In a dark alley,

Tian Xiaowen held an umbrella, facing two tall investigators.

"Little sister, do you know about ghouls?"

Mado Wuxu laughed, his ferocious face was very scary.

Tian Xiaowen's face was pale,"I, I don't know."

She couldn't sell out the antiques.

After all, the store manager and his team sacrificed their lives to protect themselves and hold Xiao Guanghai back, and they paid a lot.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you."Yamen comforted him, his tone was upright.

Seeing Tian Xiaowen keeping her mouth shut, Zhenhu Wuxu grinned.

"Little sister, you don't want your family to be harmed by ghouls, right?"

"Those ghouls are very cunning and good at deceiving people. Don't be fooled by their appearance......."

The more Zhenhu Wuxu spoke, the more frightening it became. Tian Xiaowen's expression was complicated and she began to waver.

Above, Ye Chen was wearing a faceless male mask and a large black robe, like a cold-faced assassin in the city.

"This old man is really crazy"

"He would do anything to achieve his goal, and he actually attacked a little girl."

The faceless man jumped lightly and landed behind the two of them.

""Who is it!"

Mado Wuxu's senses were amazing. He turned around suddenly and pressed the handle of the white suitcase at the same time.

The Quinque in the white suitcase quickly changed and turned into a green sword!

Quinque is a weapon made by CCG using the ghoul Kakuha.

"Isn't it too much to attack a child?" The faceless man said solemnly.

Zhenhu Wuxu tightly grasped the green sword, his face solemn, staring at the figure opposite him. His empty eyes and the mask seemed to be smiling, making him unpredictable.

"Who is this guy?......"Mado Wuxi clenched his teeth.

Amon Kotaro also showed his weapon.

It was a stick-shaped weapon with a blood-colored cylinder wrapped at the end, made of Kaku.

This weapon is called"Kaku-Dojima".

This is a relic left to Amon by Amon's girlfriend Zhang Jiantaizi.

"Who are you?" Mado Wuxu tilted his head.

In the CCG files, he had never seen this ghoul.

"Faceless man." A cold voice came from the other side.

"Interesting, you should be a minion of the One-Eyed Owl." Zhenhu Wuxu asked with a smile.


In response to him, there was a scarlet scale!

Zhenhu Wuxu hurriedly raised his green sword to block it, sparks flew everywhere!

"Damn, it's quite powerful......."

""Mr. Mado, let me help you!" Yamon exploded, raised the blood-red cylinder and smashed it!

The faceless man threw out another kagune and easily caught Yamon's Quinque.

Then he punched Yamon in the abdomen!


Yamen vomited bitterly, his stomach churning.


The faceless man kicked Yamon onto the roof with a whip kick.

Yamon's eyes rolled back and he temporarily lost his fighting ability.

The faceless man shrugged:"You really can't stand being beaten."

Yamon Kotaro is still in the rookie stage.

If he encounters an S-level ghoul, he has almost no power to fight back.

"Yamen, you have a good rest over there."

Zhenhu Wuxu grinned and was not panicked.

"Then let me see what you are capable of!"

Mado Wuxu rushed over quickly with a green sword in hand and his feet on the muddy ground!

The faceless man snorted coldly and punched Mado Wuxu in the face!

"Hehe, you've been fooled." Zhenhu Wuxu said with a sinister smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, the green sword in front of him immediately split into three tentacles, wrapped around the faceless man, and shrank towards the middle!


Before Zhenhu could be happy, four blood-red scales shot out from the faceless man's waist, resisting the contracting green tentacles.

"How....How could it be?"

Zhen Hu Wu Xu was shocked. This was his precious weapon.


The blood-red scales shattered the green tentacles and destroyed them!

Zhen Hu Wu Xu looked at the remaining handle and was at a loss.

"You, you are an S-class ghoul!"

Only ghouls above S-class can destroy weapons of this level.

"You guessed it right, but there is no reward."

The faceless man said coldly, punching Zhenhu Wuxu in the face.

The latter was knocked down, with stars in his eyes, and completely fainted.

Tian Xiaowen stood not far away in the alley, her beautiful eyes were stunned

"That figure feels so familiar......"

The straight figure, wearing a black robe, dishevelled in the wind and rain, looks majestic.

"Let's go." The faceless man walked up to Tian Xiaowen.

"Is that you, Brother Ye?"

Tian Xiaowen asked with courage.

The faceless man was startled. He didn't expect the other party to recognize him.

It seems that Xiaowen has a deep impression of him.

"It's not convenient to talk here, let's leave first."

The faceless man picked up Tian Xiaowen and jumped quickly, leaving this dark alley.

"Ah! Too fast!!"

Tian Xiaowen couldn't help but exclaim.

The sound of the rushing wind in her ears made her close her eyes.......

It was a dark and windy night.

Kevin sneaked with Tian Xiaoban to a secret warehouse.

"What are we doing here?" Tian Xiaoban asked in a low voice.

"Of course, I'll take the Furious Sumo Gold Card."

Kevin answered with a smile.

There was no guard at the door of the warehouse, but there was a high-tech combination lock.

Kevin stretched out his hand and pressed it, absorbing the current crazily.


The door opened directly!

"Wow, how did you do that? Tian Xiaoban asked curiously.

"It's natural. I have a special talent and can absorb energy from the outside world."

Kevin smiled confidently.

The two quickly went into the house.

There were many iron boxes in the warehouse.

Tian Xiaoban opened one of them curiously, and his eyes were immediately filled with golden light.

The whole box was full of violent sumo gold cards!

"Haha, now I can get as much as I want without having to go to the mall to draw prizes."

Kevin took out a stack of gold cards and threw them on the ground like trash.


At this time, a smoke bomb was thrown in from the window.

Many special forces, wearing black combat uniforms and holding rifles, rushed in quickly.

There was also the sound of helicopter propellers outside the door, and the light was shining.

""Oh no, we've been discovered!"

Kevin hurriedly pulled Xiaoban and hid behind a wooden box.

In the hazy smoke, the special forces slowly approached and were groping for clues.

"what to do......"Kevin looked very unhappy.

The violent sumo gold card was very important to the capitalists.

If it was stolen or the news got out, it would be a huge loss!

Stealing the violent sumo gold card was a felony!

In serious cases, the death penalty could even be imposed.

Captain Steve, with a blond crew cut, was at the front.

"Catch these two little thieves right now!"

"If we can't do it well, both you and I will lose our heads!"

""Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Under the command of Captain Steve, many special forces did not dare to slack off and accelerated the search.

"What should we do? We are going to be caught."Kevin gritted his teeth.

"Look at me."

Tian Xiaoban was not panicked at all and pressed the power watch.

After switching heroes, he snapped it hard!

A yellowish light flashed and a huge turtle appeared.......

Love watch - electric lizard

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