Esdeath's actions were very efficient.

After Lin Yuan gave the order, she did not give Ernest and the little emperor any chance to beg for mercy.

As the swords rose and fell, two heads fell to the ground.

Nagisa Akatsuki:"So fast, is it over?" Nobara

Kugisaki:"It's normal to be fast. After all, the gap in strength is too big." Nobara

Kugisaki:"There is no need for Boss Lin Yuan to take action. Esdeath alone can defeat the empire."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Freeze time and space!"...This move is amazing no matter how many times you watch it."

Rukia looked at Esdeath on the screen with some emotion.

As a fellow ice player, she had a deeper feeling about Esdeath's move Mokobotmo.

Freezing time and space, just in terms of attacking moves, the opponent has almost reached the extreme of ice.

More importantly, Esdeath didn't know Mokobotmo from the beginning.

She was in the night raid on the headquarters, and was beaten unilaterally by Lin Yuan. She felt huge pressure and stimulated her potential, and she temporarily realized it.

When Rukia thought of this, she couldn't help but feel a chill on her back.

Kuchiki Rukia:"Fortunately, it was Boss Lin Yuan who went this time. If I had gone, I might have crashed with Mine."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Indeed, if Sister Rukia hadn't been able to take down Esdeath in the first place, and let the other party comprehend this move. That horror would not even have a second chance to ask for help, and would be killed instantly."

Kugizaki Nobara:"Speaking of which, someone seemed to have said before that he wanted to shoot Esdeath."

Main:"Ahem, I admit that I was a little arrogant at that time, okay? Let's not talk about this dark history again."

Main was also a little scared.

She had underestimated Esdeath before.

Whether it was affecting the celestial phenomena or freezing time and space.

All signs showed that Esdeath's strength was not comparable to that of an ordinary second-level strongman.

The other party might have touched the edge of the third level, or even a third-level country-destroying strongman.

Fortunately, it was Lin Yuan who came in the end.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Boss Lin Yuan, is there anything else you want to do next?"

"The empire's top fighter has been killed, as has the little emperor and Ernest. I have finished what I should do."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly:"After all, I am not from your world. I can only help you eliminate the main cause of your disease."

"The subsequent rectification and self-cultivation work will all need to be completed by you."

"Mr. Lin Yuan, please rest assured about this."

Najeshitan came over and said:"After losing the support of the two pillars of the empire, the revolutionary army is more powerful than the empire."

"You only need to stay in charge of the empire for a few days, and I will be able to quell all the unrest and get the empire back on track."

"A few days is too long, I will only stay here for one day."

Lin Yuan has no intention of being a nanny.

After staying for a day and recording the coordinates with the Black Tower's mobile phone, he can go back and ask the Black Tower if it can locate him.

"One day?...No problem, although time is a bit tight, I can temporarily control the situation and wait for the army to arrive."

Najesita responded.

Even if Lin Yuan left, she could temporarily use the other party's name to intimidate the officials of the empire for a while.

It would not be a problem to hold on until the revolutionary army arrived....

"Why are you following me?"

After leaving the follow-up work to Najeshitan, Lin Yuan left the hall.

But before he had walked far, he noticed that Esdeath was following him all the way.

"I am your slave. Before I receive your next order, I must follow you."

Esdeath replied as a matter of course.

"Next instructions?"

Of course, that kind of thing doesn't exist.

The space anchor point was planted at the beginning of the journey.

After finding a reason to stay for a day and killing Ernest and others, Lin Yuan's work in this world was over.

As for Esdeath......

His eyes swept across the other's full heart, and Lin Yuan silently compared it with Ji Zi.

They seemed to be about the same size.

"Since you have nothing to do, come and play with me."

After saying hello to Myne in the chat group, Lin Yuan took Esdeath to the nearby palace.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

First measure the size of Esdeath by hand, then go back and find a chance to measure Ji Zi's, then you will know who is bigger.......

Inside the Black Tower Space Station.

A faint spatial fluctuation floated up, and Lin Yuan appeared in a luxuriously decorated room.

This was the room that Estelle prepared for him. The furniture and equipment inside were all famous brands, and they were usually used to entertain VIPs.

After receiving the news that Lin Yuan would become the Black Tower assistant, Estelle gave this room to Lin Yuan.

"Only one system hour has passed?"

Lin Yuan glanced at the electronic watch.

The date was still the day he left, only one system hour had passed.

"Not bad, saves the trouble of explanation."

After destroying the note left on the table before leaving, Lin Yuan turned his attention to his body.

The moment he came back, he clearly felt that the imaginary energy in his body increased a lot, about one-fifth of the original total amount.

At first glance, one-fifth may sound low, but for a strong man at the level of a lord, this number is already exaggerated.

With Lin Yuan's current strength, even if he can't fully control his strength, he can still have a place among the lords with pure numbers.

Further exploration, as expected, this part of the increased imaginary energy comes from the development of destiny.


"A little lower than expected."

You know, this is not an ordinary development. He left the world of Collapse Iron and left a trace in another completely unfamiliar world.

This is a true development. For such a historically significant development, he should be given more rights to develop his destiny.

"Is it because of the channel problem?"

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with a thoughtful look.

The so-called development is not just as simple as exploring the unknown.

In addition to the most basic [exploration], development also includes [understanding】,【[Establishment] and [Connection] in three parts.

Understand the local human ecology, establish a connection with the new world, connect the world with the world, and open the way.

Only when these four steps are perfectly achieved can it be considered a complete development.

And for Lin Yuan, his various actions in the world of Zhan Chi can barely meet the three steps of exploration, understanding, and establishment.

But only in the last step of connection, the progress is zero.

The pioneering destiny of the world of Bengtie may be able to detect that Lin Yuan went outside the world and carried out a development.

However, in the absence of a channel and unable to locate that unknown world, the pioneering destiny may determine that Lin Yuan's development is not perfect.

In the case of flaws, the pioneering destiny authority given to Lin Yuan is naturally much less than a perfect development.

Of course, Lin Yuan had anticipated this situation a long time ago. It was because he was worried about this situation that he took the initiative to find the black tower and told the other party that there was another world outside the world.

"All the preparations have been completed. Now it depends on whether the Black Tower can help."

Putting away the phone that recorded the coordinates of the world space of Zhan Chi, Lin Yuan walked out of the room.

However, after just a few steps, Lin Yuan noticed a familiar breath approaching his room.

A few seconds later, a knock on the door sounded on time, and the voice of San Yueqi came from outside the door.

"Lin Yuan Lin Yuan ~ Are you in the room?"......

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