"Hurricane Turtle!"

Kevin was stunned when he saw the big turtle in front of him,"What kind of weirdo is this?"

"This is not a weirdo, this is my alien hero." Hurricane War Turtle corrected

"Okay, it doesn't matter what, can he take us out of here?" Kevin said impatiently.

"Of course." The Hurricane Turtle smiled.

He has the ability to control the wind, which can be used not only for attacking but also for flying.

At this time, Captain Steve discovered the Hurricane Turtle behind the wooden box!

"Shit, another strange alien creature!"

""Everyone, get ready to shoot!"

Captain Steve shouted.

More than 20 special forces immediately aimed their rifles at the Hurricane Tortoise. The red dots were densely packed around the Hurricane Tortoise.

"Hey, it's just stealing a gold card, there's no need to be so exaggerated."

Hurricane War Turtle widened his eyes.

""Take us away!" Kevin shouted.

If they were caught, they would definitely go to jail.


With Captain Steve's order, countless blood-red lasers swarmed in and shot towards the two!

"This can't hurt me."

The Hurricane Turtle floated in the air, spinning its limbs wildly, generating a powerful gale that wiped out all the lasers.


Captain Steve was shocked. He didn't expect the other party to have such ability.

"Get on my back now." said the Hurricane Turtle

""Okay!" Kevin did not hesitate and lay on the back of the Hurricane Turtle.

The Hurricane Turtle rotated its limbs and soared into the sky!

The tempered glass window was easily smashed by it, and it rushed into the dark night sky and escaped.

The Hurricane Turtle only rotated its limbs, and its shell and head would not rotate. Kevin lying on its back would not get carsick.

At this moment, the Hurricane Turtle was carrying Kevin, who was surprised, and speeding across the sea.

""Cool! Xiaoban, this is amazing!" Kevin laughed.

"It's OK."

Hurricane War Turtle smiled, feeling extremely happy.

To be praised by a good friend is sweeter than eating honey.

"Hey, how many aliens can your watch turn into?" Kevin asked curiously.

"In addition to the Four-Handed Overlord and the Hurricane Turtle, I can also transform into 11."The Hurricane Turtle smiled proudly:"That is to say, I can transform into 13 aliens"

"It's absolutely amazing!" Kevin applauded loudly, and then changed the subject:"By the way, where did you get this watch from? Can you tell me?"

"Brother Yechen gave it to me."Hurricane War Turtle responded

""Ye Chen?" Kevin's eyes flickered, and he was not sure what he was thinking.


Suddenly, the sound of a helicopter came from behind.

Kevin's body trembled, and he turned around immediately.

He saw two huge black helicopters with searchlights hanging on them, and they were approaching the two people quickly with terrifying winds!

Under the helicopters, there were two machine guns!

"Oh no, they are chasing us!"

Kevin's face changed drastically, and he desperately slapped the Hurricane War Turtle's shell.

"Hold on tight!"

The Hurricane Turtle sped up, trying to shake off the helicopter.

But the helicopter was also fast, and it seemed to have been modified with some high technology, and it was following closely behind the Hurricane Turtle.


Two helicopters, machine guns underneath burst into flames.

Countless bullets hit the Hurricane War Turtle, creating sparks. Fortunately, Kevin rode on the turtle's head in time and was not hit.

"Oh, I am tired."

The Hurricane Turtle didn't want to be chased.

He turned around, stood up his shell, and spun his limbs wildly, and once again a powerful invisible wind wave burst out!

Whoosh - the two helicopters were blown all over the place, and they collided with each other uncontrollably!


The bursting flames illuminated the entire night sky!

"Oh, this is not the result I want."

Hurricane Turtle only wanted to blow the helicopter away, not to kill the pilots.

Fortunately, the pilots of the two helicopters reacted in time and activated the ejection seats immediately before the explosion, so they survived.

Seeing this scene, Hurricane Turtle breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, he would be a murderer.

"Quick, kill them!"

Kevin looked at the two people carrying parachutes in the air and said with a sinister look on his face.

"No, we should go back."

Hurricane War Turtle refused directly.

Kevin gritted his teeth secretly, clenched his fists, and said nothing more.......


Old broken car.

Tian Mark was worried, looking at the flashing neon lights outside the car window with complicated eyes.

"I don't know where Xiaoban went. He hasn't come back all day."Tian Mark sighed softly.

""This idiot, is he in trouble again?" Tian Xiaowen said unhappily.

Then, she looked at Ye Chen:"Fortunately, Brother Ye was here this afternoon, otherwise I would have been kidnapped by those two weird uncles."

The weird uncles she was referring to were, of course, Mado Wuxu and Amon Kotaro.

Especially Mado Wuxu, with his strangely different-sized eyes and crazy smile, he looked so scary.

"Those two investigators must have noticed that we were connected to Gongshan and the others."Tamako said slowly.

In the Fantasy Paradise, they did have some connection with the people from the Antique and Aogiri Tree.

But so what?

They did not participate in any of the ghouls' actions, nor did they harm any humans.

So, all this had nothing to do with them.

"I have already taught them a lesson."Ye Chen smiled faintly.

"Yeah!" Tian Xiaowen nodded repeatedly,"Don't mention it, Midnight Brother is so handsome!"

"Three punches and two kicks, and those bad guys were defeated!"

While speaking, Tian Xiaowen's eyes showed admiration and love.

At this moment, she wished she could grow up quickly.

So that she could be with Brother Ye.......

"Ahem, Xiaowen, you are still young......."Tian Mark reminded

"I know, Grandpa."

Tian Xiaowen sighed, feeling a little lost.

Why is she so young?

If only she could grow up overnight.....

"I'll go find Xiaoban."Ye Chen suddenly said

"No, New York City is too big, and you won’t be able to find it if you just search blindly." Mark Tian shook his head

"Got it!"

Mark Tian seemed to have thought of something and pressed a hidden button on the car.

Suddenly, the screen in front of him turned into a radar detector.

"This radar can detect the signal of the watch's transformation."Tian Mark smiled and said,"If Xiaoban transforms, we can find him."

""Wow, this is awesome." Tian Xiaowen opened her mouth in surprise.

Ye Chen nodded slightly. This is a good idea.


At this time, a red dot flashed on the radar.

"found it!"......

After leaving the sea, the Hurricane Turtle carried Kevin to a remote suburb.

""Wow! Today is such a great day!"

Kevin was so excited. He recalled the wonderful journey today and still had endless aftertastes.

A yellowish light flashed and the Hurricane Turtle turned back into Xiaoban.

"Hey, I'm awesome, right?" Tian Xiaoban folded his hands.

"That's amazing! Can you lend me your watch to play with for a bit?"Kevin was eager to try it out.

But Tian Xiaoban shook his head and said,"No, I can't take it off once I put it on."

"All right then." Kevin was a little disappointed.

"It's getting late, I should go back, Brother Ye and the others might be worried about me." Tian Xiaoban said.

Kevin smiled mysteriously,"Wait a minute, I'll take you to a good place......"

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