Four-handed Kevin's body gradually grew hard crystals!

Diamond Overlord!

"Hey, look what this is?"

Diamond Kevin smiled evilly, looking at his hands made of crystal, and felt an incomparable power!

"No matter what you become, you are no match for the Crazy Tiger!"

Crazy Tiger kicked his legs and burst into an amazing bounce, knocking Diamond Kevin out!


A thick tree was broken by the two men, and the leaves flew everywhere.

"Tian Xiaoban, you are looking for death!

Diamond Kevin fought back, condensed two crystal blades, and slashed at the mad tiger frantically.

The mad tiger was not afraid, and used the black claws on the back of his hand to cut off the crystal blade.

Diamond Kevin waved his hand, and the broken crystal blade was instantly restored.

Pedro Shaping aliens can quickly reassemble their bodies


The mad tiger leaped onto the tree trunk and used the force to rush towards Diamond Kevin below.

"Spiders eat flies!"

The powerful tiger paw slammed towards Diamond Kevin!

"Spiders eat stones."

Diamond Kevin snorted, stretched out his huge crystal palm, and held the mad tiger in his palm

"Ah! Quickly let go of Uncle Kuanghu!"

Kuanghu struggled hard, beating the crystal giant palm.

"This power is really good, hahahaha!"

Diamond Kevin didn't expect that he had such power


Diamond Kevin threw the mad tiger towards the gold vault in the distance.

Bang - after smashing a lot of trees, the mad tiger finally fell on the wire fence outside the gold vault, alarming a large number of guards!

""Who is it?"

Dozens of guards rushed over immediately and stood ready.

When they saw who was coming, they were stunned.

"What a monster that is!"

"A humanoid tiger! Oh my god, there's a monster!"

"Ah! Fire quickly!"

Da da da!

Countless hot bullets swarmed in.

Kuang Hu lay on the ground, motionless, and swallowed all the bullets!

However, these bullets did not even hurt his fur.

As a violent alien, Kuang Hu's defense is very strong. Even if he falls from a high altitude, he will not be hurt at all. He even has the mood to curse people and gravity.

He can curse everything.

This is Kuang Hu's life purpose.

"Oh~ Where did the mosquito come from? It bit me so much......."

Kuang Hu scratched his head and slowly stood up.

Seeing that the other party was safe and sound, many guards were dumbfounded and petrified on the spot.

Wang Defa!

Is this guy an invulnerable monster?

Before the guards could react, a huge sound of footsteps came from the woods next to them.

It was a strange man in armor, bloated, with red light flashing inside!

Atomic reactor!

"Hey, you arrogant diamond freak, how dare you throw Mr. Crazy Tiger so far!"

"Uncle Kuanghu is very angry!"

Faced with Kuanghu's cursing, Yuanlu was also very angry.

Everyone was fighting, why did you curse so harshly?

It seemed as if it was all his fault!

"Tian Xiaoban, I will burn you to death!"

A fiery red flame burst out from the armor of the atomic reactor, so hot that even the space was almost distorted!

The mad tiger turned around and ran away

"Hamster on the wheel!"

Kuanghu climbed up the tall wire mesh with nimble hands and feet.

However, the wire mesh was soon melted by the flames. The radiation energy of the nuclear reactor was very strong.

Whether it was steel or stone, it could not stop the burning of the nuclear reactor.

The bottom of the wire mesh melted, lost its support, and the top quickly collapsed!

"Ah! This damn gravity!"

The tiger fell to the ground with a bang, and several pieces of barbed wire covered its body.

"The cat shakes off the water!"

He yanked the wire away with a sudden movement.

""Rhino Run!"

The mad tiger regained his spirits, got on all fours, and rushed to the atomic reactor, leaving claw marks on the ground.

The atomic reactor punched in vain!

The mad tiger took the opportunity to jump on the atomic reactor, riding on it, waving his fists wildly, and hitting the atomic reactor's head!

Bang bang bang!

The thunder-like sound echoed around the gold vault.

This weird scene made the guards confused.

"These two monsters are killing each other?"

"Wow, this big tiger is too fierce!"

The mad tiger roared, and his palm turned into a knife:"Splitting Mountain Palm!"


The atomic reactor was still intact.

His armor was too hard, and ordinary physical attacks could hardly break through it!

"How ridiculous!"

The atomic reactor had been enduring Xiaoban for a long time, and the temperature of his body was rising steadily, like a burning furnace.

"" Ouch!"

The mad tiger felt the pain and retreated immediately. At the same time, a yellowish light ignited on his body and he turned back into Tian Xiaoban.

"This is terrible!"Tian Xiaoban's face turned pale.

The body of the atomic reactor changed and twisted again.


This change seemed to be a painful struggle for Kevin.

Every transformation was a twist and change of genes, comparable to the pain of slow slicing!

Without the omnitrix, Kevin could only rely on his own superpowers to complete the transformation.

Soon, Kevin turned into a white dwarf.

Noise machine!

"What ability does this guy have?"Noise Kevin looked puzzled.

His voice was flat and mechanical, like a cold machine.

"No matter what! Let’s kill Tian Xiaoban first!"

Noise Machine’s eyes turned fierce, and he rushed towards Xiaoban.

He ran very slowly because he had short legs.

"Ah! I'm really going crazy!"Kevin couldn't help but go crazy.


The moment he shouted"Ah", a fierce sound wave burst out of his mouth, instantly blasting a gap in the ground in front of him!

"Hmm?" Noise Kevin's eyes narrowed,"Can I launch a sonic attack?"

At this time, Tian Xiaoban had taken advantage of Kevin's daze to complete his transformation again!

""Bulwark Ape!"

A gorilla made of building blocks, with four limbs on the ground, covered with spikes, and orange and black all over, appeared in front.

The Bulwark Ape is the same species as the building block ape in the main time and space.

It was taken from the DNA sample of the Segmanta Shaping people.

Ability: Fast healing���Transformation and gigantism.

The Bastion can use the combination of building blocks to transform into different objects, such as catapults, walls, protective shields, cages, etc.

And the recovery speed is very fast, which makes up for the lack of hardness.

The Bastion is easy to be broken up, but it is very strong and can throw a car with its bare hands.


A powerful sound wave hit, instantly crushing the Barrier Ape, turning it into pieces.

The Barrier Ape quickly reorganized and recovered in just two seconds.

"Good friend, let me treat you to a cannon!"

The Barrier Ape's hands turned into star destroyers, firing one block cannonball after another.

Noise Kevin opened his mouth wide and sent out a sonic barrier, blocking all the block cannonballs outside.

"Well, it seems we have to try another way."

The Barrier Ape scratched his head and turned into a car and rushed towards Noise Kevin.

Then he quickly transformed into a huge catapult, knocking Noise Kevin away and landing in the trebuchet.


The catapult started and instantly catapulted Noise Kevin out and smashed into the pyramid inside.

"Oops! Oops!"

"There are treasures of the country inside, we can’t let these monsters in!"

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