Many soldiers were so scared that they hurried to chase after him.

If the gold was stolen, they would lose their heads!

The Barrier Ape turned into a motorcycle and chased after him, saying,"I seem to have made things worse again."

In the gold vault.

The Noise Machine knocked down two guards and entered the pyramid.

As soon as he walked in, the dazzling golden light enveloped the Noise Machine.

Kevin covered his eyes and it took him a while to recover.

When he saw the scene of the gold vault clearly, he was stunned.

The mountains of gold were shining, and the jewels and jade were inlaid in them, exuding a strong smell of money.

Mountains of gold and silver!

"All of them are mine!"

Noise Kevin is about to dive into the golden ocean and swim

"Don't move!"

Hundreds of guards have surrounded the door, holding various weapons, machine guns, darts, bombs, etc.

They want to blow up this monster and defend the gold vault to the death!

"A bunch of troublesome guys!"

Noise Kevin walked to the door and sent out a super strong sound wave, instantly knocking everyone unconscious

"Hey Kevin, you better stop now!

A motorcycle came over and transformed into a rampart gorilla.

"Oh? Why? Kevin sneered.

"Why do you need so much money? To wipe your ass or burn paper?" asked the gorilla.

"You are too naive, Tian Xiaobanban." The Noise Machine clenched his fists,"In this world, you can't get by without money!"

"I want to get a lot of money so that I can live without worries!"

"Food, wine, beauties, luxury cars......They're all mine!"

Barrier Ape didn't understand,"You're crazy, Kevin!"

"Then let me go crazy, good man!"

Noise Kevin released sonic waves and attacked the Barrier Ape.

The Barrier Ape quickly dodged, condensed a machine gun, and fired a large number of bullets.

However, the noise machine can emit a sonic barrier, and these bullets can't hurt him.

"Damn, this is too much trouble."The Barrier Ape scratched his head.

He couldn't beat Kevin at this rate.


A yellowish light flashed, and the Barrier Ape returned to its original form.

"Oh my god, it's back again!"

Tian Xiaoban looked at his hands and couldn't help shouting.

"Hahaha, Tian Xiaoban, your death is coming!"

Noise Kevin took the initiative and released an invisible sound wave attack, blasting towards Tian Xiaoban!


Tian Xiaoban's face turned pale, and he was about to be hit!


A tall and strong dinosaur blocked Xiaoban.

The thick and strong dragon paw slapped fiercely, instantly defeating the sound wave.

Tian Xiaoban was stunned and looked at the familiar back.

The broad back, muscles all over, brown skin, and the majestic body

"The mighty Tyrannosaurus?"

"It's you! Brother Ye!"

Tian Xiaoban was overjoyed.

Brother Ye finally came to save him!

Behind, an old broken car was speeding and stopped with an emergency brake.

Tian Mark held a cannon in his hand,"Xiaoban, retreat over here quickly!"

""Grandpa, how did you find me?" Tian Xiaoban asked curiously.

"The old car has a detection system that can find your transformation signal."Tian Mark smiled.

"Grandpa, you are finally here. I missed you so much. Tian Xiaoban hugged his grandfather.

Grandpa smiled kindly and touched Tian Xiaoban's head:"Me too, Grandpa shouldn't have quarreled with you. My tone was a bit harsh."

"I will never abuse the power of the watch again!" Tian Xiaoban shouted

"Tsk, Dai Tou's mouth is full of lies. Tian Xiaowen glanced at him.

"you......Big nerd!"Tian Xiaoban's face turned red with anger.

"Hahaha, Xiaoban, don’t think Xiaowen says this now. During the time you were away, Xiaowen was very worried and even held an umbrella to look for you."Grandpa laughed.

Tian Xiaoban was stunned and looked at his cousin:"Really?"

Tian Xiaowen looked stubborn and defended himself:"No, don't listen to grandpa's nonsense!"

Tian Xiaoban felt mixed emotions and choked up slightly, and remained silent for a long time.......

On the other side, the Mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex is already fighting with the Noise Machine!

"You are the Ye Chen that Tian Xiaoban mentioned, right?"The noise machine said coldly.

"So what?"

The Divine Tyrannosaurus picked up a golden cane and smashed it.

The Noise Machine quickly dodged, not daring to resist this amazing force.

"Well, that's all I can do......."

Kevin's face was distorted and became hideous, and there was a sound of bones breaking from his body!


In an instant, it turned into a giant turtle.

Hurricane Turtle!


A blue laser cannon hit the Hurricane Turtle's abdomen, exploding with a dazzling light.

The Hurricane Turtle was unharmed.

"This is bad, Kevin has absorbed the power of the power watch and can transform into all the aliens inside."

Mark Tian's face was solemn, and the cannon in his mouth was still smoking.

"What should I do then?"Tian Xiaowen was very worried.

Can Brother Ye defeat the evil Kevin?

" I can only watch Ye Chen's" Tian Mark said.

Kevin had seen Ben turn into a hurricane turtle, so he also knew the ability of the hurricane turtle.

Whoosh - the hurricane turtle stood up on the spot, waving its limbs wildly, and rolled up a violent hurricane, trying to blow up the Mighty Tyrannosaurus.

The Mighty Tyrannosaurus stood still, and he was very heavy, so this little wind couldn't blow him away.

"A little breeze blows, it feels good~"

The Divine Tyrannosaurus grinned and said sarcastically

"Damn it!"

The Hurricane Turtle was furious and flew up to crash into this side!

The eyes of the Mighty Tyrannosaurus flashed, and it clenched its huge dragon fist and slammed the Hurricane Turtle to the ground!


The Hurricane Turtle sank directly into the ground, in a miserable state.

The Mighty Tyrannosaurus took advantage of the victory and swung its iron fist wildly, hitting the Hurricane Turtle like raindrops. The

Hurricane Turtle immediately shrank into its shell, trembling with fear.

Fortunately, its defense was strong enough, and the Mighty Tyrannosaurus could not break through it.

As a result, the Mighty Tyrannosaurus stretched out its arm, reached into the turtle shell, and grabbed the head of the Hurricane Turtle out!

"Ah! Let me go!"Hurricane Turtle yelled.���, grabbed the Hurricane Turtle's neck, swung it left and right, and smashed it hard on the ground, making a bang!

"Wow! This scene is comparable to the Hulk beating up Loki!"

Tian Xiaoban widened his eyes in shock.

Oh my goodness, can you deal with the Hurricane War Turtle like this?

Grabbing the turtle's head and beating it up, you are worthy of being Brother Ye!

"This scene is a bit scary.

Tian Xiaowen blinked.


"Ye Chen, I won't forgive you!"

The Hurricane War Turtle, held in the hand of the Divine Tyrannosaurus, suddenly grew in size again!

The tortoise shell faded, turning into sharp fins and sharp horns!

The whole person instantly broke free from the control of the Divine Tyrannosaurus, becoming extremely tall and majestic!

Under the night sky, a terrifying giant suddenly appeared!

About fifty meters tall, with yellow and white all over his body, sharp fins on his head, shoulders, and elbows, flashing cold light, like a tall demon mountain, which made people palpitate!

"Mad Giant!"

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