"No." Ye Chen refused

"Hehe, don’t blame your sister for being violent, just be obedient~"

Takatsuki Izumi grinned evilly, slowly approaching Yechen with fangs and claws bared.

Yechen covered his clothes and said,"I warn you not to mess around, otherwise I will turn into a Tyrannosaurus Rex and you will suffer."

"Are you threatening me, Yechen-kun?" Gao Tsukiquan smiled slightly.

"No, I'm just stating a fact."Ye Chen was confident.

He couldn't let Gao Tsukiquan take off her clothes.

He was afraid that he couldn't control himself against such a big beauty.......

What's more, he is only S-class at present, while Takatsuki Izumi is an SSS-class one-eyed ghoul!

In terms of hand-to-hand combat, he may not be able to beat Takatsuki Izumi.

Takatsuki Izumi grabbed Ye Chen and threw him roughly onto the bed, holding down his hands, and the fragrance filled his nose.

A pair of beautiful green eyes met Ye Chen's eyes, and their delicate faces were close at hand, and their breaths were intertwined.

Takatsuki Izumi pressed Ye Chen tightly, and Ye Chen had no power to resist this huge force.

The gap between SSS-class ghouls and S-class ghouls is too big!

"You want to resist me, huh? How can you resist me?" Takatsuki Izumi said with a smile.

"Don't force me to transform." Ye Chen turned his head away.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I just want to find out what happened to you."Takatsuki Izumi returned to his composure and said seriously:

"Recently, I heard that Dr. Kano is doing some one-eyed ghoul experiment. You are not his test subject, are you?"

In order to verify all this, Takatsuki Izumi's eyes flashed, and his right eye burned scarlet!

Natural one-eyed ghoul!

After opening the eye, Takatsuki Izumi's power became even more terrifying, and he grabbed Ye Chen's arms with one hand.

"Come, let me see if you are a one-eyed ghoul."

Takatsuki Izumi smiled and bit Yechen's neck.

The force was not very strong, but it made him bleed. The stinging feeling instantly made Yechen instinctively open his red eye!

His deep left pupil quickly turned scarlet!

Takatsuki Izumi was stunned on the spot, her beautiful red eye full of surprise,"Oh, you really are a one-eyed ghoul!"

In a moment, Takatsuki Izumi's eyes gradually softened, and she lay on Yechen and gently licked his red eye with her tongue.

"I seem....I started to like you because we are so similar......"

Feeling that the other party had no ill intentions, Ye Chen's eyes gradually faded, and he gave up the idea of transforming.

Takatsuki Izumi's right pupil was still scarlet, and with her beautiful face and dark green hair, she had a kind of sad and charming beauty.

After a moment, Takatsuki Izumi raised her body.

Her pink tongue gently lifted the blood stain at the corner of her mouth, and her pupils suddenly shook!

"What kind of delicacy is this!"

Gao Tsukuiquan widened her beautiful eyes and stared at Ye Chen's neck. The bite mark there had healed, but there was still a trace of blood.

"It tastes much better than ghouls and humans."Takatsuki Izumi really wanted to take another bite.

But considering that Yechen might get angry, she decided to forget it.

"I am not a one-eyed ghoul, I am still a human being."Ye Chen responded coldly.

"Then why do you have a red eye?"

"Something happened to me that allowed me to have the power of a ghoul, but I am still human in nature."Ye Chen paused and continued,"If I were a man-made one-eyed ghoul, I wouldn't be able to eat KFC."

Only natural one-eyed ghouls can eat human food.

Ordinary ghouls and man-made one-eyed ghouls cannot eat human food.

For example, Kaneki Kenji, who was transformed by Kano,

"So you are also a natural one-eyed ghoul like me?" Takatsuki Izumi asked with a smile

"No, I am still a human."Ye Chen shook his head,"As for what happened to me, I'm sorry I can't tell you."

Takatsuki Izumi sighed. She knew that everyone had their own little secrets. Although she was curious, she didn't ask too much.

In short, this human was very special.

Only Ye Chen himself knew that his S-level ghoul physique was given by the system.

"Hey, Mr. Yechen"


"Tell me, if a natural one-eyed ghoul combines with a human who can use ghoul power, what kind of creature will be born?" Takatsuki Izumi asked as if someone was inexplicably telling her so.

Ye Chen glanced at her and said,"What? You want to have a baby with me?"

"No, why not just ask?"Takatsuki Izumi said proudly.

This was the first time Takatsuki Izumi encountered a one-eyed ghoul, and she was inevitably a little excited.

For her, it was like a little wolf that had been separated from the wolf pack for many years and found its own kind.

After all, for so many years, it seemed that she was the only one-eyed ghoul in the world, which made her begin to doubt her life, her own existence, and even the world.

The appearance of Ye Chen made Takatsuki Izumi begin to be full of hope and longing for the future.

It turned out that her existence was not a mistake.

It was the world that was wrong.......

"Hey, how long are you going to stay on me?" Ye Chen looked at Takatsuki Izumi who was on top of him.

Takatsuki Izumi blushed and scratched her head awkwardly,"I was just impulsive, sorry."

As she said that, she spread her slender legs and got off Ye Chen.

"You go take a shower first, I'll take one later, then turn off the lights and go to bed."Ye Chen said slowly


Takatsuki Izumi was about to enter the bathroom, but she was surprised to find that the bathroom door and walls were made of glass, and they were completely transparent!

"Ah, how do I wash this?" Takatsuki Izumi's pretty face flushed.

