
""Ah! Run!"

The shrill screams echoed throughout the street.

The sudden change scared people so much that they fled in panic, wishing they had two more legs.

The huge mechanical rhino was about two stories high, blood red, fully armed, and inlaid with a large number of gun barrels. It kept emitting lasers and destroying the surrounding buildings!

In addition to the two mechanical rhinos, there were many octopus robots hovering in the sky!

"That is....Vilgax's men!" Tian Mark's face changed drastically.

""Mojas, who is that?" Tian Xiaoban couldn't help asking.

"He is a terrifying cosmic demon."Tian Mark stood up to get his weapon and said,"Believe me, Xiaoban, you don't want to meet Vilgax."

"I don't believe it." Tian Xiaoban shrugged and said,"I'll become a diamond overlord and beat up this Moss at will."

Ye Chen looked at the robot wreaking havoc outside the window and immediately pressed the omnitrix to switch heroes.

【Ding~ Vilgax's mechanical rhino detected!】

【Destroy the mechanical rhino and you will get 2000 points! 】


A green light flashed, and Ye Chen instantly turned into a diamond god of war and rushed out!

"Hey, it's time for the hero to appear!"

Tian Xiaoban was not to be outdone, he pressed the power watch and slammed it down! A yellowish light flashed.

A short orange frog with a bulging belly appeared in the old broken car.

"Taotie baby? Not bad!"

Taotie frogs are the same species as the explosive frogs.

They can eat anything and convert it into energy bombs and spit it out. Their appetite is almost unlimited!

At this moment, the police didn't care about detaining Luo Jiao and others, but were fighting against those monsters!

It's a pity that their weapons are not technologically advanced enough to cause any damage to the octopus robot!

Not to mention the powerful mechanical rhino!

"Requesting support, requesting support!" The police captain kept shouting on the walkie-talkie.

Suddenly, an octopus robot rushed towards him!


The police captain fired several shots, but he couldn't even break the skin of the octopus robot!

"Am I going to die here?"The police captain looked ashen.

At the critical moment!

A tall green figure blocked the police captain!


The Diamond God of War raised his hand and released a crystal spear, which instantly pierced the octopus robot!


The latter exploded in the air, and flames flew everywhere.

"Who are you......"The captain looked at the newcomer in shock.

Diamond War God slightly turned sideways and said,"Get out of here quickly. These monsters are not something you can handle."

"Okay, thank you for your help."

The police captain knew that he couldn't help much if he stayed, so he decided to evacuate the people around him and save more people!

Soon, he led the other team members away from the battlefield.......

"Discover the Omnitrix!"

"Omnitrix found!"

In the sky, dozens of octopus robots locked onto the Diamond God of War.

"Hurry and take the Omnitrix for me!"

From the perspective of the robot, Vilgax, who was far away in the spaceship, saw this scene.

He was determined to get the Omnitrix and dominate the entire universe! Facing the aggressive octopus robot, the Diamond God of War showed no fear and shot out a large number of crystal spikes with a wave of his hand. Boom boom!......

Explosions sounded one after another, and the octopus robots fell one after another, unable to withstand the attack of the Diamond God of War.

All kinds of strange parts flew everywhere and scattered on the street.

A scarlet octopus head movement rolled under Luo Jiao.

"What is this?"Luo Jiao looked at the other person in horror.

Suddenly, a tube came out of the octopus movement and pierced Luo Jiao's abdomen like lightning.


Luo Jiao screamed suddenly, and she felt that all the cells in her body were boiling and cutting.

Her body began to undergo amazing changes! Her fair skin was coated with a layer of blood red, her hands grew black claws, and her body was inlaid with a black mechanical armor!

The most terrifying thing was that her hair seemed to come alive, dancing wildly and messily, turning into small blood-red snakes!

After a moment, the pain disappeared.

Luo Jiao looked at her hands in horror,"What am I doing?"....What's wrong?"

""Ah, big sister, you've turned into a monster!" The other robbers screamed in fear.

Luo Jiao tried to struggle hard and instantly tore the ropes on her body apart.

She walked to the French window next to her and looked at her own changes through the reflection. She felt incredible.

""Why did I become like this?"

Luo Jiao yelled.

The other companions saw this scene and ran away in fear. They didn't want to follow a monster.......

On the other side, in the bustling city, the Diamond God of War and the Gluttonous Frog were already engaged in a fierce battle with the two mechanical rhinos.......

Power Watch - Taotie Frog

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