Tadara, one of the members of Aogiri Tree.

He is a ghoul from China, formerly belonged to the Chinese ghoul organization - Akaguni Ren, and is the younger brother of the leader"Homura".

As an SS-level ghoul, Tadara has extremely terrifying strength. He can kill special investigators with his bare hands and fight against many CCG masters without losing.

He is also one of the few ghouls with the kagune form, and can release high-density compressed RC cells from the kagune, forming a high-temperature heat wave of more than 4000℃, burning and burning the enemy.

It can be said that Tadara is now the second in command of Aogiri Tree, second only to the leader Yoshimura At.

That is, Takatsuki Izumi.

At this moment, blue flames began to surround Tadara's body, staring at Ye Chen, ready to take action at any time.

"Give Eite back!"

He subconsciously thought that the monster Yechen had kidnapped the leader!

"Oh? You want to fight?"Ye Chen was not afraid at all.

High temperature?

The flame man is not afraid!

Compared with the ghoul, the temperature of the flame man is definitely more terrifying, and can even burn steel.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Takatsuki Izumi hurriedly tried to stop the fight and stood between the two.

"Hey Mr. Duoduoliang, don't get excited, I was not kidnapped by Yechen."

Duoduoliang retracted his kagune and said,"What's going on? Why did he come to the headquarters with you?""

"Well, Yechen is my boyfriend now!" Takatsuki Izumi smiled, her cheeks flushed,"Please take care of me in the future."

"Huh?" Duoduoliang was stunned.

Et actually has a boyfriend!?

All the men who wanted to get close to her in the past were eaten by her!

Unexpectedly, Et actually.....

But it makes sense, after all, this human in front of him has the ability to transform into a monster.

Even if he is the leader, he can't beat Ye Chen.

"Girls can't stay at home when they grow up......"

Tadara said an old Chinese saying.

He looked melancholy, and touched Takatsuki Izumi's head,"It will be a good thing to have someone by your side in the future."

To Tadara, Takatsuki Izumi is not only a leader, but also a daughter-like existence.

As for Noro who was guarding the door, he was already an empty shell.

He could not speak, and only had a faint consciousness.

Noro had died in the hands of the V organization a long time ago. Now, he is a kagune monster transformed by Takatsuki Izumi using a kagune bag. He can move freely and has strong recovery ability. Even if his head is broken, he can be reattached quickly.

He is very powerful, enough to be SS-level.

The only shortcoming is that he does not have much thinking consciousness.

This is why Noro did not say hello to the two of them just now.


At some point, Noro flashed to Takatsuki Izumi's side, tilting his head, as if looking at her

"Uncle Yelu, don't worry, I'm grown up and I can tell good from bad."

"I believe Yechen will not bully me."

Takatsuki Izumi said with a smile.

He was raised by Yelu ,......It should be said that they only raised him for a few years. Before Takatsuki Izumi reached adulthood, Noro was killed by the V Organization.

The new hatred plus the old hatred made Takatsuki Izumi hate the"Washu Family" and the"V Organization" even more.

【Ding~ Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and upholding justice】

【Enter the system mall, look for medicine that can revive Noro, redeem it and successfully revive him】

【You will get 12,000 points after completion. 】

The system's voice suddenly sounded in Ye Chen's mind.


""Resurrect Noro, is it really possible?"

Ye Chen was shocked.

You know, Noro is dead, and now he is just a kagune puppet, with only a weak consciousness left.

Resurrecting a ghoul, is it really possible?

However, it may be difficult, almost impossible in the world of ghouls.

But in the world of Ben 10, it is not a difficult task.

With various high-tech instruments and many powerful aliens, it is very possible to resurrect a life form.

For example, Superman X, who has the ability to create or destroy the universe with his words.

There is also the black technology of Azmis, the creator of the Omnitrix.......

In comparison, reviving Noro is nothing.

"Come, sit down quickly."

Gao Tsukiquan took Ye Chen's hand and sat on the sofa.

"Why don't you stay here tonight? It's already late......."Takatsuki Izumi said tentatively


"Ette, this is a bit fast." Duoduoliang's eyes widened.......

