Time passed, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

After going back and forth between Ruan Mei and Esta's rooms and completing sufficient verification, Lin Yuan confirmed one thing.

Ruan Mei's judgment was correct, breeding can indeed speed up the absorption of the Star God's corpse.

After three days of hard work, Lin Yuan successfully increased the speed tenfold and absorbed thirty days' worth of Star God's corpse.

At this rate, in at most half a month, Lin Yuan will be able to absorb all of the Star God's corpse in his body.


Just as Lin Yuan was about to go to the main control cabin of the space station to see if Esta had finished work, a message from the chat group interrupted his plan.

Lily Luka:"Lord Lin Yuan, the Gods Conference is about to be held. When are you going to come?"

Lin Yuan:"Well? Isn't there still two days left?"

Xiao Nagisa:"Brother Lin Yuan, you are counting on your side, right?"""

Lin Yuan:"Hiss~ I almost forgot if you hadn't mentioned it."

Lin Yuan:"The speed of time flowing between different worlds in the group is different."

Lily Luka:"Master Lin Yuan is very busy, it's normal for him to ignore some unimportant things."

Lin Yuan:"Lily, you understand me."

Lin Yuan:"Invite me, I'll go over and make preparations."

Dicuo World, Orario Central Area, Babel Tower 30th Floor

""Oh, oh, oh~ The scenery here is quite nice~"

Following the large group to the venue where the Gods' Assembly was held, Hestia looked around curiously.

Unlike other floors used to sell goods or for gods to live, the 30th floor of the Tower of Babel was a specially renovated floor.

Not only were all the partitions demolished, but the walls in the distance were also replaced with huge transparent glass.

The blue sky and white clouds were clearly visible through the glass, and the unusually high ceiling of this floor made the entire space look like a temple in the sky, wide and shocking.

"Lily! Look over there!"

"That crystal-like grape looks delicious. Let’s go and try it together!"

"Goddess Hestia, please don't run around."

Seeing that Hestia seemed to be about to rush into the group of gods, Lily quickly grabbed her collar

"We are here today to do something serious."

"If you want to eat something, write it down first and Lily will buy it for you later."

"You said it, so don't regret it later."

Hestia stopped and then seemed to remember something, and asked curiously.

"Lily, isn't Lin Yuan in charge of today's matter? What do you mean by business?"

"Of course, I am responsible for recording the heroic deeds of Lord Lin Yuan."

Lily took it for granted and took out a bunch of crystal balls from the package behind her.

"God Hestia, these photo crystals are for you"

"Please find a few good angles and place them so that they are facing the stage in the center of the venue."


Is your business a little strange?

Looking at Lily who was setting up the place with a fanatical expression, Hestia sighed helplessly.

Forget it, as a parasite living under someone else's roof, she had no chance to choose from the beginning.

"That is...Photo crystal?"

Looking at Hestia running around in the venue, Loki, who had just arrived not far away, raised his eyebrows and looked to the side.

"Hephaestus, does that dwarf still have the habit of recording major events?"

"As far as I know, there is none."

Hephaestus, who was dressed in men's clothing, shook her head slightly, and also did not understand why her friend did this.


"I heard that Hestia has been living in the Soma family recently."

"Maybe her doing this has something to do with that god from another world."

"God from another world...The dwarf's luck is always good in some strange places."

Loki curled his lips and became a little envious.

Of course, she was not envious of Hestia's ability to be a freeloader.

Although that sounded good, what really made her envious was the opportunity to contact the gods of another world in advance.

As a god who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, Loki, like other gods in the world of Earthly Depths, longs for the unknown.

And the god from another world is the embodiment of the unknown.

Just by talking to the other party, you can learn a lot of things that this world does not have.

Thinking of this, Loki envied Hestia's luck very much.

She had nothing, but she somehow got into the Soma clan and became a freeloader. How did she do that?

"Loki, your expression is very scary~"

At this moment, a teasing voice came from not far away

"Relax a little. If you keep this expression, you might scare the god from another world........."

"It's not your turn to talk about this, Freya."

Loki glanced at the silver-haired goddess who was walking behind him.

Compared with his expression, the other party was not much worse.

The hunger vaguely revealed on that delicate face even made Loki wonder if the other party had some strange bad intentions.

Of course, they were not the only ones with similar expressions.

Loki's eyes followed Freya and swept around.

Hermes, who was sitting on a chair and shaking his legs, looked eager to try. Ganesha, who was wearing an ivory mask and kept shouting his name to show his existence. Ares, who exuded a strong fighting spirit and stood with several gods looking at the stage in front.

All the gods who received the invitation to the Assembly of Gods and came here showed expectations and hunger without exception.

Just like Loki and Freya.

The gods were looking forward to the appearance of the gods from another world, waiting for the other party to announce the great unknown written on the invitation.

"Calculating the time, it's almost time to start��

Loki looked away and looked at the clock floating above the hall. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It was a prop condensed by divine power, used to announce the official opening time of this Gods Assembly.

At this moment, the three hands on the clock were about to merge into one.

Five, four, three, two, one......

Loki stared at the clock, counting silently in his mind.

At the moment the countdown ended, a thud sounded in the hall, and the clock 2.6, which was condensed by divine power, began to slowly dissipate.

Then, under the attention of everyone, a seemingly ordinary figure quietly appeared on the only stage.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

Lin Yuan's eyes swept over the gods present and absent, and he clapped his hands with a smile, attracting the attention of all the gods.

"As you can see, I am the god from another world who asked Ganesha to convene a meeting of gods and invite you all here."

"Here, I will announce the purpose of convening this meeting of the gods."


The vast momentum burst out from Lin Yuan without warning, announcing his existence to the whole world.

Looking at the gods below who were stunned and seemed to have not expected him to do such a thing, Lin Yuan smiled and made his final declaration.

"I have only one goal, which is to ascend the high throne to rule over all the gods and give this world a land of abundance."......[]

This is my mother: Naruto789

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