"The door is not locked. Come in."

"Then the girl is coming in~"

March 7 opened the door and ran in

"Lin Yuan, do you have time later?"

"......I don't have anything else to do for now. What's wrong?"

"Ding ding~ This is the Black Tower Space Station travel guide I just made! It has been certified by Station Master Esta, and it is definitely interesting and effective!"

March Seven took out a map and gestured to Lin Yuan:"Ji Zi said she has something to do now, so she asked me to come with you"

"If you are not busy, can you accompany me on the tour and find some space station specialties that will satisfy Pam?"

"Visit the Black Tower Space Station? Sure."

Lin Yuan thought about it and agreed.

Anyway, it wouldn't take a day to confirm the coordinates.

It would be the same if we went to the Black Tower tomorrow.

""Great! Let's go!"

On the other side, San Yueqi, who got a satisfactory answer, became happy instantly, grabbed Lin Yuan's sleeve and ran out.

However, after running a few steps, she stopped without warning, and looked at Lin Yuan with doubt.

"What's wrong?"

"Why do you smell like a strange woman?"

The smell of a strange woman?"

Lin Yuan was stunned when he realized what March 7 meant. He replied with a subtle expression.

"Isn't it normal to smell like a strange woman? After all, there are many female researchers in the space station."

"No, no! What I smelled was not the kind of smell left after a simple contact!"

March Seven reasoned seriously:"This smell...Let me think, it should be something deeper, the female body scent left after long-term contact!"

"And judging by the intensity of the smell, you must have been in close proximity with the person for at least half a day."

"strangeness...Something seems wrong. You and I have only been apart for a few hours. You shouldn't have left such a strong smell. What went wrong?"

Are you born in the Year of the Dog?

Lin Yuan's eyes twitched, and his gaze became more subtle.

She has lost her memory, so how can she still have such a strange skill?

Looking at March Seven who was still talking to herself, Lin Yuan raised his hand and patted her head, temporarily interrupting her reasoning game.

"Don't think about it, the smell you smelled must be from me in the office of the Black Tower"

"Huh? But when you came back from the Black Tower before, I didn't seem to smell this smell."

"Maybe you forgot, after all, your memory is not very good"

"Speaking of which, I just saw the Technology Research and Development Zone on the map. How about we go there first?"

Lin Yuan launched a personal attack as if nothing had happened, and then changed the subject.

"Technology R&D Zone? I remember it was the fourth stop on the travel guide....Is there anything you want to see there?"

Sanyueqi tilted his head in confusion.

"I don't know much about that place, so I don't want to visit it, but I want to commission a researcher there to customize a camera."


"Yes, after all, your memory is not very good. If you have a camera to record your daily life, you can also remember it if you lose your memory in the future......."

"Bah, bah, bah~ Stop it, what are you saying all of a sudden!"

March Seven suddenly interrupted Lin Yuan's words:"This doesn't sound auspicious at all. I don't want to lose my memory again!"

"Do you still need a camera?"


San Yueqi replied without hesitation.

Since it was a gift prepared by Lin Yuan for her, she would naturally accept it.

Even if she didn't use it as a memory after losing her memory, it would be nice to take some photos to record her life.

"Let's go! We are heading to the technology research and development area!"...

At the same time that San Yueqi and Lin Yuan started running around the space station,

Heita, who was having an important conversation in his office, suddenly stopped and knocked his head in confusion.

"Did something unexpected happen? Logic: This is the first time you have such a reaction.

On a screen not far away, a robot wearing a suit, a gentleman's hat and a pair of glasses asked.

"Um...There is indeed a special situation."

Heita replied:"A device I sent out not long ago suddenly lost its connection before a system"

"And just now, the device suddenly appeared again and reconnected with me."

"Question: Is it necessary to temporarily interrupt communication?"

"No, the owner of the device is in the space station. I'll ask him about the details tomorrow when he comes to see me."

After mobilizing remote monitoring to check Lin Yuan's condition and confirming that he was not in danger of death after returning, Black Tower withdrew his gaze.

"Let's continue with the topic just now, Screw Gum"

"I would like to invite you to build a simulated universe with me. Once successful, we will be able to learn about past history and even further understand the secrets of the star gods. Are you interested?"

"Ms. Black Tower, I don't think anyone would refuse to learn the secrets of the Star God."

The reply from Screw Gumu came:"But before I accept your invitation, please allow me to ask a question carefully."

"How many people did you invite to build the simulated universe? Logic: Two geniuses are not enough to achieve the goal."

"I have already invited Stephen."

Heita replied:"As long as you agree to participate in this project, I can get four people together."

"Question: Who is the fourth genius?"

"Nguyen May"

"Ms. Ruan Mei? She is indeed an excellent candidate."

Screw Gum expressed his approval of Heita's vision.

As a member of the Genius Club, he was no stranger to Ruan Mei.

She was a genius in the field of life.

Even in the Genius Club, few people could match her in this field.

More importantly, she was a loner and had no black material.

As long as she could be invited, she would be a scientific research partner who could be trusted to cooperate.

As for whether Heita could bring her over, Screw Gum was not worried.

Based on his understanding of Heita, the fact that she dared to confirm the fourth person in such an affirmative tone meant that she was absolutely sure of success.

"Black Tower girl, please allow me to make some preparations. I will meet you at the Black Tower Space Station in three days. Logic: There are many things needed to build a simulated universe."

"See you in three days."

Having successfully invited Screw Gumu, Heita was in a good mood. After hanging up the call, she immediately contacted the last target.

Ruan Mei seemed to have recognized Heita and quickly answered the call. A woman wearing a graphite cheongsam, exuding a gentle and elegant temperament, appeared on the screen.

"Ruan Mei, I want to ask you for a favor"

"Sorry, Heita, I'm a bit busy recently."

"If you agree, I can share with you my research results on the Harvest Order."

"......About twenty systems in, I can finish what I'm doing, where are you planning to meet?"

"Just come to the space station."

Heita showed a smug smile on his face.

Is her 10 million credit points every month wasted?

Ruan Mei, a mere......

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