Hearing this, Ye Chen stood there in a daze.

"I like you, Yechen-kun, I really like you." Gao Tsuki's eyes were sincere and sincere,"You can......"You want to be with me?"

Ye Chen was silent.

To be honest, after these two days of getting along, his feelings towards Gao Tsukui Quan have changed a lot.

When eating, she looks very cute and knows how to feed herself.......

While avoiding fans, the two accidentally entered an adult product store, and Takatsuki Izumi was so shy that she almost hid in the ground.

When facing the evil woman Luo Jiao, Takatsuki Izumi still risked her life and transformed into a one-eyed owl to block in front of her.......

Also, when he first appeared, Takatsuki Izumi defeated the sneak attacking octopus robot and saved Xiaowen and Grandpa.

All these things made Yechen have a great change in his opinion of Takatsuki Izumi.

However, if the two of them were together, I am afraid that Takatsuki Izumi would be in danger.

They are destined to encounter many dangers along the way, and there are countless enemies behind them.

For example, Vilgax, the Ten-Unlike, the Werewolf, the Mummy......

"It will be very dangerous to be with me." Ye Chen looked directly into Gao Tsukiquan's beautiful green eyes and said slowly:"The enemy I will face is very powerful."

"Even powerful enough to destroy the earth"

"In this case, will you still be with me?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Gao Tsukiquan was shocked at first, but then he regained his composure and said with a smile:"I'm not afraid"

"As long as I can be with you, no matter what kind of enemy we face, I will fight alongside you."

"If we can't beat......It's okay, I'll just die in front of you."

Takatsuki Izumi smiled, as if she was talking about something insignificant.

Even the cold Ye Chen was somewhat moved.

He walked forward, leaned down slightly, and kissed Takatsuki Izumi's red lips.

Takatsuki Izumi's breath stagnated, and then she reacted and began to cater to Ye Chen.

"I like you, too."Ye Chen released the delicate body in his arms and looked at Takatsuki Izumi seriously. Takatsuki Izumi

's eyes burst into joy, and she smiled happily, with a tear falling from the corner of her eye.

Finally, someone could be with her.

"Don't be afraid of the Hexiu family." Ye Chen touched Gao Tsukiquan's little head lovingly,"If they dare to hunt you down again, tell me."

"I promise to make them regret it."

The Shuu family has been hunting down Yoshimura Ate because she is a one-eyed ghoul, the child of Yuna and Yoshimura Kousen.

Her mother Yuna was forced to death by the V organization, so Takatsuki Izumi has great resentment towards the Shuu family.

The Shuu family believes that Takatsuki Izumi is a time bomb and should be eliminated as soon as possible. After all, the two sides have a deep hatred.

""Yes." Gao Tsuki nodded heavily and snuggled in Ye Chen's arms.

Although she was 24 years old, she was no different from a little girl in terms of emotions.

"So, we are boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Takatsuki Izumi asked in a low voice, somewhat uncertain.

""Yes." Ye Chen nodded.

The two stood in the moonlit woods, hugging each other, casting a long and short shadow, as if they had merged into one.......

Soon after, Ye Chen let go of Takatsuki Izumi

"It’s getting late, I’ll take you back." Ye Chen said

""Ah? The Aoki tree is far from here. It will take me two days to walk there. How can you take me there?" Takatsuki asked in confusion.

Taking a car?

It's too expensive. The Aoki tree's finances are already tight. Takatsuki didn't want to waste money.

"It takes two days to walk?" Ye Chen smiled,"From where I am, I can get there in ten minutes!"

""Huh?" Takatsuki was stunned.

Yechen pressed the omnitrix and switched heroes.

Boom! A green light flashed through the forest!

An alien who looked like a velociraptor, wearing an X-mask, had a slender figure, two black pulleys on the soles of his feet, and his tail swayed in the wind.

"Flash Star!"

Takatsuki Izumi widened her beautiful eyes,"What kind of monster is this?"

"This is one of my aliens, Flash Star."Ye Chen explained

"What can it do?"Takatsuki Izumi scratched his head.

"You will know soon." Flash Star grinned.

As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up the petite Takatsuki Izumi with one hand, turned into a blue afterimage, and rushed out like lightning!

Flash Star's ability is super high movement speed and attack speed!

The speed is so fast that it is difficult to catch even with the naked eye.

"Ahhh! Too fast!"Ahhh! Too fast!"

The whistling wind was mixed with the sharp explosion of Takatsuki Izumi.

Flash Star passed by a motorcycle, took the helmet hanging on the rearview mirror, and put it on Takatsuki Izumi.

"That's much better."

Flashstar nodded and continued to gallop



A few minutes later, they arrived at the Qingtong Tree Base.

"We're here."

Flash Star looked at the luxurious house in front of him. This was the location given by Takatsuki Izumi. Takatsuki

Izumi landed on the ground with both feet, a little unsteady, with stars in his eyes, and he was in a daze.

"I almost died." Takatsuki Izumi felt his eyes spinning.

"Don't be so fast in the future, Ye Jun"

""Okay, sorry." Flash Star changed back to its original form.

Soon, Ye Chen helped Takatsuki Izumi into the Qingtong Tree headquarters.

As soon as they came in, they saw a tall man in a crimson robe.

He was wearing a mask and tilted his head, so his true face could not be seen clearly.

""Uncle Yelu, I'm back." Takatsuki Izumi smiled, as if he had thought of something, and quickly pushed Yechen in front of Yelu,"This is my boyfriend, Uncle Yelu, you don't have to worry about no one accompanying me anymore."

Yelu didn't move, like a wooden man without a soul.

After a moment, he stepped aside.

"All right, let's go in."

Gao Zuiquan didn't seem to care. He took Ye Chen directly into the living room of the mansion.

In the living room, Duo Duoliang had been waiting for a long time.

He had a head full of white hair and wore a red mask that covered the lower half of his face. His expression was neither happy nor sad.

��When he saw Takatsuki Izumi and Yechen together, his pupils trembled and he stood up immediately.

Isn't this the man who can turn into a monster?

Why is Ate with him?

Is he kidnapped! ?

""Ette, what's going on?"

Duo Duoliang narrowed his eyes and stared at Ye Chen with ill intentions.......

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