Something is wrong, there is a problem!

It's a big problem!

Looking at Esta who opened the floodgates and began to release the flood water crazily.

Lin Yuan felt that as the Envoy of the Order of Abundance, he had faced the most difficult challenge in his history.

First of all, it can be confirmed that Esta is not actively getting horny.

Lin Yuan and Esta have known each other for such a long time, and he has a relatively good understanding of this young lady.

The other party is a typical lady from a wealthy family. Even when she is on the line, she has a lack of vocabulary and seems to be acting like a spoiled child.

With her personality, it is impossible for her to suddenly get horny.


"I didn't eat anything wrong."

Lin Yuan scratched his head, a little confused.

He had checked during the brief touch just now.

There was no foreign matter in Ester's body, and she was very healthy.

To prevent accidents, he even used the power of abundance to treat Ester.

From the results, it did work for a few seconds.

At least during the treatment with his power of abundance, Ester's consciousness temporarily returned to normal.

But as soon as he stopped, Ester would immediately enter a highly sexual state and need a cucumber to quench her thirst.

As a new generation of young people who are willing to help others, Lin Yuan naturally didn't mind helping Ester.

But before that, he felt that he still had to do the right thing first and find out the reason for Ester's abnormal condition.

"Hey, Esta, are you okay?"

"If you are still conscious, please reply."


"Well, it seems you don't have the time."

Looking at the girl with blurry eyes and her hands reaching out to him uncontrollably, Lin Yuan decided to give up thinking and ask for help directly. A faint spatial force swept around Lin Yuan, and he took Ester directly back to his room.

""My dear Ruan Mei, wake up~"

Lin Yuan reached out and patted the woman who was still sleeping on the bed

"help~help~Hurry up and help me"

""Hmm~ dear, you are so energetic so early in the morning."

At Lin Yuan's call, Ruan Mei woke up from her deep sleep.

Looking at the man in front of her, she stretched out her arms with blurred eyes, hugged his neck and exhaled a breath of hot air.

"It's okay, go ahead."

"Honey, calm down, I need your help."

Lin Yuan rubbed the other's cheek with both hands:"Wake up, don't you see that Estelle over there is almost dehydrated......"


Before Lin Yuan finished speaking, a loud roar suddenly sounded.

In his confused eyes, the huge bed in front of him suddenly exploded.

"Wife? What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just trying to regain consciousness as you requested."

Ruan Mei, who had changed her clothes at some point, got up from the ruins of the bed and rubbed her forehead, looking at Lin Yuan and Ester.

"Honey, what's your situation?"

"what do you mean?"

"......It seems that you haven't discovered yet, you are faintly emitting the breath of [breeding]."

Ruan Mei sighed and easily guessed what the current situation was.

"Although I don't understand what you did, the power of"breeding" in you has a great influence on the people around you."

"Keep a certain distance, if there is physical contact...The little girl at your feet is the best result"

"Breeding breath?"

Lin Yuan frowned slightly and focused on his body.

No problem.

The breeding power in his body was flowing in and out of the Star God's corpse the whole time. How could there be any extra power to affect......


"Looks like you found the problem."

"Hiss~! There seems to be something wrong."

Lin Yuan focused his attention on the corpse of the star god in his body.

Although most of the time, this corpse was lying flat, allowing Lin Yuan to absorb it.

But as the process continued, the corpse of the star god would leak a breath at a certain moment.

For Lin Yuan, this breath was naturally nothing.

It was just like natural breathing.

The breath from the corpse of the star god flowed along Lin Yuan's kidneys and dispersed to various parts of his body.

Of course, this is not a bad thing.

After being strengthened by the breath of the star god, Lin Yuan is equivalent to having an extra passive skill. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for the effect of this passive skill...Well, to put it simply, it turns Lin Yuan into a genuine male succubus. (cgdf) Not only can he easily gain favor from the opposite sex, but he can also activate the other person's reproductive instinct after physical contact. It's okay if he's stronger, like Ruan Mei, who was caught off guard at the beginning, can also react and regain consciousness within a few seconds.

But if it's an ordinary person like Esta who has no power but a higher status, it's different.

"I thought that there was a century-old problem that even the Envoy of the Order of Plenty could not solve, but I didn't expect that I had drugged her unconsciously."

Looking at Ester who was holding onto his trouser legs and tremblingly reaching upwards to pursue the source of life, Lin Yuan's expression became subtle.

It seems that sometimes being too strong is not a good thing.

The overly powerful power made Lin Yuan begin to subconsciously ignore some obvious answers in the eyes of ordinary people.

If it were when he just became the Envoy of the Order of Plenty, he would have noticed the existence of the Star God's aura a long time ago.

Of course, it's useless to think about these things now.

What we should think about is how to deal with Ester.

"Honey, do you think it's too late for me to erase this memory of Esta?"

"I advise you not to do that."

Ruan Mei calmly reminded:"If she finds something wrong later and asks Black Tower to help check her body and find out the problem, the situation will only become more complicated than it is now."

"OK, then I won't clear the memory."[]

Lin Yuan suppressed the aura from the Star God's corpse in his body and raised his hand to touch Ester's forehead.

This time, without the interference of the Star God's aura, Ester's consciousness successfully withdrew from the estrus state.


As soon as she regained her consciousness, Esta trembled and helped Lin Yuan mop the floor.

After a few seconds, Esta finally suppressed the pleasure in her body and climbed up from the ground.

"Hahahaha~ This is my first time experiencing this"

"I almost thought I was going to die."

"Don't be afraid, you won't die as long as I'm here"


I just feel that I will die if you are here.

Esta raised her head and looked at Lin Yuan with resentment.

She was just overwhelmed by lust in her mind, but she did not lose consciousness.

Because of this, Esta heard all the conversations between Lin Yuan and Ruan Mei.

"Lin Yuan, you did something so outrageous, don't you think you should compensate me?"


"Why do you have to use a questioning tone?"

Esther sighed silently and glanced at the mirror not far away.

Thinking carefully, this was the first time she had been so embarrassed since she became conscious.


"It seems like a good opportunity."

Calming down her throbbing and shyness, Estelle looked up at the man in front of her and invited him.

"Lin Yuan, let's get married"

"Eh? No"


At least you should hesitate before refusing!......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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