The era of gods is over.

Listening to the arrogant words that resounded through the heavens and the earth, none of the gods dared to respond.

Even Odin, who had just gathered the power of the gods and surpassed his own limit to deliver a sixth-order attack, still inevitably felt powerless at this moment.

The gap between the two sides was too big.

Looking at the figure who blocked Gungnir with one finger, Odin slowly dissipated his divine power and sighed helplessly.

"You win, the god of pioneering the other world."

Kugisaki Nobara:"As expected of Big Brother Lin Yuan, he only made a few moves from beginning to end, and he defeated all the gods."

Marin:"He blocked a blow that condensed the power of the gods with a single finger, and he was not injured."

Marin:"If I were those gods, I would also be convinced."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Brother Lin Yuan is still as strong as ever."

Kuchiki Rukia:"In fact, I think the strength of those gods is already very strong."

Kuchiki Rukia:"Even through the screen, I felt a lot of pressure from that shot just now."

Kuchiki Rukia:"I really don't know how Big Brother Lin Yuan did it, he actually blocked it with just one finger."

Chronicle:"Is this the true strength of Lord Lin Yuan? This is the first time I've seen it, so amazing."

Looking at Lin Yuan who blocked Gungnir with one hand on the live broadcast screen and shocked all the gods.

Even Rukia and others who had seen Lin Yuan take action many times were still inevitably surprised.

Compared with the last time when he reshaped the order of the three realms in the world of death, Lin Yuan's strength seemed to be stronger.


Just as a large number of messages were flashing in the chat group, and the girls were constantly expressing their shock at Lin Yuan's shocking move, a statement that no one expected suddenly popped up.

Fubuki:"What is this chat box that suddenly appeared? Who are the two parties on the live broadcast screen?"


Lily Luca:"?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"?"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Hey! When did a new person join the group?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Welcome, welcome."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Sorry, we were all watching Lin Yuan's performance just now, and didn't notice the new person in the group."

Fubuki:"Nothing, but can you explain to me what's going on with this chat group and the live broadcast?"

In the headquarters of the Hero Association, Fubuki, who had just recruited a new brother, stood in a corner, looking at the chat group and the live broadcast with a serious expression.

She joined the chat group after Lin Yuan killed Thanatos and Ikelos.

To be honest, when she first joined the chat group, Fubuki was full of doubts and vigilance.

She thought she was mentally attacked by a weirdo hiding in the dark, so she saw such an illusion.

But soon, Fubuki was attracted by the picture in the live broadcast room.

Looking at Lin Yuan, who cut off the boundary between heaven and earth with a raise of his hand, making the scene of heaven appear in front of all living beings.

Looking at the gods who walked out of the heaven, each of them exuding vast divine power and terrifying.

Looking at Gungnir, who had gathered the power of all gods, brought her great pressure even through the screen.

Even though she had experienced many battles and killed countless monsters, Fubuki was still greatly shocked.


Even if all the previous scenes were added together, the shock brought to Fubuki was still not as great as that of Lin Yuan's last finger.

It was because of that completely incomprehensible and shocking finger that Fubuki couldn't help but ask in the chat group.

Kugisaki Nobara:"I see, the newbie was scared after seeing the performance of Master Lin Yuan."

Lilyluka:"Don't be afraid, newbie. Master Lin Yuan is a member of the chat group, not an enemy." Fubuki

:"What exactly is a chat group?" Lilyluka

:"To put it simply, it's a place that connects different worlds. We are all from different worlds."

Lilyluka:"As for the functions...That's a lot. I'll explain it to you later when I have time."

Lily Luka:"For now, let's watch Master Lin Yuan's performance first."

A platform connecting all the heavens and the worlds?!

Hearing Lily's explanation, Fubuki was surprised at first, and then reacted instantly.

No wonder there was such a fierce battle in the live broadcast room, but there was no alarm on her side.

Thinking of this, Fubuki followed Lily and others and looked at the screen in the live broadcast room again.

After Odin and other gods announced their surrender, Lin Yuan did not stop there.

On the contrary, his aura began to expand further, emitting a green light that covered the sky.

""The sound of abundance echoes, and the Nirvana of nothingness."

The move that once reshaped the order of the three realms of the God of Death blossomed in the westernmost part of the lower world.

A roar sounded, and under the gaze of the gods in the sky, a giant tree rose from the ground, connecting the upper and lower worlds.

"Okay, now it's time to get down to business."

After building the World Tree, Lin Yuan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, bracelets emitting green light were quietly generated.

After that, the power of space surged, and these bracelets came to the gods under Lin Yuan's precise positioning. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Hmm? What are you going to do?"

Odin took the bracelet and looked at it.

From his perspective, he could see that the green light emitted from these bracelets was not some dangerous energy.

On the contrary, the rich vitality covered on them could even heal the injuries suffered by the gods.

However...Why did Lin Yuan send them such goodies for no reason? Is it to give them a slap in the face and a sweet date to appease their frightened hearts?

"This bracelet is a work tool I prepared for you."

Noticing the puzzled expressions on the faces of the gods, Lin Yuan, who successfully delivered the bracelet to each god, said

"As long as you wear the bracelet, it will���Actively absorb the divine power in your body and collect your life data"

"Of course, this process won't last long."

"After collecting all the life data in ten minutes at most, the bracelet will lose its function and become a simple healing tool."

"Collecting life data?"

Odin looked at Lin Yuan thoughtfully, not quite understanding the meaning of his doing so.

However, as a loser, he did not have the right to ask too much.

After thinking about it, Odin took a step forward and came from the heaven to a place not far from Lin Yuan.[]

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

After his divine power was absorbed and he became weak, Odin felt that it would be more convenient for him to stay next to Lin Yuan.

Fubuki:"He can move such a long distance in a short time. This old man is really strong!""

(Li's good) Lilyluka:"Not very strong, but very, very strong."

Lilyluka:"Lily has just asked the god Hestia, and that god is the legendary great god Odin."

Lilyluka:"Using the strength division within the chat group, there is the strength of a fifth-order star destroyer."

Fubuki:"Star destroyer?!" Fubuki was frightened again.

If Lily is not lying, then Odin's strength converted to her world is completely at the level of a god-level monster.

How strong is Lin Yuan who can easily suppress a god of this level?

Above the god level?

Thinking of this, Fubuki, who is eager to surpass her sister, is a little eager to move.

Fubuki:"Everyone, before you help me introduce the functions of the chat group, can I ask a question first?"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"What's the question?"

Fubuki:"Please...Will I have a chance to meet Lord Lin Yuan?"

Lin Yuan:"Of course I have a chance. You can meet him now if you want."



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