Nobara Kugisaki:"Huh? So direct?"

Mine:"It's a bit unexpected, but when I think about the fact that it was Lin Yuan who did this, it seems to make sense."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Indeed, I understood it right away."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"After all, this is Lin Yuan's style."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Actually, I wanted to ask this before, why did Lin Yuan wait seven days before taking action this time?"

Chloro Ni:"Well...Maybe it's to save some time to go back to their own world to confirm whether the life data of the gods can be used."

Kroni:"If it can't be used, maybe Lord Lin Yuan's negotiation method will be more peaceful."

Lily Luka:"Lily thinks this is good."

Lily Luka:"Simple and rough, it is most suitable for dealing with those gods who like to make trouble unreasonably."

In the chat group, after seeing Lin Yuan's simple and rough opening remarks through the live broadcast screen, the girls were surprised.

But soon, they recalled Lin Yuan's previous behavior in other worlds and regained their calm.

After all, he is the big boss Lin Yuan, it's normal. It was unexpected that the other party could wait for seven days.

The situation like now, where they just come up and take action, is in line with their stereotype of Lin Yuan.


The women in the chat group could accept Lin Yuan's behavior, but the gods on the scene obviously couldn't adapt.

Ascending the Supreme Throne to rule over the gods?

Listening to Lin Yuan's arrogant speech, Loki and others who were originally looking forward to his arrival fell silent.

Until a few seconds later, a burst of excited laughter suddenly sounded.

"Interesting! This is really interesting!"

"As expected of the embodiment of the unknown, it can bring me surprises beyond my imagination!"Ares, wearing red armor and with short golden hair, stepped forward, bursting with fighting spirit.

"Lin Yuan, can I understand what you just said as a declaration of war against the gods?"

"It's not a declaration of war, but a notice."

Lin Yuan chuckled and corrected:"The gap between you and me is like the gap between mortals and gods in this world."

"In front of that unbridgeable gap, no matter how hard you try, it's just a meaningless struggle."

"Listen to me and pledge your loyalty to me. This is a win-win situation for both you and me."

"Win-win? Do you mean you win twice?"

Loki, who was not far away, raised his eyebrows.

"To be honest, I really don't see how swearing allegiance to you can benefit us gods."

"Of course, I will give you what you ask for."

"what do you mean?"

"New world, new unknown."

Lin Yuan replied:"I am the god of exploration, my purpose is to explore new worlds and build channels between worlds."

"As long as the gods are willing to submit to me and provide strength to help me build the world channel, in return, in the distant future, you can leave this world freely to explore the wider unknown."

"So that's how it is. It sounds like a good idea indeed."

Loki's face showed a hint of understanding.

Explore the unknown of many new worlds.

This condition is too tempting for the gods.

If the object of this transaction negotiation is not all gods, but Loki alone.

Then she will accept Lin Yuan's offer without hesitation and swear allegiance to the other party.

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in this world.

Loki took a few steps back and said that he would temporarily withdraw from the negotiations.

At the same time, several vast divine powers rose in various corners of the hall at the same time.

Thor, Kali, Susanoo, Ares, Kalkatier, Veleslana......

The war-loving gods from heaven unleashed their own seals without hesitation and stepped onto the stage.

"If you want us to surrender, you have to fight with real swords and guns!"

Thor, who was standing in the front, raised his hand and summoned a giant hammer, and laughed loudly.

"Come on! Gods from another world!"

"Let me see the power that you speak of that surpasses that of God!"

"If you can't do it, don't blame me for arresting you......."


Thor's wild laughter suddenly disappeared before he finished speaking.

Under the astonished and doubtful gazes of the gods, Thor, who was still emitting vast divine power in the last second, was severely injured in the next moment. The vines that grew out of thin air pierced his chest and lifted his body into the air.

The divine blood was spilled, and the divine power dissipated.

The emerald green light rose on the vines, and the divine power in Thor's body began to rapidly decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, Thor, who can be called the first echelon among the superior gods, lost the power to resist.

"How, is this enough?"

"If this is not enough, then I will show you something more direct."

Looking at the gods who were speechless below, Lin Yuan chuckled and clapped his hands twice.

Then, under the gaze of the gods, Fairweiss, who had arrived at some point, jumped up from the back of the stage.

She held a god with sealed power in each hand and placed it next to Lin Yuan.

"Thanatos, god of death, Ikelos"

"These are two notorious gods that my men captured while cleaning up the man-made maze."

