Ten minutes later,

Kevin and Xiaoban came to a huge gold vault.

This gold vault covers a large area of several hundred acres and is heavily guarded. It is one of the important bases of the United States.

There are many gold, silver and jewelry hidden inside, which are worth a fortune.

From a distance, the entire gold vault looks like a magnificent pyramid.

Many soldiers patrol the periphery, holding guns and guarding the surroundings at all times.

The two hid in the bushes and whispered.

"Hey, buddy, why are you bringing me here?" Tian Xiaoban couldn't help but ask.

Are we going to rob the gold card again and get shot?

"Hehe, of course, use your transformation ability to take away all the gold here!"Kevin's mouth curled up with an evil smile

"As long as we can get the treasure here, we can rest assured, have beautiful women and good wine every day, and live happily like gods!"

Tian Xiaoban scratched his head:"What's good about this?"

He had no idea about beautiful women and good wine.

Kevin glanced at Xiaoban:"You are still young, you will understand in the future."

Kevin is older than Xiaoban, and he knows more about society.

"Quick, transform into your alien hero and knock down those guards!" Kevin looked at the pyramid with a grim look in his eyes:"This way, we can take all the gold!"

"I don't want to do it." Tian Xiaoban threw his hands and said,"Robbery is wrong, and I'm not interested in it."

Kevin narrowed his eyes and stared at Tian Xiaoban coldly:"Good friend, you should support me"

"I won't help you do bad things."Tian Xiaoban refused.

"Do you believe I can beat you up?"Kevin pressed the wire next to him to absorb the electricity.


In an instant, Kevin's hands were surrounded by blue and white electric light, reflecting his handsome face palely.

"Are you threatening me?" Tian Xiaoban asked back

"So what?"

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you!" Tian Xiaoban shouted

"In this case, we are no longer good friends!"

Kevin said, and rushed towards Tian Xiaoban!

Tian Xiaoban was about to transform, but was pressed to the ground and could not touch the watch.


Instead, he was shocked by Kevin.

Kevin looked at the power watch with many spikes and laughed evilly:"Hey, let me see what kind of power you have."

As he said that, Kevin pressed his palm on the power watch and absorbed energy crazily!


Orange electric current instantly spread throughout Kevin's body.


An orange light wave burst out from the watch and fiercely bounced Kevin away!

Master protection function!

Tian Xiaoban gritted his teeth and stood up:"Kevin, I didn't expect you to be such a person"

"I won't be good friends with someone like you!"

Not far away, Kevin was lying on the ground with some scratches on his body. When he heard this, his body was shocked.

"Okay, that's what you said!"

"I, Li Kevin, don't need friends either!"

Kevin slowly got up, his hair disheveled, his dark eyes full of hatred.

Sure enough, he was still alone after all.

Tian Xiaoban was about to speak.

Suddenly, Kevin's body grew rapidly!

In an instant, he was more than three meters tall, and his body was extremely strong!

He became a four-handed overlord!

However, Kevin became a little deformed.

Pale red skin, three eyes, two thick arms, and the two arms under the ribs were very thin, as if withered.

Four-handed Kevin was wearing a tattered black vest, his hair was messy, and he looked at his hands in shock.

"Have I become a weirdo?"

"Hahaha! I also have alien powers!"

Tian Xiaoban looked up at the huge Kevin with an ugly expression.

"Tian Xiaoban, I will let you know what real power is!"

Four-handed Kevin said, clenching his fist as big as a sandbag and slamming it towards Tian Xiaoban.

Tian Xiaoban quickly dodged, pressed the power watch, switched heroes, and slammed down!


""Crazy Tiger!"

A strong humanoid tiger, about two meters tall, with pink hair all over his body, black stripes on it, and some spiked armor on his shoulders and forearms.

On the back of both hands, there is a sharp black claw, similar to"brass knuckles".

As a violent alien, Crazy Tiger and Violent Tiger are of the same race.

Abilities: Super strength, defense, fighting skills.

Weaknesses: prone to mania, low IQ, likes to curse, reckless and impulsive


"Listen to me, you deformed and ugly four-handed freak, kneel down and apologize to Uncle Kuanghu immediately!"

"Otherwise, Master Kuanghu will personally beat you down and throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

Kuanghu cursed and swore at Kevin.


Four-handed Kevin looked down on him. He was taller than Crazy Tiger and looked down at him.

Seeing the other party's bad attitude, Crazy Tiger was furious,"Okay, Uncle Crazy Tiger is angry! The consequences are serious!"

Crazy Tiger rushed forward and actually picked up Four-handed Kevin's waist and threw him back violently!

Four-handed Kevin was caught off guard and was nailed to the ground, unable to move.

"Tombstone nail head! Haha!"

Kuanghu put his hands on his hips and laughed.


Kevin broke free from the ground, jumped up suddenly, and fell in front of Kuanghu.

"You pissed me off, little classmate!"

Four-handed Kevin clenched his fists and punched at Crazy Tiger fiercely.

Crazy Tiger showed no weakness and fought against Four-handed Kevin!


A thunderous sound resounded in the dense jungle.

Many soldiers in the distance were frightened by the horrible sound and thought it was thunder, but looking at the clear sky, they were at a loss.

Crazy Tiger and Four-handed Kevin fought each other, punching each other, and neither of them was willing to admit defeat.

Although Crazy Tiger was smaller in size, his strength was not inferior. He even had the upper hand!

His fighting skills crushed Four-handed Kevin!

Four-handed Kevin was beaten back again and again, and roared wildly.

"Damn, how can this tiger be so strong!"

The mad tiger laughed loudly and beat up Kevin with four hands.

Is he so powerful?

He got it with his IQ.

"The mouse stole the cheese!"

"Crows on a plane!"

"Tornado destroys parking lot!"......

All kinds of strange moves were used by the mad tiger.

Four-handed Kevin had almost no power to fight back.

He had just transformed and had not yet fully adapted to the power of the four-handed tyrant.

The mad tiger broke a big tree with one punch, picked it up by the waist, and smashed it at the four-handed Kevin!

"Listen to me, disgusting and dirty Kevin Li!"

"If you don't admit defeat, Uncle Kuanghu doesn't mind smashing you into pieces and turning you into Kevin's cheese!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Kuanghu was incredibly strong. He grabbed the tree with both hands and kept beating up Kevin with four hands.

In the end, the tree was broken.

Kevin was even more bruised and bleeding from his nose. He was in great pain.

"See it?"

"This is what happens when you provoke Master Kuang Hu!"

Kuang Hu was very proud, as if he was invincible.

""Roar! That's enough!"

Kevin's body underwent another amazing change!

His light red body was quickly coated with a layer of dark green crystal.......

Power watch——Crazy Tiger

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