A casual pinch can turn into a second-level item worth three thousand points.

It looks like a very practical item, which can be used in daily life or in battle.

Is this the real boss?

Looking at Lin Yuan's inappropriate remarks in the chat group, Marin shed tears of envy.

Marin:"Damn it, if I could make imperial tools as easily as Lin Yuan, I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to sell the products."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Don't dream in broad daylight."

Marin:"Humph! Things change over time, don't bully a poor girl!"

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Well...Although it feels a bit difficult for Sister Myne to become a rank six warrior, come on!"

Rukia Kuchiki:"3,000 points is a bit expensive.""Nobara

Kugisaki:"It's not bad. Since this grass ring is rated as a rank two item, it means that it can block the attack of a rank two warrior under extreme stimulation.""Nobara

Kugisaki:"If you buy one, you won't suffer too much." Rukia

Kuchiki:"That's true."

Looking at the balance of more than 6,000 points, Rukia, who had saved points for a long time, hesitated for two seconds and pressed the purchase button on the mall page.

The next moment, an exquisite emerald green ring appeared in Rukia's palm, exuding vitality.

"Is this the Ring of Plenty?"

Rukia activated the Ring of Plenty, and a large amount of Plenty Power flowed directly from the ring into her body.

Under the effect of this power, Rukia's old illness was instantly swept away, making her feel lighter.

Not only that, under the effect of the Plenty Power, Rukia's spiritual pressure was further purified and the quality became higher.

"Good stuff!"

Rukia's eyes flashed with anticipation:"If it is this power, the captain's illness may be cured......."

Thinking of this, Lukia said goodbye to everyone in the chat group for the time being, and then hurriedly ran towards the depths of the team barracks....

【Group member 'Kuchiki Rukia' purchased your item 'Ring of Plenty' and received 3000 points】

【Group member 'Kugizaki Nobara' purchased your item 'Ring of Abundance' and received 3000 points】

"Good luck, the money was credited so quickly."

Listening to the reminders that sounded in succession, Lin Yuan, who had just finished rubbing his straw sandals, uploaded the product and then looked at the chat group.

Although Rukia disappeared directly after buying the product, Kugizaki Nobara, who also bought the ring, did not close the group.

Under her promotion, both Mine and Akane Nagisa had a better understanding of the effect of the ring and said that they also wanted to save points to buy one.

Lin Yuan glanced over their conversation and opened the mall page with ease, looking at the items on it.

There were not many products in the chat group, and most of them, which Lin Yuan thought were valuable, were uploaded by Rukia.

"Um...Let's buy a ghost path and try it out first."

Lin Yuan spent 100 points and bought a broken path one. Charge.

The prompt sound of successful purchase sounded, and the power from the chat group enveloped Lin Yuan, allowing him to quickly master the basic essentials of [Break the path one. Charge].

Following the feeling coming from instinct, Lin Yuan raised a finger to the ground in front of him and mobilized the imaginary energy in his body.



A roar sounded, and gravel and rocks passed by Lin Yuan's ears.

In his surprised eyes, a pit with a diameter of about ten meters appeared on the ground not far away.


Lin Yuan smiled.

In fact, as early as after he saw the products in the chat group, he had the idea of buying a ghost to try.

The power in his body was picked up from the pharmacist.

Although it is very strong, he doesn't know how to use it at all.

In addition to attaching it to his fist for hand-to-hand combat, the only way to use it is to roll it into a ball and throw it out.

In short, he is now in a situation where he has a treasure mountain but cannot mine it.

And these ghosts uploaded by Rukia in the chat group are exactly the props that can be used for mining in his opinion.

Cutting fists and walking ghosts, as one of the four basics of the god of death, the ghost has an extremely complete system, far exceeding the other three worlds.

If he can use imaginary energy to activate the ghost, then his next means of combat will be greatly enriched.

As a result, his idea was successful.

In the absence of spiritual pressure, he still used imaginary energy to activate the ghost and launched an attack.

"Since the ghost way can be accomplished, then the Zanpakuto......"

Looking at the shallow hits in the mall, Lin Yuan pressed the buy button. No matter if it is useful or not, just buy it first.

He joined the group with the strength of the sixth level, and the initial points were as high as 100 million points. It was not a problem to empty the current mall.

Anyway, it was only 1,000 points, so it would not be a loss if he failed.

If he succeeded...That's a huge profit!

【The purchase was successful, and 1,000 points were automatically deducted. 】

The chat group notification sounded, and a shallow sword appeared in Lin Yuan's hand.

"Inject soul power and one's own beliefs and will. Fortunately, there are methods to guide the chat group, otherwise I really can't do it."

According to the message attached to the product, Lin Yuan focused his attention and injected the imaginary energy in his body into Asada.

After a while, he opened his eyes a little depressed and looked at the unchanged Asada in his hand.


But this is also expected.

Injecting one's own will to temper Asada and obtain the true name of Zanpakuto is not something that can be done overnight.

More importantly, what he injected into Asada was not spiritual pressure, but imaginary energy from a rich destiny.

Whether this thing can release Zanpakuto is originally an unknown.

Since it is impossible to get results in a short time, the next step can only be to use time to slowly grind.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan temporarily hung Asada on his waist and invested all the remaining points in the mall.

Shopping time!

It's time to restock!

【Purchase successfully, 200 points will be automatically deducted】

【Purchase successful, 300 points will be automatically deducted】

【Purchase successful, 400 points will be automatically deducted】......

Reading during Dragon Boat Festival! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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