"He ran so fast just now, he must be exhausted, what's wrong with taking a rest?"

Takatsuki Izumi glanced at Tadara unhappily

"The leader is right. Duo Duoliang lowered his head and dared not say anything more.

"Yechen Jun, what's wrong with you?"

Takatsuki Quan looked at Yechen motionless and asked worriedly, thinking that something was wrong with his body.

"I may have a way to save Ye Lu."Ye Chen said something shocking

""What!" the other two were surprised and dumbfounded.

How could it be possible to revive a ghoul who had long been dead?

"Resurrection of Uncle Noro......"

Izumi Takatsuki's eyes were red as she looked at the figure standing blankly not far away.

She had been protected by Noro since she was a child, from being harmed by other ghouls and humans, but the V organization cruelly took his life!

This man is not a father to Izumi Takatsuki, but he is better than a father. He has always stayed by her side to take care of her and protect her.

After Noro was killed by the V organization, Izumi Takatsuki wanted to commit suicide several times and died.

To her, Noro is a very important partner.

Now, Yechen actually said that there is a way to resurrect Uncle Noro! ?

This made Izumi Takatsuki, who was always calm, ecstatic. She hurriedly grabbed Yechen's clothes and said anxiously:"Big idiot, do you really have a way to save Uncle Noro? You are not lying to me, are you?"

"I don't believe it, this is too ridiculous." Duo Duoliang shook his head.

Resurrecting a dead person, does this man think he is a god?

"Let me try."

Ye Chen closed his eyes and entered the system mall.

It was still the same as before, with a variety of elixirs, fruits, armor, and imperial tools.....And various enhanced abilities.

Soon, Ye Chen found the system���Drug

【Resurrection Liquid: It has the effect of resurrecting the dead, bringing the dead back to life, calling their souls back to their bodies, and restoring their full consciousness.】

【No side effects】

【Note: The prerequisite is that the body of the resurrected target is relatively intact and can absorb the effect of the resurrection liquid. Otherwise, the resurrection will most likely fail.】

【Warm reminder: People who have been reincarnated cannot be resurrected because their souls cannot be called back.】

【Exchange price: 10,000 points. 】

10,000 points are required for exchange, and 12,000 points can be obtained by successfully completing the task.

I also earned 2,000!

It is indeed a conscientious system, and I paid the handling fee again!

The last time I treated Takatsuki Izumi in Huanguang Paradise, I also......

But then again, the Life-giving Liquid is quite expensive this time! It costs 10,000 points!

Fortunately, Ye Chen has accumulated enough points, otherwise he would not be able to redeem the Life-giving Liquid.


Ye Chen put his hands behind his back and said silently.

In his hand, a tube of blue medicine suddenly appeared, emitting silver light.

【Successfully exchanged for Life Liquid, consuming 10,000 points!】

【Remaining points: 7000】

"This thing should be able to revive Ye Lu."

Ye Chen said, handing the resurrection liquid to the two of them.

"Can this thing really revive Uncle Noro?......"Takatsuki Izumi couldn't believe it, it was like a dream

"Just relying on this small potion, can it revive the dead?" Duoduoliang snorted coldly. He felt that it was simply a fantasy!

If Yechen could revive Noro, he would just stand upside down and eat shit! He would roast it with a kagune and eat it!

At this moment, Yechen and Takatsuki Izumi looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Takatsuki Izumi understood, walked towards the puppet-like Noro, and whispered:"Uncle Noro, we have a way to save you, don't be afraid, don't resist, okay?"

Noro's consciousness is very weak. If he is treated directly, it may arouse Noro's survival instinct. He may think it is poison and go crazy! The runaway Noro is terrible, like a"big-mouthed monster" with countless tentacles, cruel and violent, killing everyone he sees.

Noro said nothing

"Uncle Noro...."

Takatsuki Izumi tried to reach out and take off Noro's mask.


Suddenly, a thick, blood-red tail burst out from behind Noro, covered with sharp fangs.......

SS-class ghoul, Noroi

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