Although she acted as ferociously as a tiger just now, her record was actually zero out of five.

Takatsuki Izumi knew nothing about this and turned pale when talking about it.

The bathroom was only two or three steps away from the big soft bed, and Ye Chen could see it clearly.

Seeing Takatsuki Izumi's dilemma, Ye Chen smiled and said,"Where did your brute force go just now?"

"Humph, I'm not afraid!"

Takatsuki Izumi swaggered into the bathroom, released her kagune to block the wall facing the big soft bed, and then began to run the water for a shower.

However, it seemed that she had not eaten human flesh for a long time, and the kagune she released could not completely cover the wall. It could only cover about two-thirds of the area.

Her curvy figure was looming.

""You are a little kid with a lot of smarts."

Ye Chen's voice came from outside the bathroom

"Ahhh! You bastard!"

"No peeking!"

Takatsuki Izumi stamped her feet anxiously inside, wishing she could come out and bite Ye Chen to death.

In the bathroom, there was a sound of dripping water, and a petite and cute figure moved in the mist.

Ye Chen put his hands on the pillow, looked at the white ceiling, and fell into deep thought.

To be honest, Takatsuki Izumi is such a beautiful woman, talented and powerful, it is impossible for him not to be moved.

And after a day of getting along, Ye Chen felt that Takatsuki Izumi was not as cruel and bloodthirsty as he imagined, but like a little tiger pretending to be strong.

He can only use a strong appearance to cover up his inner weakness.

However, Ye Chen knew that he was destined to encounter many dangers along the way.

If he met Vilgax, Kevin and others, he might put Takatsuki Izumi in danger.......

While she was thinking, Takatsuki Izumi had finished her shower. She was wearing a white bathrobe that covered her petite body and slowly walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm done, it's your turn, you big idiot."

Takatsuki Izumi wrapped himself tightly, trotted to the bed, and lay down on it like a soft cat.


Ye Chen was just about to take a shower.

Suddenly, a huge explosion was heard on the street downstairs!

Ye Chen's eyes condensed, and he walked to the window and looked down.

He saw two terrorists driving a large bulldozer, rampaging on the street, killing pedestrians indiscriminately!

【Ding! The mission of eliminating violence and upholding justice has been triggered!】

【Kill two terrorists, stop the bulldozer from wreaking havoc, and save the surrounding vehicles and pedestrians!】

【Upon successful completion, you will receive 500 points!】

"What's wrong?" Takatsuki Izumi looked puzzled and turned over.

"There are people making trouble on the street, I'm going to stop them."

Ye Chen said, pressing the omnitrix to start switching heroes.

"I'll go down with you." Takatsuki Izumi was about to put on his clothes.

"No need."

Boom— a faint green light flashed!

A liquid man covered in black and green appeared in the room.

"What is this?"Takatsuki Izumi opened his mouth wide and stood there in a daze.

"I call it a shapeshifter."

The shapeshifter turned into a black afterimage, slid down the wall, and rushed towards the bulldozer.

As a shapeshifter from Gavin Star, the shapeshifter has the ability to possess and transform machines.

As long as it is a machine, he can perfectly attach to and control its actions, except for highly intelligent mechanical life forms, the control difficulty will be increased.


Two terrorists, controlling the tall yellow bulldozer, smashed another car!

"Ah! My Maybach!"

A blond foreign man shouted, crying bitterly.

He stood far away, not daring to approach.

""Hahaha! Destruction really makes me happy!" A terrorist grinned, his yellow teeth were dirty and disgusting.

At this time, he noticed a little girl standing not far ahead, who was terrified.

"Hahaha! The next target is you!"

The terrorist controlled the bulldozer, raised the deadly big shovel, and drove quickly towards the little girl!

"Get out of the way!"

"It’s over, the little girl is gone!"

"Oh God, please protect your people!"

Many onlookers watched this scene in horror, their hearts almost twisted into a ball, but no one dared to step forward to rescue.

Seeing that the Titan-like bulldozer was about to smash the little girl into a pulp!

A black and green liquid instantly stained the entire bulldozer!

The raised bulldozer was stuck in the air like a shell, unable to move.

"Shit! What the f*ck is going on here!"

A terrorist was furious and twisted the handle frantically.

"You two, out!"

A green circle appeared in front of the driver's seat. It was the eye of the shapeshifter!

"Ah! Monster!"

The two terrorists were shocked and were about to abandon the car and run away.


Two green lasers flashed and pierced through the bodies of the terrorists.

【Successfully killed two terrorists and saved the surrounding vehicles and pedestrians!】

【Get 500 points!】

【Current points: 14500! 】

Soon, the shapeshifter condensed into a human form on the roof and appeared in the public's field of vision.

"Look! What is that!"

"I saw him control the big forklift and save the little girl!"

"Hero, he is a superhero who comes to save us!"

Seeing this scene, the crowd was excited and cheered. They gathered around the bulldozer, looking excited and amazed at the heroic behavior of the shapeshifter.

At the same time, in the five-star hotel,

Takatsuki Izumi stood by the window, looking down at the scene below, and couldn't help but smile.

"This guy, the aliens he transforms into are really varied."

"But, it's pretty strong...."

Whoosh— suddenly, a strange blood-red meteor streaked across the night sky, and in front of Takatsuki Izumi's surprised eyes, it crashed down in front of the shapeshifter....... cos Takatsuki Izumi, dy blogger: Sesame Meat (authorized by the original author)

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