
In the bustling city, a red meteor flashed and suddenly fell on the street ahead!

Violent smoke and dust rolled up, thunder trembled, and scared the people around, who were at a loss and looked in horror in that direction.

The shapeshifter's eyes flashed, attached to the big bulldozer, ready to fight at any time

"Could it be another alien from Vilgax?"

A blood-red figure gradually emerged from the hazy dust.

She had the features of an adult woman, with a curvy figure and a slender body, but she was covered in black armor and her skin had turned blood-red, as if she had been parasitized by some unknown creature.

Her originally chestnut-red short hair had turned into countless messy blood-red venomous snakes, just like the legendary Medusa, captivating!

"I finally found you, Omnitrix.

Luo Jiao had an Omnitrix detector implanted in her body, which could detect the transformation signal from the watch.

Just now, Ye Chen transformed into a shapeshifter to stop the bulldozer from causing chaos. As soon as Luo Jiao received the message, she rushed over immediately.

"The evil woman Luo Jiao?"

The shapeshifter recognized the person.

However, it seemed different from the original. The hair of this Luo Jiao had become like a venomous snake, fluttering wildly, resembling the legendary Medusa.

""Little ghost, hand over the Omnitrix quickly, or you will bear the consequences!"

Luo Jiao said sternly, showing her sharp claws as black as a dagger.

The big octopus said that if she helped him get the Omnitrix, he would give her freedom.

Although she was very unhappy, if she resisted, Vilgax would make Luo Jiao even angrier.

【Ding~ Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and maintaining peace!】

【Kill the villain Luo Jiao to prevent more innocent boys from being killed!】

【After successful completion, you will receive 2500 points! 】

A series of system prompts sounded in Ye Chen's mind.

"If you want it, come and get it yourself!"

The shapeshifter controlled the black and green bulldozer, drove over the asphalt road, raised the shovel high, and chopped down at Luo Jiaoli!

"Damn, the rubber man went to hit that weirdo!"

"He just saved us, and now he's out to beat up monsters!"

"Hero, this is our superhero!"

""Come on, Rubber Man!"

Many onlookers were very excited and cheered for the Shapeshifter.

They already regarded the Shapeshifter as a superhero. The scene of him saving the little girl just now was still vivid in their minds.

"Yechen, how many monster cards do you have hidden?......"

Takatsuki Izumi looked at the high-tech forklift below with a complicated look.

She knew that Yechen definitely had more than just these aliens, and there must be many that she had never seen.

"Come on, boy."

Takatsuki Izumi secretly clenched her fists and watched the battle closely.

If the shapeshifter was defeated, or Ye Chen turned back into a human in advance, she would immediately jump down to save the boy.

Facing the majestic bulldozer, Luo Jiao dodged nimbly, with engine flames erupting from her back, narrowly avoiding the fatal bulldozer attack.


The huge bulldozer fell to the ground, creating spider-web-like cracks.

"You can't beat me, weirdo!"

Luo Jiao flew onto the forklift, stretched out his claws, and started tearing it apart frantically.

The shape-shifting monster was not afraid of most physical attacks, so this little damage was like a tickle to him.

"You are the weird one, and so are your whole family."

The eyes of the shapeshifter appeared under Luo Jiao, and a blazing blue laser burst out, instantly blasting her away!

"Ahhh! Metal Man is so cool!"

"Too strong, that female monster is no match at all!"

"No, she stood up again!!"

Luo Jiao was smoking all over, and she slowly stood up in a deep pit. The alien technology on her body was quickly repairing her body.

"How dare you hit me there?"

"What should I do if I can’t have children in the future?"

"I will make you pay a heavy price!"

Luo Jiao's eyes flashed red, and the flying venomous snake behind her head opened its fangs and spewed out silver rays!

Feeling a threat coming, the shapeshifter immediately broke away from the bulldozer, turned into a pool of liquid, and slid on the ground.

When those silver-white rays hit the bulldozer, they petrified the entire bulldozer at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It turned into a fragile and dark stone statue!

This is petrifying light!

"Oops, can he handle it?"Takatsuki Izumi's face was solemn, and her hands were tightly clasped by the window.

As a famous writer, she had naturally read a lot of novels. Petrification abilities like this were generally difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, Luo Jiao was not the real Medusa and could not petrify people with her eyes.

She could only use her venomous snake-like head to emit petrifying rays.

The shapeshifter looked at the petrified forklift and did not dare to be careless. If he was accidentally petrified, it would be troublesome.

"Since Luo Jiao is parasitized by a mechanical body, I should be able to control her."

As a Gavin Star shapeshifter, the shapeshifter has the ability to control mechanical bodies.


Another petrifying ray of light came!

The shapeshifter's eyes shot out a laser, canceling it out in mid-air!

Then he grabbed the rubble next to him and smashed it at Luo Jiao!

"Are you out of tricks?"

Luo Jiao laughed in anger. She didn't expect the shapeshifter to use such a childish trick.

However, when she tore the gravel with her claws and prepared to laugh at the shapeshifter, the shapeshifter had already slipped behind her!

Luo Jiao's hair stood on end and she turned around to fight back.

The shapeshifter didn't give her time to react. It spread its soft body and became like a big black net, wrapping Luo Jiao in an instant!

"Ah! So sticky!"

Luo Jiao struggled desperately, trying to break free from the monster's encirclement, but it was like hitting a ball of cotton, and she had no strength to use.

Soon, Luo Jiao was wrapped up like a"little black man", airtight.

The originally blood-colored skin became black and green, with strange patterns lingering around, full of technology.

"I have complete control over her?"

The shapeshifter looked at his hands.


Suddenly, a surge of golden electric current came from Luo Jiao's body!

The shapeshifter was in great pain and had no choice but to break away from Luo Jiao's body!

"Hehe, this is the electromagnetic force field that I spent a lot of money to ask the weapon master to build, which is specially designed to prevent Gavin Star's shapeshifter from possessing me!"

A huge green octopus head appeared in Luo Jiao's mind.

Vilgax knew that his mechanical subordinates were easily restrained by the shapeshifter, so he set up this line of defense in advance. The shapeshifter is also afraid of electricity, and it is not just a normal fear. His body is almost all metal, and it is highly conductive.

At the window, Takatsuki Izumi saw this scene and could no longer hold back.

"No, I have to go help him!"......

Under the night.

Luo Jiao looked at the electric current lingering on her body, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Oh, you want to have sex with me?"

"No way!"

Other people were terrified when they saw this scene!

"Oh my god, the metal man's trick doesn't work on the villain!"

"It’s over, it’s over, what should I do now!"

The Shapeshifter was not in a hurry. Just when he was about to switch heroes, suddenly, a huge figure fell from the sky and blocked the Shapeshifter.......

As usual, here is a beautiful picture

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