Lin Yuan said,"I'm sure most of you here are familiar with them."

"Indeed, we are not strangers. We are old enemies."

Loki responded in coordination with the other party.

Thanatos, Ikelos.

These two gods, one is a dark faction god who escaped during the repatriation operation a few years ago.

The other is a fun god who wanders in the gray area and does many evil things in secret in pursuit of pleasure.

Loki and others have not found the whereabouts of the former, and the latter has not found evidence of the other party's crime.

Because of this, these two gods have been making trouble in the lower world and have not been repatriated to the heaven.

"Although I don't know what the artificial maze you mentioned is, but what are you going to do now that you have brought them here?"

"It's nothing, I just want you to understand one thing."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and summoned a golden sword, and swung it down in the eyes of the gods. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Killing gods is not a difficult task for me, and it is not something I need to hesitate about."

Swish! Swish!"

With a crisp tearing sound, the heads of the two gods flew directly into the air and their bodies fell to the ground.

After doing all this, Lin Yuan did not stop his actions, but pointed the sword upwards in the surprised eyes of the gods.

"Well, I have said all I need to say."

The vast breath accompanied by Lin Yuan's voice broke through the boundaries, resounding through every corner of the lower world and even the heaven.

Facing the gods who were hiding in the dark but spying on this place through different means, Lin Yuan spoke again.

"Gods in heaven, it's time to make a decision"

"Do you choose to pledge allegiance to me, or resist to the end and face a punishment more terrible than death?"


"Silence? Good choice."

"Unfortunately, this move didn't work on me."

Lin Yuan chuckled and swung his sword down again.

Unlike the previous small fight, this time he really used his strength. The breath of destruction emerged on the sword, and the floors above the 30th floor of the Tower of Babel evaporated instantly.[]

Then, in the eyes of the gods who could not believe it, the boundary between heaven and earth was broken.

The valleys shrouded in clouds and mist, the clear streams, the cranes soaring high between heaven and earth,......

In the azure sky, a dream paradise like a mirage appeared in the eyes of the lower world.

However, compared with the dreamy and beautiful scenery that made people feel that time had stopped, what shocked the lower world was the sacred beings that exuded vast divine power and stood in the dream paradise and looked down at them.

"Alas, it seems that we can't settle this peacefully."

A sigh sounded.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, an old god with a white beard and a black eye patch on his right eye slowly walked out.

Compared with other gods, the old god's aura was calmer, but also heavier.

Even if he did nothing, just standing there, his presence overshadowed the gods in the sky and became the focus of all living beings.

"God of pioneering from another world, I don't want to argue too much with you."


The vast divine power passed through the heavens and enveloped the entire lower world.

In the eyes of the creatures in the heavens and the earth, a golden spear emitting a terrifying aura appeared in the sky.

"This gun is called Gungnir, and it is a gun that can kill everything in the world."

"Since you are determined to subdue the gods with force, then try to take this shot from the gods."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the moment when Odin's voice fell, dozens of divine powers that were no less powerful than his rose from all over the heavens.

Destiny, space, time, thunder, fire......

The powers from different gods fell one after another, and merged into Gungnir seamlessly.

Not only that, after the gods took action one after another, the superior gods and ordinary gods standing behind Odin also followed suit and contributed their strength. In just a few breaths, the aura on Gungnir reached an unprecedented peak.

Even if he did nothing, just stood in the air, the aura emitted by Gungnir began to shake the entire underworld.

As the holder of Gungnir, Odin said nothing at this moment, but just raised his hand calmly and waved.

The next moment, Gungnir crossed time and space and locked Lin Yuan at the level of destiny.

Obviously, there is a distance of a world away, but it came to Lin Yuan in the blink of an eye, giving him the illusion that he could not dodge.


Lin Yuan chuckled.

Should we say that they are old antiques who have lived for hundreds of millions of years?

These great gods who have been hiding behind the scenes are indeed something.

Not only have their strengths surpassed the fourth level and reached the fifth level of star-destroying, but after gathering the power of the gods, their energy has even entered the sixth level.

In addition, with the many concepts contained in this shot, if it was just an ordinary single-life order messenger, it might really be penetrated by one shot.

"But I said it at the beginning"

"The gap between you and me is like the gap between ordinary people and gods in this world."

Countless future scenes flashed before his eyes, and Lin Yuan slowly raised a finger and placed it on the tip of the gun.

"Ignorant gods, your time is over"......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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