The next morning, on the busy food street, people were coming and going, and cars were busy.

Suddenly, several robbers wearing black hoods appeared on the street!

"Don't move!"

The leader held a pistol and threatened everyone present!


Someone immediately yelled and tried to escape.


The next moment, a bullet pierced the man's calf, and blood splattered everywhere.

"Ah!"The man fell to the ground and wailed in pain, holding his leg, his face twisted in pain.

Killing a chicken to scare the monkey!

With this previous lesson, the others dared not move, trembling in place, looking at the robbers in horror.

""Haha, that's right."

The leader sneered, and it was a charming female voice.

"Go, pick a dozen handsome men and bring them back to serve us!"

The leader Luo Jiao laughed


The other robbers nodded and immediately went to select men.

This is a vicious gang that often robs, steals, and uses force to oppress the people.

It is worth mentioning that the members of this organization are all women.

They are evil and often rob men on the street, and then take them back for their own entertainment and release their animal nature.

Today, several sisters plan to pick a dozen handsome guys to bring back for a hearty fight.......

Thinking of the exciting scene, Luo Jiao felt extremely excited and couldn't help licking her tongue.

"Hey, I want to play ten tonight!"

Such a fierce and wolfish word frightened all the men present so much that their faces turned pale and their legs couldn't stop shaking.

At this moment, a female robber walked up to a blond handsome man and greedily stroked his cheek.

"Hmm~thin skin and tender flesh are my favorite type......"

"Just one look at it, I can't help but react."

"Hey, just go back with me obediently!"

As she said that, the female robber was about to take the blond handsome guy away.

Suddenly, the blond handsome guy's body shook, and his eyes were stained with purple!

"Okay, I'll play with you guys."

The blond handsome guy's eyes were cold, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he had become a different person!

"you......"The female robber was stunned, a little at a loss.

The blond man grinned and suddenly grabbed the female robber's neck!

"Ah! Quick!......Let me go. The female robber felt like she was almost out of breath.

"Put her down now!"

Luo Jiao raised her pistol and shot at the blond handsome guy!

"You are overestimating your own abilities."

The blond man's eyes flashed, and he burst out with a powerful telekinesis, instantly freezing the bullet in mid-air.

This horrifying scene stunned the people around him.

"Wang Defa! What's going on?"

"This must be the legendary superhero!"

"We are saved! Great!"

Luo Jiao and the other robbers looked at the handsome blond man with an evil smile, and felt a chill down their spines, as if there was an evil ghost inside that man.

At this moment, the blond man's body softened and he fell to the ground.

At the same time, a white ghost emerged from his body!

He had a single purple eye, dark cracks all over his body, and exuded a cold and gloomy aura.


Not far away, Tian Mark and others were watching the situation here.

"Cool, Brother Ye’s ghost is so powerful!"Tian Xiaoban was very excited

"Yeah, but I always find ghosts scary......."Tian Xiaowen forced a smile.

She felt an extremely cold breath coming from this alien, which was very strange.

At this time, the ghost slowly floated in front of Luo Jiao and others.

The ghost moved his mind, and the surroundings suddenly became gloomy and the wind was howling!

The hoods of the robbers seemed to be taken off by an invisible big hand, and several female faces emerged.

Luo Jiao gritted her teeth and stared at the ghost in front of her.

"Damn, what the hell is this thing!"

She has short chestnut red hair, a wild face, heavy makeup, a slim figure, and wears a black suit.

She can't be said to be ugly, but she can't be said to be beautiful either.

As a qualified thug, Luo Jiao always exudes a wildness, like a dormant tigress

"Hey, answer me!"

Luo Jiao said viciously, firing several shots at the ghost!

However, the ghost simply ignored the bullets.

In the phantom state, the ghost is immune to most attacks.

"It doesn't hurt~"

The ghost said in a hoarse voice, approaching Luo Jiao and coldly


Luo Jiao looked at the strange purple pupils and stepped back in fear, staggering and falling to the ground.

Beep, beep!

At this time, several police cars drove over from a distance, flashing red and white lights and emitting shrill sirens.

Seeing this, the ghost used his telekinesis to knock Luo Jiao and others unconscious.

Then he tied them up and waited for the police to deal with them.

The ghost didn't want to kill in front of Xiaoban and Xiaowen. They were still children and tried to avoid bloody scenes.

Soon, many policemen got out of the car quickly.

When they saw the tied up robbers, they couldn't help but stand still.

"Oh my god, what is going on?"

At the same time, the ghost returned to the old car and changed back to his original form.

"Xiaoye, you did a good job."

Tian Mark smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"It's easy to deal with a few female hooligans."Ye Chen smiled calmly.

Whoosh - suddenly, there was a rapid whistling sound from the sky.


Several meteorites fell on the road, shaking the ground violently, and gravel flew everywhere!

In the hazy haze, two blood-red mechanical rhinos walked out.......

Anna 10 (fanart)

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