Mine:"Wait! Is the strength of the newcomer not right?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"What the hell is the sixth order?"

Kuchiki Rukia:"Sixth order, I remember that it is a level above the star destroyer. As long as there is enough time to prepare, it can even destroy a galaxy."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Brother Lin Yuan is so powerful!"

At the same time when Kuchiki Rukia discovered Lin Yuan's strength.

The other girls in the chat group who were curious about Lin Yuan's strength also clicked on the information card and found something wrong.

Looking at the big sixth order in the strength column.

Including Kuchiki Rukia, everyone couldn't help but fall into great shock.

Mine:"Well, when I think about the fact that I just sold the first order stuff to the sixth order strongman, I suddenly feel a little embarrassed."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Yes, next time when a newcomer joins the group, I must check the other party's information before selling." Kuchiki

Rukia:"I was careless. I didn't expect there would be a sixth order newcomer."

Sixth order, that's the sixth order!

Just thinking about the chat group's description of the sixth level, Rukia and others couldn't help but dig their toes on the ground in embarrassment, wishing they could dig out a three-bedroom, one-living-room house.

Lin Yuan:"There's no need to be so reserved."

Lin Yuan:"In fact, compared to those of you who practice hard, my sixth level is completely picked up."

Through the chat group's strength assessment, Lin Yuan now understands how big a gift package the pharmacist has stuffed him with.

The Envoy of Abundance.

The other party actually gave him the power of the Envoy level directly.

Only in this way can he meet the chat group's assessment of the sixth level.

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Brother Lin Yuan is really too modest."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Yeah, the sixth level is a galaxy-level power, how could it be picked up."

Rukia Kuchiki:"I guess you must have made efforts far beyond ordinary people to reach this step."

Lin Yuan:"Well, it's actually okay. I just had a near-death experience, and then I have the current strength."


Kugisaki Nobara:"The number is much less than I thought. It seems that the newcomer is a genius."

Lin Yuan:"......Just treat it as such."

Looking at the girls in the chat group whose minds were gradually becoming corrupted, Lin Yuan was too embarrassed to tell the truth.

How could he say that?

He had been playing sloppy for more than 20 years, and then he went hungry for two days, and in the end, he was favored by the pharmacist and became a envoy? If he really said that, he was afraid that the girls in the group would be jealous.

Lin Yuan:"Speaking of which, how do you upload the products in the mall?

" Akatsuki Nagisa:"For knowledge-based products, just contact the chat group directly to upload them."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"For item-based products, it depends on the situation."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Like the shallow hits in Rukia's world, it seems that the creator left some backdoors, so they must be optimized through the chat group before uploading to eliminate the risks from third parties."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"But like knowledge-based products, prop-based products can be backed up as long as they are uploaded once, so there will be stock no matter how many people buy them later." Kugisaki Nobara:"

Boss, do you have those kind of inexpensive and good-quality small props in your hands? It would be best if a poor guy like me can afford them."

Main:"Poor guy +1"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Poor guy +2"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Poor guy +3"

Lin Yuan:"Hmm...Don't worry, I'll think about it."

Lin Yuan temporarily left the chat group and focused on his own body.

Knowledge-based products were basically impossible.

Even if Marin and others wanted them, he couldn't give them out.

What he learned in school had already been returned to his high school teachers.

After four years of training in college, the only thing that increased in him was his appetite.

Now if he wanted to upload items to the mall, Lin Yuan could only start with the blessing of the pharmacist he had just received.

Feeling the imaginary energy in his body that was like a vast ocean, Lin Yuan carefully called out a trace of

"Chat group, can this be uploaded as a product?"

【upload failed】

"It really doesn't work."

Lin Yuan thought about it, pulled out a bunch of grass from under his feet, held it in his hand and injected imaginary energy, trying to condense the grass into the shape of a ring.

The process was smoother than Lin Yuan imagined.

Perhaps it was the energy characteristics of imaginary energy, or perhaps the energy Lin Yuan injected was enough.

Under his control, these imaginary energies actually gathered the weeds in his palm into a ring.

The ring is emerald green, engraved with neat bamboo leaf patterns, and emits a bright glow under the moonlight.

From the appearance alone, it is difficult for ordinary people to tell that the original material of this ring is a pile of weeds that can be found everywhere.

After making the ring, Lin Yuan communicated with the chat group again and tried to upload the product

【The appraisal has passed and the Ring of Plenty can be uploaded to the mall. Would you like to upload it?】

【Ring of Plenty (Level 2): This grass ring has absorbed a large amount of fertility power. The wearer can heal old diseases in the body, automatically replenish lost vitality, and form a shield to resist attacks at critical moments until the internal energy is exhausted. Price: 3000 points】

"3000 points, not bad."

Lin Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

Although his second-level item is only a thousand points more expensive than Marin's sniping experience.

But the nature of the two cannot be compared.

The other party's one-time deal is a lifelong benefit.

And his ring is a consumable. Once the power of abundance injected inside is used up, he must buy a new one.

More importantly, he is doing a cost-free business.

Basically, he didn't pay any price to create a prop worth 3000 points.

After a little more in-depth research, or changing to better materials as a base, it will not be a problem to create better props.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan directly pressed the confirmation button and uploaded the ring in his hand to the mall.

Lin Yuan:"The small props are ready. If you are interested, you can buy two."

Marin:"Here it comes!"

Kuchiki Rukia:"Let me see...Heal hidden injuries, replenish vitality, and create a shield to resist attacks......"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Hi~ This item looks so powerful, I'm a little tempted." Nagisa Akatsuki

:"As expected of Brother Lin Yuan, the first thing he did was a second-level item, so powerful."

Lin Yuan:"It's just so-so, just made it casually."

Nobara Kugisaki:"Just made it casually? Wait a minute....The product description says it is a grass ring infused with the power of abundance. Could this really be a grass ring?"

Lin Yuan:"Yeah, what else could it be? I just grabbed a handful of grass and injected some fertility power into it and made it."

Lin Yuan:"It just so happens that I have a lot of materials around me. If you want other types, I can make you a weed set from the inside out."


Akatsuki Nagisa:"?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"?"

Did people say so?......

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