When Lin Yuan arrived at the Black Tower office the next day, the first thing he received was a black card.

"Here, this is your salary for this month"

"Including bonuses, a total of 12 million credit points"


Bonus? What bonus?

Lin Yuan took the black card with some doubts.

"Yesterday I used your name to recruit a partner."

Seeing Lin Yuan's confusion, Heita explained.

"The other party is a member of the Genius Club like me, the 81st seat Ruan Mei, you may have heard of her name"

"I have heard of it."

Lin Yuan nodded, not caring too much.

As early as the moment he chose to cooperate with Heita, he had already prepared to become famous.

Keeping Ruan Mei's matter in mind for the time being, Lin Yuan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Heita.

"Can the positioning be completed?"

"It's difficult, but I will try my best."

Heita replied truthfully:"In fact, not long after you came back yesterday, I tried to lock the space anchor point."

"Unfortunately, there has been no response so far."

There are generally only two reasons for this situation.

The distance between the two is too far, so far that even the Black Tower's technology cannot locate and observe them.

The connection between the two is disturbed, just like the rift space created by the star core will affect the progress of the Star Dome Train, and the outermost barrier of the world affects her observation of the space anchor point.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is that the two reasons exist at the same time, which means that the technology she needs to overcome has more than doubled.

"With your wisdom, how long would it take to master these technologies?"

"About one hundred to two hundred years, which is not a long time for the Envoy of the Order of Plenty."

"That's true, but I don't want to wait that long."

After a little thought, Lin Yuan asked,"How about changing direction?"

"Oh? Tell me about it."

The black tower looked at him.

"First of all, you need to know one thing. Even in the infinite world, the world under our feet is definitely a special existence."

Lin Yuan said:"With our current strength, it is very unlikely to break through the world barrier from the inside and transmit signals to the outside world."

"In this case, let's just do the opposite."

Lin Yuan raised two fingers, one on the left and one on the right:"As the Envoy of the Order of Plenty, I can be regarded as a special spatial anchor point."

"After arriving in the new world, I tried my best to find a way to control that world and become the master of the world."

"At that time, as long as I can represent the new world and complete the destiny resonance with the Collapse Iron World, I can also position myself."

"I see, this is a good idea."

Heita fell into deep thought:"Change the research direction from breaking through the world barrier to observe the location world to improving the method of resonating with destiny."

"In terms of difficulty alone, it is indeed much simpler."

"So after the difficulty is reduced, how long does it take you to design the first set of plans and props?"

"It can be done in half a month at most"

"Then let me know when you are done, and I will come to pick it up."

If it takes at most half a month, Ji Zi can be flexible.

There will be no conflict in time.

"How is the shallow research going?"

Lin Yuan changed the subject.

"The first stage of the liberation experiment has been successful."

Heita walked to a cylindrical device not far away and raised his hand to tap it twice.

With a click, the surface of the cylinder slowly opened to both sides, and a white mist floated out.

After a few seconds, the white mist dissipated, and Heita took out the Zanpakuto placed inside.

"To make it easier for you to understand, I will show you the results directly."

Heita raised his Zanpakutō above his head, injected imaginary energy into it, and chanted the liberation words.

""Crumbling mountains and rivers, shattering rocks.""


The surging imaginary energy rose from the black tower, and the sword in her hand expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

After a few seconds, the brilliance wrapped around the sword disappeared, and a huge two-handed sword with a heavy blade and a jagged edge appeared in Lin Yuan's eyes.

"That's basically it."

After swinging the two-handed sword twice, which was taller than his height, Heita stuck it into the ground beside him.

"Yesterday I teleported the shallow sword to the main body on the Azure Star, and as you said, I injected soul power and mental power into it through the equipment."

"It took about ten minutes before I got its name and completed the first stage of the Shikai."

"I won't go into too much detail about the effects. From the current tests, as long as we can find a way to strengthen the material of the Zanpakutō, it will still be acceptable as a main weapon."

"As for the subsequent Bankai, it seems that there is some potential third condition. No matter how much soul power and mental power I inject, there is no reaction."

"In order to fully activate the power of this knife, it will take some time to study. However, I have other plans these days, so this matter will be postponed."

"No problem, the current progress is already very surprising."

Lin Yuan replied truthfully.

Should we say that he is worthy of being the Wisdom Commander favored by the Master of Knowledge?

The speed of Black Tower's research on Zanpakuto is so fast that it is beyond Lin Yuan's imagination.

He completed the Shikai in one day.

Even if we look at the entire world of death, I am afraid that few people can do this.

After silently sighing at Black Tower's wisdom, Lin Yuan asked

"What should I do next?"

"It's very simple. Put your shallow sword down inside the [Soul Sharing Ceremony], then sit on a chair beside it and put on the [Soul Helmet].】"

The Soul-Sharing Gyre refers to the cylindrical container that Kurota just took out his Zanpakuto from.

As for the Soul Helmet, it is a helmet that is all black.

According to Kurota, this is one of the rare items in her collection that can materialize the soul power of the wearer.

It sounds a bit confusing but after Lin Yuan put on the helmet, he quickly understood what the soul power materialization meant.......

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