As for Lin Yuan, Esta's impression is not bad.

As the legendary envoy of abundance, he is not only powerful, but also approachable.

Although he likes to joke and occasionally does some scary things, such as taking out his heart and giving it to others.

But in general, Esta still has a certain good impression of Lin Yuan, this handsome new friend.

It is precisely because of this good impression that she did not get angry after being unconsciously influenced by Lin Yuan today.

On the contrary, after a brief thought, Esta even made a bold decision.

Propose to Lin Yuan.

In Esta's view, this is a solution that cannot be more perfect.

Not only can it solve the problem of being ugly and losing face in front of Lin Yuan.

It can also use Lin Yuan's power to get rid of the constraints of the family and gain an equal status.

Win-win! WIN-WIN is...

"Why do you refuse so decisively?"

Looking at the man in front of her, Estelle was rarely dissatisfied.

"Is it that marrying me is not something you would consider for even a second?"

"First of all, I want to correct your mistake, Estelle.

Lin Yuan replied unjustifiably,"I don't have a problem with you, but I have a problem with the matter of marriage."

"Isn't it still the same!"

"No, no, no, it's still different"

"I mean, it's not just you. Even if the pure and beautiful star god proposes to me, I will still refuse."

A great sage once said that if your judgment is reduced, you will get married. If your patience is reduced, you will get divorced. If your memory is reduced, you will remarry.

As a man who is always rational, Lin Yuan will naturally not have a decline in judgment.

There is a forest on the other side of the sea. A man cannot hang himself on a tree.

"Anyway, getting married is impossible. I will never get married in this life."

"......I understand."

After two seconds of silence, Estelle nodded slightly.

"So Lin Yuan, do you want to pretend nothing happened and let this matter go?"

"Ahem~ It's not that serious. After all, this is too much for you."

Lin Yuan thought for a while and began to use his amazing wisdom:"How about this, I'll give you a solution"

"What is the solution?"

"Let's skip the marriage step and just become my wife."


"Of course, according to the order, you can only be the third wife"

"The second wife is Ruan Mei's wife"

"What about the first wife?"

Esther couldn't help asking.

Not only her, but even Ruan Mei, who was watching the show, cast her eyes, ready to wait for Lin Yuan's reply.

Faced with this oppressive scene, Lin Yuan was not panicked at all, and leisurely displayed his noble moral character.


The first wife is a puppet of the Black Tower."?"


A puppet from the Black Tower?

Faced with this unexpected answer, even Esta, who was filled with emotions, could not help but be stunned.

Under what circumstances would Lin Yuan treat a puppet as his wife?

"......So that's why Black Tower installed so many weapons in the office, is it all because of you?"

Just when Estelle was stunned, Ruan Mei seemed to have thought of something, and a look of sudden enlightenment appeared on her face.

"Honey, your bottom line is lower than I thought"

"Thank you for the compliment"

"I don't think Miss Ruan Mei is praising you."

Esther held her forehead and sighed. For the first time, she felt that she had recognized Lin Yuan.

Why didn't she realize that he was so thick-skinned before?

"So what do you say, Esther? Do you want to consider my proposal?"

Lin Yuan approached with a playful smile and patted the girl on the shoulder.

"I'm not bragging to you, you really didn't lose out on this."

"I understand this, after all, you are the Envoy of Plenty."

In this world where the Star Gods are mostly absent and the Envoys dominate, no matter which destiny the Envoys have, their status is far higher than that of ordinary people. No matter how noble Ester's family background is, aren't they still intimidated by her reputation of the Black Tower?

If her family knew that Ester had the opportunity to become the woman of the Envoy of Plenty, they would probably be overjoyed.

In fact, Ester also understood this, which is why she boldly proposed to Lin Yuan before. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But when she thought about becoming the so-called third wife if she agreed to this proposal, she felt a little resistant.

"Don't be so hasty to refuse."

Seeing that Esta was struggling, Lin Yuan suddenly hugged her neck and whispered

"Lower your head, and I will give you a big treasure."


Are you serious, baby?

A few minutes later, Esta accepted Lin Yuan's proposal and left the room in a trance.

After watching the other party go away, Lin Yuan, still holding a ball of six-color flames, turned around and gestured to Ruan Mei.

"Wife, how about this big baby of mine?"

"It is really amazing to gather the power from six destinies at the same time and keep it stable."

"Right, right? I think I'm pretty good too."

Lin Yuan put away the flames contentedly.

This was a new move that he had worked out after studying it for several minutes.[]

Whether it is amazing or not is not a big deal, anyway, it is very entertaining

"By the way, Ruan Mei's wife"

"I have something I want to consult you about."

"What's up?"

"Do you have a way to speed up the absorption of the Star God's corpse?"

"The corpse of the star god?"

Ruan Mei tilted her head:"My dear, are you referring to the corpse of the breeding star god Taiziyuros in the black tower's hand?"

"You can understand it this way, but it's not the same"

"I see, no wonder you have just unlocked the breeding path, and you have that kind of breeding aura on your body."

Ruan Mei was stunned and a trace of thought flashed across her eyes.

Although it was a bit unexpected that Lin Yuan actually had a second piece of Star God's corpse, this was a good thing in Ruan Mei's eyes.

The more Star God's corpses Lin Yuan had, the stronger he would be, and the safer he would be when he went out on adventures.

Only when the other party's safety was guaranteed, Ruan Mei could conduct research with peace of mind and fulfill her long-cherished wish of creating a Star God.

As for the method of accelerating Lin Yuan's absorption of the Star God's corpse.......

After thinking for a few seconds, Ruan Mei recalled the Black Tower's research report on the Star God's corpse.

"Dear, if you want to speed up the absorption of the Star God's corpse, you just need to increase the resonance with that part of the corpse."

"What are the specific steps?"

"Since you absorbed the remains of the breeding star god, the best way is to breed"


Lin Yuan's mouth began to rise.

Since you said so, I don't need to pretend to be a gentleman anymore!.....Earth..

My name: Naruto789

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