"Deal with Aizen? No problem."

After hearing Rukia's request, Lin Yuan agreed directly.


Rukia breathed a sigh of relief.

In her opinion, Aizen's biggest problem was the mirror flower and the water moon.

In front of the power that controlled the five senses, no matter what she said, she would be regarded as an enemy and be besieged by the entire Soul Society.

But it was different with Lin Yuan.

Big brother Lin Yuan was stronger than the entire Soul Society.

As long as Lin Yuan was willing to take action, a mere Aizen was naturally not a problem, and he could destroy him with a snap of his fingers.

"Now we can go back to Soul Society."

"Don't worry, I still have something to do."

Lin Yuan kicked Urahara Kisuke twice:"Don't pretend to be asleep, get up and help me."

"Oh my, you are indeed Lord Lin Yuan, you can't keep any secrets."

The chains on his body disappeared, Urahara Kisuke stood up with a somersault, and asked with a playful smile

"Is there anything I can do for you? I will do my best to help you until my death!"

"I need to transform into a divine body."

Lin Yuan ignored the other party's flattery and directly stated his goal.

"I'll give you half a day to prepare your divine body."

"Eh? Half a day......"

"If you can't do it, die."

"That's no problem.

Urahara Kisuke patted his chest and agreed.

The God-Tempering Body was one of his inventions, which could materialize the Zanpakutō and quickly complete the Bankai.

In order to prevent emergencies, he always kept the semi-finished products of the God-Tempering Body in his shop.

If he worked hard, he could barely finish it in half a day.

"Take all these guys to the store."

Lin Yuan pointed at the unconscious Pingzi Zhenzi and others beside him.

"From today on, you are all my subordinates."

"When I take down the Seireitei, you will take over and help me manage Soul Society."

He turned his head and glanced at Rukia.

"is that OK?"

"No problem!"

Rukia responded calmly.

Isn't it just to conquer the Soul Society? Just beat them!

Everyone likes to bully the honest people. Today she will let the whole Soul Society know that honest people are also very scary when they are angry!

"If possible, please ask Mr. Lin Yuan to give this guy the most work, so that he can experience the feeling of death from overwork."

Rukia looked at Urahara Kisuke and suggested

"Then after we conquer Soul Society, you will be his superior."

Lin Yuan agreed directly.


Looking at the two people who decided his future in just a few words, Urahara Kisuke, who was carrying Hirako Mako and others, was stunned.

Revenge when there is revenge, and grievance when there is grievance.

If you don't like me, just kill me with a knife, why do you do such a vicious thing!

Damn vicious woman!...


At the call of the captain-in-chief, all the captains, including Ukitake Jushiro, came to the First Squadron barracks together.

After listening to Mayuri Kurotsuchi's report, this group of strong men at the top of Soul Society fell into a rare moment of silence.

Achukas appeared in Karakura Town and was destroyed by the Quincies who should have died and the unknown Shinigami.

As the Shinigami stationed in Karakura Town, Kuchiki Rukia lost her spiritual pressure for a strange reason.

This amount of information is somewhat surprising.

"It is a serious crime to pass the power of the god of death to humans."

Raising the wooden stick and knocking on the ground, Yamamoto looked to the right.

"Kuchiki Byakuya, do you have anything to say?"

"I think there may be a special reason behind this, so please let me take charge of the arrest mission, Captain-General."

Kuchiki Byakuya responded without changing his expression.

"I'll give you one day."

Yamamoto made the decision.

Although it was a serious crime to transmit the power of the god of death without authorization, Rukia was one of the four nobles after all, and the Central Forty-Six Chambers would not make it difficult for her.

When the time comes, let Kuchiki Byakuya catch her and put her in solitary confinement for a few decades.

"Teacher, I think it might be dangerous to let Captain Kuchiki act alone.

At this moment, Kyoraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jushiro, who was not far away, looked at each other and took the initiative to step forward.

"No matter what means are used, it is a fact that there are people in Karakura Town who can deal with Achukas."

"To prevent any accidents, let me go to the human world with Captain Kuchiki."......

Kyoraku Shunsui's proposal was passed very smoothly.

As the head of a high-ranking noble family, he was fully capable of participating in the internal affairs of the four noble families.

More importantly, he was very strong.

With him and Byakuya Kuchiki, even if they encountered multiple captain-level strongmen, they would be able to retreat unscathed.

After the meeting, Byakuya Kuchiki and Shunsui Kyoraku immediately passed through the world-crossing gate and came to the real world.

"Is this Karakura Town?"

Looking at the peaceful city below, as if nothing had happened, Kyoraku Shunsui whistled.

"It seems that your sister did a good job in the aftermath, and no information was leaked to ordinary people."

"As long as you give a reasonable reason and capture a Yachukas, you should be able to skip the confinement stage directly after the merit is offset."

"As a member of the Kuchiki family, breaking the rules cannot be easily forgiven, no matter what the reason."

Kuchiki Byakuya replied calmly.

"Being too rigid is not a good thing."

Kyōraku Shunsui shrugged and looked away from below.

"There is no trace of spiritual pressure left, it seems that someone has cleaned it up. What should I say next?"

"Wait for the virtual to appear"

"It sounds like a good idea."

Kyōraku Shunsui nodded in agreement.

No matter what happened before, as long as there are more Hollows, Rukia will definitely come out to deal with them.

However, just as Kyōraku Shunsui and the others were about to find a place to rest temporarily, an unexpected spiritual pressure suddenly appeared in their perception range.


Kyoraku Shunsui turned his head and looked to the west:"Captain Kuchiki, if I'm not mistaken, that spiritual pressure is......"


A faint spiritual pressure wave appeared, and before Kyoraku Shunsui could finish his words, Kuchiki Byakuya disappeared from the spot first.

"Young people nowadays"

"If you care so much, why are you still being so stubborn?"

Kyōraku Shunsui shook his head helplessly, took a step forward and caught up with Kuchiki Byakuya, appearing in front of a store.

He looked up at the name——【Urahara Shop].

Very good, the reason for defeating Achucas is known.

The next step is to further verify it.

Kyoraku Shunsui stepped into the already opened shop and saw Byakuya Kuchiki who had arrived earlier, and...Hirako Mako and others who have just escaped from the chains and are recovering their spiritual pressure.

It seems that the verification stage can be skipped.......

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