Game Hall.

After leaving the Wolma Mall, Tian Xiaoban went straight to a nearby game hall.

"Grandpa is really not flexible at all"

"If the packaging wasn't so colorful, it wouldn't have exploded."

Tian Xiaoban pouted and kept chattering.

After buying the coins, Tian Xiaoban came to the game machine. He inserted the coins and the game started.

But before Tian Xiaoban moved, the game ended and the screen went black!

Tian Xiaoban shook the game machine anxiously:"Oh, you bastard! Don't swallow my coins!"

At this time, a spirited young man with green hair, holding two spirited young girls, came over with a smile.

"Boy, you deserve to be punished for coming to this shady shop."

After saying that, the spirited young man walked out the door and said to the two spirited young girls with a sly smile,"Hey, tonight I'm going to make you two little devils kneel down and beg for mercy......."

"I'm really convinced!"

Tian Xiaoban scratched his head anxiously.

"This store is really stupid!"

He wanted to smash the store!

But when he thought of his grandfather's anger, Tian Xiaoban thought it was better to forget it.

Just like that, Tian Xiaoban hunched over, looked dejected, and slowly walked out of the game hall

"Where should I go now?"

"No, I'm still angry with my grandfather, I'll go back tonight."

Tian Xiaoban looked around and found a brand new cultural park in front of him.

"Go sit there for a while!"

Tian Xiaoban's eyes lit up and he trotted over.

In the Cultural Park, by the pond, several spirited young men were beating a ragged black-haired boy crazily.

"Fuck you, you don’t even say hello when you see me?"

"Beat him up, beat him to death!"

"What if he was beaten to death?"

"This guy is a weirdo, he can't be killed! Beat him to death!"

The energetic guy in the lead, with green hair, was the one who had just mocked Tian Xiaoban in the game room.

As for the two energetic girls, they were already resting in the hotel, waiting for the night to fall.......

The black-haired boy gritted his teeth and tried to reach out and grab the electric pole next to him, but he was stopped!

"Freak, want to absorb electricity?"

"No way!"

The lively young man suddenly grabbed Kevin's palm and twisted it hard, and there was a sound of twisting joints!


Kevin screamed, his face pale.

He didn't provoke these people.

But these people saw that his family was poor and he was lonely, so they thought he was easy to bully.

This was not the first time that the mentally ill boy bullied Kevin.

This made Kevin's lack of love in his heart even more twisted and hateful.

Tian Xiaoban widened his eyes and noticed this scene.

"These people are so abominable, they actually use their numbers to bully the minority!"

"Also, I'll take care of that guy who just mocked me!"

Tian Xiaoban hid behind a big tree and pressed the power watch.


A yellowish-brown light flashed.

Tian Xiaoban turned into a tall and mighty four-handed overlord!

"Cool, that's what I want."

The Four-Handed Overlord grinned.


With a ricochet, it instantly landed near Kevin.

"Ah! There is a monster!"Kevin was the first to notice the four-handed tyrant behind him and shouted in panic.

Several spirited guys were still beating Kevin and ignored him.

"Hey, do you think I will believe your lies?"Someone said

"Hey, you guys, come at me if you dare!" the Four-Handed Overlord shouted

"What the hell?"

The young man turned his head and stared with his toad-like eyes!

"Shit, what kind of weirdo are you! ?"

"Call me the Four-Handed Overlord"

"If you know what's good for you, get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

The Four-Handed Overlord rubbed his fists, making crisp sound of joints.

"Oh, you think I'm scared?"

"It's just a fake suit!"

The young man in green took out an iron rod from somewhere, with a fierce look on his face, and ordered:"Brothers, beat up this suit man for me!"


Several spirited young men rushed towards the Four-Handed Overlord with fierce eyes and waving their fists.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three seconds later, all the spirited young men were knocked down, with bruises on their faces.

The flowery young man was stunned and stood there in a daze, his palm holding the iron rod shaking constantly.

This guy, he's serious!

"Hehe, it's quite difficult to control the power and not beat you to death."

The Four-Handed Overlord grinned, grabbed the startled young man and threw him into the pond.

"Ah! I won't dare to do it again!"

The colorful young man struggled hard in the water with a look of panic.

Fortunately, he knew how to swim, so he didn't drown.

Kevin looked at the four-handed monster in front of him in shock,"Don't, don't hurt me."

He covered his cheeks, fearing that he would be beaten by the four-handed tyrant.

"I am here to help you."The Four-Handed Overlord said with a smile

"help me?"

"Yes, if those weirdos bully you, I will teach them a lesson."The Four-Handed Overlord nodded.

"Really?"Kevin looked a little dazed.

For many years, he had only met bad guys who bullied him.

He never thought that today he would meet a good person who was willing to help him.

"Thank you.

Kevin was grateful.

"You're welcome, this is what a hero should do."The Four-Handed Overlord waved his hand.

At this time, those spirited young men had already fled.

There were only two people left in the huge park.

"Hello, my name is Li Kevin.

Kevin took the initiative to extend his hand.

The Four-Handed Overlord was stunned:"You can call me the Four-Handed Overlord."

The two shook hands

"Are you not afraid of me?" asked the Four-Handed Overlord

"Afraid, what is there to be afraid of?"Kevin shrugged:"Humans are the ones who are scary. At least you helped me. They will only scold me and beat me."

"Hey, how about we be good friends? Kevin suddenly had an idea.

He hadn't had any good friends for so many years because everyone saw him as an outlier.

""Oh, it seems pretty good?""


The Power Watch on the Four-Handed Overlord suddenly flashed!

It's time to transform!

The Four-Handed Overlord was startled and was about to leave.


A yellowish light flashed, and the Four-Handed Overlord turned back to his original form.

Tian Xiaoban was stunned and felt a little embarrassed.

"Fuck, how did you become a child?

Kevin's eyes widened.

"Uh, he is my good friend. Tian Xiaoban smiled awkwardly.

"I understand, that four-handed man is you."

Kevin noticed the cool watch on Xiaoban's wrist, which was exactly the same as the logo on the four-handed king. Seeing this, Tian Xiaoban did not hide it. He was worried that he had no confidant to chat with.

"Well, it was me who changed. Tian Xiaoban admitted generously

"Hey, can you teach me?" Kevin looked expectant.

"No, you don't have a watch, so you can't transform."Tian Xiaoban shook his head.

Kevin was a little disappointed.

"By the way, why are you here?" he asked again.

Tian Xiaoban sighed and told him about the quarrel with his grandfather.

"I just wanted to get the violent sumo gold card, what did I do wrong?"

Tian Xiaoban was still sulking.

Kevin's eyes flickered, and a sly smile gradually rose at the corner of his mouth.

"I know a place where there are a lot of sumo gold cards......"

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