......Mado Kure!

And Amon Kotaro!

These two are CCG investigators, why are they here?

Did they know that they had contact with ghouls?

""Who is it?"

Tian Mark frowned and went to open the door with some doubt.


As soon as the door opened, the sound of raindrops came.

Zhenhu Wuxu was hunched over, and Yamen next to him held an umbrella for him.

"Hello, my name is Mado Wuxu"

"Would you like to chat?"

Zhenhu Wuxu smiled.

"It's not convenient." Tian Mark was about to close the door. He was in a bad mood.


Mado Wuxu put his hand against the door and said with a smile:"Recently, ghouls have frequently appeared in the United States, so you must pay attention to your safety."

Tian Mark's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that the other party was coming for this.

"Not interested."

Tian Mark didn't change his expression and closed the door directly with surprising force.

Even the senior investigator Zhenhu Wuxu was very surprised.

"Was that old man just now really an ordinary person?"

Zhen Hu Wuxu widened his eyes and looked at his hands in disbelief.

You know, as a senior investigator, his strength is not weak.

But the old man just now seemed to close the door easily! He almost pinched his palm!

If Zhen Hu hadn't loosened his hand quickly, he might have been pinched.

The two investigators left the old car and entered a coffee shop.

"Hello, here is your coffee. An Asian girl came over with two cups of coffee.

"Thank you."Amon Kotaro clasped his hands together.

"Interesting, interesting......"

Mado Wuxu held his chin, his uneven eyes revealing a playful look.

"Yamen, do you think an old man should have such great power?"

"I don't know." Yamen shook his head."But if I were that age, I probably wouldn't have that much strength."

"That's strange." Mado Wuxu smiled,"Is there a possibility that he is also a ghoul?"

"It is possible." Yamon looked serious and continued,"Ghouls have strong hiding abilities and are difficult to identify with the naked eye."

"But as far as the current situation is concerned, the other side seems to be very uncooperative. What should we do, senior?"

Zhenhu Wuxu raised his eyes slightly,"Well, we continue to stay nearby and monitor them."

"Sit back and wait?"

"No, it's more than that."Mado Wuxu shook his head:"I just noticed with my peripheral vision that in addition to the old man, there was also a young man and a young girl in the car."


"That young man doesn't look easy to fool, we can try to get something out of that little girl." Zhenhu Wuxu showed a sick smile

"This is not a good idea. Yamen hesitated.

"Don't worry, I'm just asking for information, I won't hurt her."Mado Wuxu knew Amon's virtue.

"Oh well......"......

It was four o'clock in the afternoon.

Tian Xiaoban still hadn't come back.

Ye Chen looked out the window, and with his sharp eyes, he noticed that someone was watching them nearby.

It was still the two investigators.

Ye Chen shook his head slightly, not wanting to pay attention.

There was no need.

Anyway, they had a clear conscience and had no conflicts of interest with the ghouls.

At this time, the anxious Tian Xiaowen finally couldn't help it.

"I'm going out to find Xiaoban!"

Tian Xiaowen opened the car door, held up a purple umbrella, and disappeared into the rain.

""Xiao Wen, be careful!" Tian Mark advised.

He also wanted to find Xiao Ban, but after thinking carefully, it was not appropriate.

Going to Xiao Ban now would only make Xiao Ban more aggressive and unrepentant.

When Xiao Wen ran out, Ye Chen's eyes flashed, and he noticed that the two investigators blocked Tian Xiao Wen's way!

Tian Mark didn't notice this scene because he was in the front of the car.

Ye Chen sat in the back and saw it clearly.

The two investigators stopped the weak and helpless Xiao Wen, and seemed to be asking something.

Tian Xiao Wen was still young, and was frightened pale by the two tall investigators..

Especially Zhenhu Wuxu, with his eyes wide open and a crazy smile on his face, Xiaowen trembled.

Yechen's eyes gradually became cold, and he took out a mask and a loose black robe from the closet.

I didn't want to care about it, but these two investigators didn't know what was good for them and attacked Xiaowen.

They must be taught a lesson!

Soon, Yechen went into the bathroom and changed into a loose black robe to cover his body.

Then, he put on the mask made by Bei - the faceless man!

While Tian Mark was stunned, Yechen opened the car window and flipped out, disappearing in the misty rain.......

First-class investigator, Kotaro Amon

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