Lily Luca:"That...Can someone explain to Lily?"

Lily Luka:"What on earth happened in those few seconds just now? I can't understand it at all."

In the labyrinth city of Orario, the little human girl who was ready to be a supporter as usual stood in the corner, staring at the live broadcast screen in the chat group with a dull look.

Everything happened too fast, and she couldn't understand what happened in that minute just now.

Akane Nagisa:"To be honest, I don't understand it either."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Yeah, it's understandable that the big boss Lin Yuan raised his hand to catch the Achukas, but what happened later?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"The suddenly appeared wooden clog hat was not killed instantly, and it seems that his strength is stronger than that terrifying Hollow." Kuchiki

Rukia:"That guy is Urahara Kisuke. He is a strange businessman who suddenly appeared after I lost my spiritual pressure. He provided me with a skeletal body and equipment to monitor the appearance of hollows."

Kuchiki Rukia:"But I didn't expect that the skeletal body he provided me would suppress the recovery of spiritual pressure, and even its own strength is stronger than Achukas."

Rukia's mood was also complicated.

Through the live broadcast, she, like all the other girls, saw Urahara Kisuke's movements after he disappeared.

The instant step that was so fast that she could not imagine it at all, and the Zanpakutō that was pulled out at the end, undoubtedly told her one thing.

Urahara Kisuke is very likely a captain-level Shinigami.

Mine:"Captain-level Shinigami? Rukia, didn't you say that this kind of Shinigami is limited in the entire Soul Society?"

After listening to Rukia's explanation, Mine became confused.

Mine:"Such a famous existence, how come you don't know it."

Rukia Kuchiki:"It may be a captain who had major problems in the past and rebelled against the Soul Society after a conflict."

Rukia Kuchiki:"This situation rarely happens in the Soul Society, but it is not impossible." Nagisa Akatsuki

:"Huh? Dangerous elements of this level have been lurking around, doesn't that mean that sister Rukia and sister Mine were super dangerous before."Mine

:"......Judging from the current situation, it is indeed the case."

Main's expression is very subtle.

This can be considered a give and take.

She was careless before and was ambushed and chased by Esdeath. She wanted to ask Rukia for help and almost pitted the other party.

As a result, not long after, Rukia completed a perfect replica and almost led both of them into the ditch.

On how plastic sisters are made.

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Huh? It seems wrong."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"There was only one person just now, how come so many people were captured in a blink of an eye."

Good question.

Looking at the series of figures who were captured after the chains were taken back from the void, Rukia was also a little confused.

She remembered the tall and strong man among them, and he seemed to be an employee in Urahara Kisuke's shop.

But who are the others? Why don't she have any impression at all?

"Boss Lin Yuan, what’s going on?"

"They are all Urahara Kisuke's accomplices, and they have been hiding nearby without showing up."

"Just now, after I saw Urahara Kisuke running away, they wanted to follow and join us in a distant place, so I just arrested them all."

After testing the combined application of the power of abundance and the power of development, Lin Yuan, who was in a good mood, explained.

Yachukas made such a big commotion, it was not only Urahara Kisuke who came to check.

Shifengyuan Yoruichi, Wuling Tessai, and the Masked Army, all hid around and observed the situation like Urahara Kisuke before.

Lin Yuan thought that catching one was no different, so he simply arrested them and the others hiding in the Masked Army headquarters, and brought them here together.


Rukia, who didn't know the specific situation, felt that the situation was becoming more and more complicated.

Fortunately, the key to solving the doubts in her mind was now in front of her.

Looking at Urahara Kisuke who was still unconscious on the ground, she frowned and thought for two seconds before asking

"Boss Lin Yuan, do you have any way to make this guy tell the truth without lying or hiding anything?"

"That's too easy."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and pressed it on Urahara Kisuke's head.

The third fate memory fate was activated, and a wisp of Lin Yuan's soul entered the depths of Urahara Kisuke's consciousness, and thousands of lights flashed in front of his eyes.

These were all Urahara Kisuke's memories.

With a huge gap in strength, Urahara Kisuke's back-up plan to prevent detection on his soul had no effect on Lin Yuan.

Sweeping his eyes over these memories, Lin Yuan quickly extracted the key information

"nailed it"


Rukia was stunned, and her brain crashed on the spot.

In her sight, Lin Yuan was still saying that there was a way to make Urahara Kisuke tell the truth, and the next second he said it was done. It was totally incomprehensible.

"It's all here, take a look for yourself."

Lin Yuan ignored Rukia's reaction.

After spending a few seconds testing the power of memory destiny, he successfully copied the extracted memory, and a glimmer of light appeared on his fingertips.

With a flick of his finger, the glimmer of light directly merged into Rukia's body, allowing her to quickly understand Urahara Kisuke's origins and the purpose of doing all this, just like watching a movie.

"The former captain of the 12th Division, the boundless Hougyoku, the murderer behind everything is...Captain Aizen?! "

Rukia's pupils kept shaking. She couldn't accept such a huge shock of information for a while, and her heart was shaken.

Kugisaki Nobara:"What's the situation now?" Akatsuki Nagisa

:"I don't know, but looking at Rukia's expression, it seems that brother Lin Yuan has obtained some incredible information."

Lily Luka:"Although I don't quite understand, Lily thinks that the reason why Rukia is shocked should be Captain Aizen."

Kuchiki Rukia:"......That's true, I didn't expect that Captain Aizen would do such a horrible thing behind the scenes."

Rukia shared the memories she had just obtained, as well as some of Aizen's usual superficial behaviors, with the girls in the group. After listening to her explanation, Mine and the others finally understood why Rukia's reaction was so big.

Mine:"On the surface, he's a central air conditioner that gets along well with everyone, but behind the scenes he's conducting human experiments and hypnotizing the entire Soul Society." Mine:

"Isn't this a Smiling Tiger!""Nobara

Kugisaki:"It sounds much more terrifying than a Smiling Tiger, it's completely the image of a villain BOSS who wants to destroy the world.""Liluluka:

"Fortunately, there are no such scary guys around Lily, otherwise it would be scary to think about it."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"What are you going to do next, Rukia-sister?""

Rukia Kuchiki:"I haven't thought about it yet."

Rukia sighed silently.

What was going on? How did she get caught up?

Looking at Urahara Kisuke who was still unconscious on the ground, she couldn't help but kick him.

It was all this guy's fault.

If he hadn't stuffed the Hougyoku into her body for no reason, how could she be targeted by a monster like Aizen.

Now, there was nowhere to run.

Even if she went back to report to Captain Ukitake, she might not even be able to see him because of the mirror flower and water moon.

Suddenly, it felt like she had entered a dead end.

No...No! She has another way!

Looking at Lin Yuan who was extracting other people's memories, Rukia, who was just shocked by the large amount of secret information, finally came to her senses.

You like to make trouble, right?

Then she will overturn the table, and no one can play!......

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