"Sorry, Miss March Seven."

In the research section of the Black Tower Space Station, a middle-aged woman in a white coat shook her head and gave her conclusion.

"I have tried all the methods I can, but it seems to have no effect on you."

"That's a shame."

Sanyueqi sighed with some regret:"I thought I could get my memory back directly, but it didn't go that smoothly."

"Ms. Youlan, can you tell me the cause of the amnesia?"

Ji Zi asked.

To cure a disease, we must find the source of the problem.

If we can find out the cause of the amnesia, it may help San Yueqi recover his memory in the future.

"reason...If nothing unexpected happens, it is external interference."

"External interference?"

"That's right, from the conversation just now, we can tell that this Miss March 7 has a reasonable understanding of the situation around her, but she knows nothing about herself."

"Who am I, where am I from, why did I lose my memory and drift in space?...All memories related to myself have disappeared. This is not a normal amnesia."

Youlan replied:"Rather than losing past memories due to mental shock, I think it is more like being interfered by external forces."

"Huh? That sounds troublesome."

Sanyueqi frowned after understanding it.

"If he was an enemy, why would he just kill me? Why would he go through all the trouble of sealing my memory?"

"Not necessarily an enemy."

Ji Zi replied:"There are many strange things in the universe. Don't forget that you were found in an ice coffin."

"Maybe it was the ice coffin that was haunting you, sucking away your knowledge of yourself."


March Seven accepted this.

In fact, it doesn't matter what the reason is for the lost memory.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, the memory can't be recovered in a short time.

Instead of adding burden to yourself by imagining, it's better to enjoy the present.

"Ji Zi, when will Lin Yuan come back?"

"I don't know, maybe it takes several systems."

"Eh? It took that long?"

"After all, there aren't many opportunities to see the Black Tower, so he should take this opportunity to say everything he wants to say."

"That's a pity."

"What a pity?"

"I'm thinking of hanging out with him....Huh?"

San Yueqi was about to reply when he was stunned for a moment, and turned his head sharply to look behind him:"Lin Yuan?!"

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows:"Does my appearance here really surprise you?"

"That's not the case...It's just that Ji Zi just said that it would take a long time for you to discuss with Heita. I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

"After the discussion, I came back naturally."

"What did you talk about with that Black Tower?"

Sanyueqi asked curiously.

"Nothing, just asking if I can get a job at the space station."

Lin Yuan took out a new permission card and gestured:"Here~ I am now a research assistant at the Black Tower."

"In terms of my status in the space station, I am only under the black tower now. Isn't that amazing?"


Sanyueqi was stunned.

Didn't Lin Yuan say he had something important to discuss with Heita before he left?

How come he was hired directly during the conversation?

"Wait! If you join the company, are you planning to leave the Star Train and live here directly?!"

"Oh? Are you so reluctant to let me go?"

"Of course!"

Sanyueqi nodded vigorously.

As the first person she saw after waking up, Sanyueqi naturally had a certain good impression of Lin Yuan.

Not to mention that the other party provided her with a lot of help in the subsequent contacts.

If they separated so quickly,...To be honest, Sanyueqi also had the idea of whether to stay together.

"Lin Yuan, do you want to stay here?"

Ji Zi, who was standing by, also looked at him.

As the train's pilot, she would respect every passenger's opinion.

If Lin Yuan said he wanted to stay, she would not ask him to stay.

"Don't worry, it's just a name."

"The specific research time is completely up to fate."

Lin Yuan replied:"You can regard this as a cooperation between me and Black Tower, so as not to delay my travel with the train."

"but...If there is any result in the black tower, I might stay here for the next ten days or half a month."

"I understand."

Ji Zi nodded slightly and said,"The train will leave in seven days. If you don't have enough time, I can extend it for you for a few days."


Mine:"Everyone, look at me! I have something to announce!"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"111" Nobara Kugisaki

:"Just say it, don't waste your time."

Mine:"Huh! What's the hurry?"

Mine:"I have good news to tell you!"

Rukia Kuchiki:"So what is it?"

Mine:"Look at the mall, I've put several imperial tools on the shelves!"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Huh? Where did Sister Mine get them? Did you go back to the Revolutionary Army headquarters to stock up?"

Mine:"How is that possible! I'm on an important mission in the Imperial Capital now!" Mine

:"I got all these things in the mall after I killed the imperial tool users on the Empire side."

Mine announced the news with a proud look on her face.

This is the result of her accumulation of knowledge.

After joining the chat group, she spent a few days deciding between the spiritual pressure system, the cursed power system, and the spiritual power system, and finally chose the cursed power system.

The reason is that cursed power is a kind of power that comes from human negative emotions.

For Maine, who lives in the world of Zanaka and is under great pressure to perform assassinations all the time, cursed power is the easiest to learn quickly.

With cursed power as an aid, Maine's combat power has risen sharply.

In addition, after accumulating points recently to buy the photon invisible shield from Lin Yuan, her stealth and assassination abilities have improved by leaps and bounds.

With both methods, Maine's assassination ability has soared to the top of the Night Raid, and she has been assigned important tasks in succession in the past few days.

She beheaded Zanke, Celyu of the Imperial Guard, and even the three beast warriors who recently returned.

Not only did she obtain several imperial tools, but she also completed many challenging tasks and gained a lot of points.

With such an improvement, Maine became inflated.

Mine:"I feel so strong now that I can even kill the legendary Esdeath with one shot!"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Sister Mine is so powerful!"

Mine:"Hehe! You can admire me more!"

Lin Yuan:"I'm not interested in imperial weapons, but I do have some ideas about the super dangerous species on your side. Can you give me some flesh and blood of super dangerous species?" Mine:

"Super dangerous species? This is a bit difficult. After I solve the problem on the Empire side, I'll find a chance to get some for you."

Mine:"Let's not talk about it for now. I just received news that there is a special operation on the Empire side. I have to go and investigate." Nobara

Kugisaki:"Be careful. Don't get screwed." Mine

:"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong."......

A few hours later.

Mine:"Help! Is there anyone in the group who can help me? I'm dying!"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"?"

Lin Yuan:"?"......

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