Mine:"Penguin Rule? What a strange name."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"It's strange, but this ability sounds a bit excessive."

Lilyluka:"Lily, I think you can be more confident. Remove the word 'seemingly', and that's excessive."

Nobara Kugisaki:"Compared to excessive, I think it's more like unreasonable cheating." Nobara

Kugisaki:"Unconditionally obtain the enemy's abilities, and then crush them with your own powerful basic panel." Nobara

Kugisaki:"With this ability, wouldn't Boss Lin Yuan be invincible at the same level? He is inherently invincible."

After listening to Lin Yuan's explanation, everyone in the chat group complained.

This move is simply too unsolvable.

Not only does it eliminate the possibility of being defeated by a higher level, it even directly makes oneself invincible at the same level.

Put yourself in their shoes. In a battle, the enemy suddenly gains your own abilities and becomes immortal. How do you fight? It's terrifying just thinking about it.

"It's not as beautiful as you imagined."

"The Penguin Law still has its shortcomings."

Lin Yuan explained nonchalantly:"The most basic point is that analyzing and obtaining enemy information depends entirely on the power of abundance."

"I was able to analyze Yhwach's panel so quickly because he is so bad."

"If I change to an enemy of the same level who can interfere with my power of abundance, I will need more time to analyze it bit by bit."

"This is not a shortcoming, right?"

Rukia couldn't help complaining.

Lily Luka:"Yes, Master Lin Yuan, you are the Envoy of the Order of Plenty, a protracted war is nothing."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Brother Lin Yuan's requirements for himself are a bit too high." Kugisaki Nobara:

"Be strict with yourself and lenient with others. It's no wonder that Master Lin Yuan is so strong. There is indeed a reason."

"I just want to have more cards."

Lin Yuan focused his attention on the templates he had just collected.

In fact, the Penguin Rule has more than one disadvantage.

Still limited by the problem of knowledge reserve, he can only load one template at the same time to obtain one person's ability.

To eliminate this problem, he must optimize the fusion between templates and load multiple templates at the same time.

Of course, this problem is not urgent to solve, and he can ask Ruan Mei for help later.

As a master in the field of life science, the other party is definitely more professional than him in this aspect.

"Okay, now it’s time to get back to business."

"The crisis in this world has not been completely resolved yet."

"Are there any more enemies?"

Kyōraku Shunsui, who had been eavesdropping, twitched his eyes and couldn't help but

"Lin Yuan...My lord, you are not kidding, are you?"

"Are you kidding? Kyoraku Shunsui, do you still think I'm lying to Rukia?"

"Well, of course not."

"But there is one thing I still don't understand."

Kyōraku Shunsui hesitated and said,"Master Lin Yuan, I still think that alliance is a good method."

"Take the Invisible Empire as an example. Even if you take action to deal with Yhwach and his men, there will still be many problems left to deal with."

"If we communicate with the Gotei 13 in advance, we can not only avoid conflicts with the captain-general, but also reduce the post-war processing work by half. Isn't this better?"

"You are right."

Lin Yuan nodded calmly:"In dealing with the Invisible Empire's Quincy, communication and establishing an alliance is indeed one of the best solutions, but I still want to fight the Jingling Court."


Such familiar words.

After realizing what this sentence meant, Kyoraku Shunsui's face changed and his expression became ugly.

"Could it be that the next unresolved crisis is the real reason for attacking Jinglingting?"


"Can you tell me a little bit about what the crisis is?"

Kyoraku Shunsui frowned,"I really can't think of who the remaining enemies are. Are they related to the Spirit Court?"

"Of course it is related, haven’t you guys been protecting him all along?"

Lin Yuan looked up at the sky:"It’s right there, the wedge that maintains the balance of the three realms, the god of all the beings in Soul Society—the Soul King"

"The Soul King?!"

Before Kyoraku Shunsui could react, Rukia on the side exclaimed first

"Why is the Spirit King the enemy!"

"I never said he was an enemy, that's all your imagination"


Rukia was stunned for a moment, then reacted belatedly.

It seemed that since the beginning of Aizen, Lin Yuan had always been talking about solving the factors that endanger the world.

It was just that Aizen and Yhwach were both enemies, so she subconsciously classified the Soul King as an enemy as well.


"Isn't the Spirit King the creator of the Three Realms? Why is he a factor that threatens the world?"

"Because the creator of the three realms you mentioned has been chopped into a human stick and has lost most of his power."

"As the cornerstone of the Three Realms, once he is killed, the balance between the Three Realms will instantly collapse, returning to the nothingness of life and death."

"In this case, the Spirit King naturally became the detonator that endangers the world's security."


Is there something wrong?

After listening to Lin Yuan's explanation, Rukia's questions increased instead of decreasing.

"Lord Ling Wang was chopped into a human stick? What's going on!"

"You should ask that person over there rather than me."

Lin Yuan looked at Jingle Shunsui:"He knows more than me."

"Captain Kyoraku?"

"......"Ms. Kuchiki, this is a very complicated matter."

Kyoraku Shunsui sighed.

This was indeed a difficult question for him.

As a disciple of Yamamoto, Kyoraku Shunsui, who knew many secrets, was not completely ignorant of this matter.

He knew very well that Soul Society...Perhaps the three realms, including Soul Society, are built on the sins of blood and flesh.

That is not a history worth spreading.

In order to separate life and death and establish a new cycle and an orderly world of life and death, the Soul King voluntarily became a sacrifice to stabilize the three realms.

As subordinates of the Soul King, the ancestors of the five nobles were afraid that the power of the Soul King would threaten them, and used the Soul King's kindness to dig out his heart.

After that, they were still not satisfied and cut off the Soul King's hands and feet, cut open his internal organs and took them out of his body, and scattered them in the lower world.

After thousands of years, the ancestors of the five nobles continued to weaken the power of the Soul King until they made him into a human stick for their management. Only then did they stop persecuting the Soul King and proclaimed him as the king of Soul Society, a sacred existence beyond everything.

That was the original sin of Soul Society, the biggest secret that must never be publicized.

As an insider, Kyoraku Shunsui has always kept this memory in the deepest part of his memory and never mentioned it to others.

Until this moment, under Rukia's questioning, he told everyone about this dark history.......

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