"Did his soul leave his body directly?"

Lin Yuan looked at his body curiously.

After putting on the Soul Helmet, he could feel a weak force pulling his soul.

Although the pulling force was not strong, after giving up resistance and exerting force according to the pulling feeling, his soul left his body directly.

"The imaginary energy can still be mobilized, but the mobilization speed is 10% slower. It seems that the lack of a physical body will still cause some impact."

After confirming his own condition, Lin Yuan looked towards the black tower.

"What to do next?"

"Just hold this."

Heita came to the side of the [Soul Sharing Instrument] and handed over the plug on the base.

Lin Yuan grabbed the plug and soon felt a faint suction coming from it, which was very similar to when the soul left the body just now.

After realizing what to do next, Lin Yuan took the initiative to follow this suction and poured a large amount of imaginary energy into the [Soul Sharing Instrument].

After a moment, the faint suction suddenly disappeared, and a ticking sound was heard on the machine not far away.

Heita pressed a button to stop the alarm:"Eleven seconds....It seems that the imaginary energy in your body is greater than I thought."

"What to do next?"

"The infusion of soul power and spiritual will has reached the target, you can return to your body"

"Huh? Is it over already?"

"Of course, this so-called Zanpakuto Shikai is not something complicated. Its real power lies in the second stage."

That's true.

Lin Yuan, who knows more about Zanpakutō, is very clear about the difference between Zanpakutō's Shikai and Bankai.

Except for the numerical freaks like Aizen and Kenpachi Zaraki, the strength of most Shinigami will undergo a qualitative change after Bankai.

However, no matter how simple it is, it is still beyond Lin Yuan's expectation to complete Shikai so quickly.

The soul and body merged into one again, Lin Yuan took off the helmet on his head and took the Asada from Heita.

The next second, a faint wave floated from the Asada, and Lin Yuan's soul and Asada resonated briefly.

Indistinctly, he saw two figures.

On the left is a royal sister with long green hair, a slim figure, and a gentle temperament.

On the right is a petite loli with short white hair and a jumping figure.

As if noticing Lin Yuan's gaze, the two sword spirits cast their eyes on Lin Yuan at the same time.

And at the moment of eye contact, the release language of this Zanpakutō that belongs only to Lin Yuan rang in his heart

"How is it?"

Black Tower's voice came from the side at the right moment.

"You should have heard it."

"I heard it, but the result was a little unexpected."

Lin Yuan's expression was a little subtle.

He didn't expect that his Zanpakutō was actually a double blade.

This was not normal.

In the world of Death God, whether it was Kyoraku Shunsui, Ukitake Jushiro or the later Kurosaki Ichigo.

The double blades were caused by the presence of foreign objects in the body.

As for his double blades...After learning the true name of Zanpakuto, Lin Yuan has guessed the reason

"Can I see the Shikai? I want to record the data after different Zanpakuto are released."

The voice of Heita came from the side again.

"Of course, as long as you don't get too surprised"


"Yes, after all, you will understand my situation after hearing the words of liberation."

Lin Yuan mobilized the imaginary energy in his body.

At the moment it flowed into the shallow strike, his voice rang out

"Blooming in the fertile land, forging a path in the unknown, Qiling·Pibang"


Heita was stunned.

She could understand Fengrao, but what about Zhulu?

Could it be that...

Recalling all the things Lin Yuan had done, Heita, who had vaguely guessed the truth, suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Lin Yuan's hands.

After completing the Shikai, the Zanpakutō that Lin Yuan was holding was split into two, emitting different auras at the same time.

His eyes passed over the long sword on the right that was engraved with vine patterns and faintly exuded the breath of life, and Heita looked directly at the short sword on the left that was engraved with teeth.

"open up...You have so many secrets."

"This world is too dangerous. I dare not run around without some trump cards."

Lin Yuan shrugged and focused his attention on the double swords.

That's right, the reason why his Zanpakuto is a double sword is because he has the power of two destinies at the same time.

Abundance and development.

After absorbing his soul power and spiritual will, the Zanpakuto was affected and split into two. The long sword Qi Ling on the right represents abundance. It can analyze the enemy's body structure through attack, learn its weaknesses, absorb the enemy's energy and vitality, and feed back to recover from injuries.

The short sword Pibang on the left represents development, which can leave a space anchor point where the blade passes. As long as Lin Yuan activates the space anchor point, he can build a road between himself and the anchor point and reach the destination directly.

"They all sound like good abilities."

After recording the data, Heita commented:"Compared to your Zanpakutō, I feel that my Zanpakutō abilities are a bit too monotonous."

"Actually, I've been wanting to ask this question since a while ago."

"Aren't you the Intellectual Commander? Why does your Zanpakuto release language sound like a pure destructive power type?"

Putting away the Zanpakuto, Lin Yuan looked at the black tower curiously.

"You don't need to understand intellectual matters so clearly."

Heita took out a syringe and handed it to Lin Yuan, skipping the topic as if nothing had happened.

"Draw a tube of blood for me. I have to get some research results before Ruan Mei arrives, otherwise I won't be able to fool her."

So you also know that you are making big promises to Ruan Mei.

Lin Yuan took the syringe, opened the skin and directly inserted the syringe into his arm to draw blood.

Compared with the value that the black tower brought him, drawing a tube of blood was not a problem.


"Research is research, don't take my blood���"

I don't want to open my eyes one day and see a guy who looks exactly like me calling me dad."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in that kind of thing."

Taking care of children is a pure waste of time.

For Heita, who wants to devote all his time to scientific research, that kind of plan was not considered from the beginning.......

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