"Congratulations, Mr. Lin Yuan."

In the main control cabin of the Black Tower Space Station, Esther turned off the communication and looked at the people behind her.

"The teacher is in the space station today."

"Do you want to meet now, or do you want to meet after some preparation?"

""Let's go now, so that Heita won't get impatient waiting."

Lin Yuan replied.

He knew Heita's character.

If he wasted too much time, even if the other party didn't stand up, he would easily run into obstacles when doing business later.

"Then please follow me."

Esta looked at Ji Zi and Sanyueqi beside her.

"Jizi, you guys wait here for a while."

"I will send Mr. Lin Yuan to the teacher, and then I will take you to find a researcher in the field of neurology."


After saying goodbye to Sanyueqi and the others, Lin Yuan followed Esta out of the main control cabin and headed towards the Black Tower office.

With Esta, the acting stationmaster, leading the way, the two quickly passed through layers of verification and arrived at their destination.


The door opened, and Esta, who had completed the last verification, stepped aside and took out a permission card and handed it to Lin Yuan.

"The teacher is inside. After you finish talking to her, Mr. Lin Yuan, you can use this card to open the door and return to the main control cabin to find me."

"Thank you very much."

Raising his hand to take the permission card, Lin Yuan walked into the room.

After a few steps, he saw Black Tower.

He was standing in front of a huge machine, recording the data on it.

Seeing Lin Yuan coming, Black Tower temporarily stopped what he was doing and cast an inquiring look at him.

"Are you the Envoy of Fertility that Esther mentioned?"

"I heard you wanted to see me, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask you for a favor."

Lin Yuan said,"I need a device to record world coordinates. Can you make it?"

"That's it?"

Heita raised her eyebrows.

She suddenly felt that meeting this guy was a waste of time.

"It's just a device for recording space coordinates. Why do I need to buy it? You can buy it directly in the space station."

"No, no, no, I think you misunderstood me."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly:"I'm talking about a device that records world coordinates, not a device that records space coordinates."

"Is there any difference between the two?"

"There is a difference, of course."

"The world I'm talking about doesn't refer to a certain galaxy."

"In my opinion, a world that includes the many galaxies discovered by Akivalli and even the legendary tree of imaginary numbers can be considered a complete world."

"What I want is a device that can record the coordinates of a new world after leaving this world, and can still lock the coordinates after returning."


Heita finally got interested.

But she didn't take the bait that Lin Yuan had thrown.

After thinking for a moment, she took out a black cube and a palm-sized mobile phone from under the table and handed them to Lin Yuan.

"This black square is a space anchor I made. If you can reach the new world you mentioned, hide it in a safe place."

"As for this phone, it has the function of recording space coordinates. Once you arrive in the new world, turn it on and carry it with you. It will collect coordinates for 24 hours."

"You are really generous."

Lin Yuan put the two items away and said,"I thought I had to pay a price to get something from you."

"I am just curious about the new world you are talking about, and I hope you won't let me down."

Heita crossed his arms, raised his head and looked at Lin Yuan:"Anything else you want to ask? My time is precious, and I don't want to waste too much time."

"Um...If I must say one thing, there is one."

Lin Yuan casually pulled out the shallow sword from his waist and gestured:"I got this thing by chance from the New World."

"In that world, there is a group of beings called Death Gods, who can obtain the real name of Asaoki through the soul power called spiritual pressure and their own will of faith and will to complete liberation."

"As you know, I am a rookie who just got the power, so I want to ask you if the energy of imaginary energy can replace the spiritual pressure to complete the liberation of shallow fighting and obtain the real name."

"Death god, spiritual pressure, shallow fight...Interesting."

Heita took the doll and used it to complete the most basic tests. Then he replied:

"I need some time to study it. Please leave this shallow striker with me. Come find me tomorrow."

"Stay with you? Then wait a minute."

Lin Yuan pulled the light back.

Then, under the black tower's puzzled gaze, he summoned the light out of thin air and stuffed it into her hand.

"This shallow strike has no owner, so I give it to you directly. You can study it however you want."

"Oh? Then I won't be polite."

Heita finished the appraisal of the shallow knife again.

Compared with the previous one, there is no difference in the sharpness and other data. It can even be said to be exactly the same.

In addition, this knife is a little too new.

It's like it just came out of the factory.

"It seems like you have a lot of secrets."

Looking at Lin Yuan thoughtfully, Heita suddenly said

"I'm a little interested in you. Would you like to be my research assistant?"

"Research Assistant? What does it do?"

"It's nothing, you just need to let me study your body when I call you"

"That sounds a bit dangerous, can I say no?"

"Food and accommodation are provided, and 1000w credit points are provided every month. If you want to go out with the Starry Sky Train or encounter research that you don't want to do, you can directly refuse."


She offered too much.......

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