At the same time, Shi Bu Xiang returned to his original form.

Gao Zuquan's beautiful eyes flashed red, and her three thousand black hair fluttered. She flew to Ye Chen, and her fragrance was fragrant.

That petite body was as white as jade and her skin was as white as cream, like a porcelain doll.

Ye Chen hugged her in astonishment, and felt two D-class headlights caressing his chest.

"As expected, he is a little devil......"Ye Chen whispered

"Ah! Bastard!"

Gaozuki Quan's pretty face turned red, she felt embarrassed and annoyed. If she had known, she would not have jumped on Ye Chen.

She rubbed her aching chest and said unhappily:"You hurt me, tell me how you are going to compensate me?"

"You were the one who wanted to hit me, but I didn't move."Ye Chen told the truth

"Tsk, what a straight man."

Takatsuki Izumi curled her lips. This man really doesn't understand romance.

If Ye Chen agrees to compensate, she won't go back to Qingtong Tree tonight.

"Let's go back to the hotel and have a rest. I'm a little sleepy." Ye Chen yawned.

Not to mention, the feeling of becoming a Ten-Unlike is not bad, with all the abilities.

It's just that there are no particularly outstanding strengths. After all, it only has one tenth of the ability of each initial hero.

This can be strengthened and improved by the system in the future.

What will it be like if you get a perfect Ten-Unlike?

Maybe, you can compete with the Super Giant?

At this time, Takatsuki Izumi lowered his head and said softly:"Sorry, Yechen, I have to go back to the Aogiri Tree later."

"Didn't you say that there's nothing going on at the Qingtong Tree recently?"

For some reason, Ye Chen felt a little disappointed.

Gao Tsuki nodded,"That's true, but I can't leave the Qingtong Tree for too long, in case the enemy raids the base."

"The enemy you are talking about, are you referring to CCG?"Ye Chen's eyes turned slightly.

Although Qingtong Tree has many strong men, if it is attacked by CCG, it will inevitably be doomed.

"Well, not only them, there are more terrible enemies......"Takatsuki Izumi was about to say something but stopped.

When he thought of those terrible enemies, he felt a wave of fear. Even an SSS-level ghoul could not defeat them.

"You mean the Kazushi family?"Ye Chen seemed to be thinking about something.

Upon hearing this, Takatsuki Izumi's pupils suddenly shrank,"You know them! ?"

The Kazushi family is the mastermind behind the manipulation of CCG, and almost controls the entire Sakura Country. They are the source of evil!

As a ghoul family from the Middle East, the Kazushi is very powerful. After generations of ghouls, that is, devouring their own kind, their bloodline has become extremely powerful!

Their purpose is to hide in the crowd and control the number of ordinary ghouls, preventing them from spreading, so as to ensure that they have enough food.

It can be said that the Kazushi family is a capitalist family.

They are powerful and can control the life and death of ghouls and humans at will, and they will not be labeled as a bad name, because few people know their true face.

Even the senior investigators in CCG were deceived by the Kazushi family and became tools to deal with ghouls.

"Yeah, I've heard a little bit about him." Ye Chen nodded.

He was a time traveler and had read the original novel of Tokyo Ghoul, so of course he knew about the existence of Kazushi.

Takatsuki Izumi was stunned,"You guy, you always surprise me......."

Afterwards, the two of them talked and learned about He Xiu's situation.

It was basically the same as what Ye Chen had remembered. He Xiu was still the evil capitalist.

"I didn't expect you to know so much."Takatsuki Izumi opened his mouth into an O shape and looked at Yechen in surprise.

"I know a lot." Ye Chen smiled faintly,"For example, a certain SSS-level ghoul peed while standing in the shower......."

"Ah!" Gao Tsukiquan quickly covered Ye Chen's mouth, his cheeks flushed red, and he said angrily:"How could you know......"

She clearly used her kagune to block the glass wall!

Ye Chen pushed away Takatsuki Izumi's hand and said,"Well, I was careless and didn't completely block the wall."

"You bastard!"

"Forget it quickly, forget it completely for me!"

Gao Tsukiquan rushed over and scratched Yechen like an angry little female cat.

After a long while, the two of them calmed down.

"Can I come and play with you later?" Gaozuki clenched her palms quietly.

Yechen didn't say anything, just stared at her.

Gaozuki lowered her head, feeling her heart beating wildly, as if a little deer was bumping around in her chest, making her feel very uneasy.

"Okay, speak up." She pouted her lips and spoke softly

"You won't fall in love with me, will you?" Ye Chen suddenly asked

"Huh?"Takatsuki Izumi was stunned for a moment, and then her face showed nervousness and panic.

She shook her head quickly,"No, I'm just bored......."

"Think about it before answering."Ye Chen looked at the other party seriously.

Gao Tsukiquan's body trembled and her voice stopped abruptly.

——What should I do? How should I answer?

——Mr. Yechen, you probably don’t like girls who lie, right?

——Maybe I should be honest with the other party?


Ye Chen said calmly, and left without looking back.

"Wait a minute!"

Gao Tsukiquan appeared in front of Ye Chen in a flash, opening his arms to stop him.

"What, is there anything else?"Ye Chen didn't want to waste too much time here.

He still had to go back to the old broken car to meet up with his grandfather and the others.

Gao Tsukiquan took a deep breath, as if he mustered up his courage in his heart, and strode towards Ye Chen.

""Thank you for accompanying me today, Yechen-kun~"

After saying that, under Yechen's astonished gaze, she stretched out her hands, held the other's cheeks, and at the same time stood on tiptoe and kissed him affectionately.

The warm touch suddenly hit like a tide!

Yechen's pupils shrank slightly, looking at Gaozuki Quan who closed his eyes close to him, and fell into deep affection and tenderness.

It's really cute.

Yechen also closed his eyes and began to respond to the other party enthusiastically.

The two of them entangled their noses and kissed each other.

Until later, Gaozuki Quan's delicate body trembled slightly, and it seemed that she could not stand for a while, and Yechen let go of her.

At this time, Gaozuki Quan's cheeks were flushed and she was breathing heavily.

This was her first kiss, and it was inevitable that she was a little uncomfortable.

"Humph, I gave you my first time." Takatsuki Izumi said unhappily.

She was referring to the first kiss.

Ye Chen scratched his head,"First time? Not yet?""

"Ah, you bastard!"

Takatsuki Izumi rushed forward and bit Yechen hard.

There was a sharp pain in his neck, and Yechen was so angry that he seemed to be infected by Takatsuki Izumi and became childish, biting Takatsuki Izumi's white neck!

"Ah! You dare to bite me!"

"What's wrong with biting you? You were the first one!"

"Ahhh! I want to take ten bites back!"

"I have one hundred"

"Ah! I'm going to eat you tonight!"

The two of them bit each other like children, leaving teeth marks and saliva all over each other's bodies, biting and cursing.

If someone saw the two of them in the woods at this moment, they would probably mistake them for psychopaths.

After a while, Takatsuki Izumi fell to the ground with his hair disheveled.

"I don't want to play anymore. I don't want to play with a biting puppy."

Ye Chen smiled and said,"Are you talking about yourself, little dog?"

"You are the one." Takatsuki Izumi puffed up his cheeks, like a cute pufferfish.

"Well, you should go back now. You can come and play with me next time."Ye Chen said



"I like you."

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