Nagisa Akatsuki:"That's too much! How can you treat the Soul King like this!"

Lilyluka:"Use the kindness of others and use it as a wedge to stabilize the balance of the three realms."

Lilyluka:"From the perspective of their actions alone, the five noble ancestors are worse than Aizen and Yhwach."

Mine:"No wonder Master Lin Yuan is ready to take action. If I have the ability to solve this kind of thing, I will not sit idly by."

Kugisaki Nobara:"This is the episode that supports Master Lin Yuan the most."

After listening to Kyoraku Shunsui's story, the girls in the chat group began to speak up for the Soul King.

What the five noble ancestors did was really beyond their imagination.

Facing a saint who created the world and voluntarily became a sacrifice to stabilize the balance of the three realms, they could actually do such a cruel thing.

This is simply worse than beasts.

As the person involved, Rukia, who grew up with the education that the Soul King is a god, was even more shocked.

It was not until the number of women in the chat group denouncing the five noble ancestors reached 99+ that she came to her senses and said in a deep voice:

"��Lord Wang has given so much to the world, he doesn't deserve this result"

"Boss Lin Yuan, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

"Isn't the answer obvious?"

Lin Yuan withdrew his gaze from the sky and replied with a chuckle.

"The world is seriously ill and must be healed"

"As the Envoy of the Order of Plenty, I shall use myself as the foundation to reshape the order of the Three Realms, so that all living beings can stand on a paradise far away from nothingness."

A breeze blew by, and the power of abundance on Lin Yuan's body instantly expanded several levels, symbolizing the brilliance of life shining on the entire Soul Society.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he slowly raised the Zanpakutō in his hand and slashed it across his wrist.

The bright red blood fell to the ground like rain, and Lin Yuan's voice resounded throughout the Soul Society at the same time.

""The echo of abundance, the Nirvana of no remainder.""

Crack~! Crack~! Crack~!"

The cracking sound of the earth was heard, and starting from the place where Lin Yuan's blood dripped, a giant tree emitting rich vitality rose from the ground.

It was so high that it reached the sky, and there was no end in sight.

Its trunk was as strong as a dragon, and its branches and leaves covered the sky.

Its roots were deeply rooted in the core of the earth, supporting all things in the world.

Looking at this giant tree that was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people and did not stop growing even after it expanded to this extent.

Even Rukia, who was mentally prepared, couldn't help but widen her eyes, with a look of surprise on her face.

"This is......"

"The World Tree."

Lin Yuan's reply sounded at the side:"It will replace the Soul King and become a new cornerstone to reshape the order of the Three Realms."

The surging power of abundance was continuously injected into the giant tree.

Lin Yuan's eyes passed through the Soul Society and looked at the real world, the Hueco Mundo, and the Broken Realm between the Three Realms.

This was the way he came up with to save the world, to create a new cornerstone of the Three Realms to replace the Soul King to stabilize the world.

Compared with the Soul King, the World Tree is more stable.

It connects the three realms through its roots, which is equivalent to integrating itself with the world, and can spread out any damage it suffers.

In addition, as a product of Lin Yuan's flesh and blood, the World Tree also has extremely powerful self-repairing abilities.

As long as Lin Yuan is not dead, no matter how much the World Tree is attacked, it will complete regeneration and reshape the world again.

In other words, if you want to destroy this World Tree, you must have the power to destroy the Three Realms in one blow.

Kugisaki Nobara:"Destroy the Three Realms in one step? No one in Rukia's world should be able to do it."

Main:"The Soul King at his peak should be able to do it, after all, he has the ability to create the Three Realms with his bare hands.""

Lilyluka:"But it is impossible for the Soul King to return to his peak. His power has been dispersed.""Lilyluka

:"Even if a miracle really happens and the Soul King is restored to its original state, it is impossible for that person to do such a thing with his personality.""

Rukia Kuchiki:"That's right, so this World Tree is basically invincible among the Three Realms.""

Rukia Kuchiki:"As long as it is there, the Three Realms will never have to worry about problems with balance.""

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Brother Lin Yuan is so powerful that he can even create a miraculous existence like the World Tree.""

Nobara Kugisaki:"By the way, with this World Tree stabilizing the world, can the Soul King be liberated?""

Lin Yuan:"Yes, the Soul King can be liberated."

After confirming that the World Tree at the current stage is enough to replace the Soul King to stabilize the balance of the Three Realms.

Lin Yuan temporarily stopped watering the World Tree and looked up at the sky.

It's time to perform the final operation on the Three Realms....

Right above Soul Society, in front of the Soul King's Palace, the five members of Squad Zero gathered together for the first time in a long time, looking at the huge tree that suddenly sprang up from below.

"Hey, isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

Qilin Temple Tianshilang crossed his arms and looked up at the sky.

Even with his eyesight, he still couldn't see where the top of the giant tree was.

This couldn't be described as an abnormal situation, it was completely an alien that broke the rules.

"Monk, what happened down there?"

"I seemed to feel the spiritual pressure of Yhwach just now. Could this matter be related to him?" asked Wang Yue of Nimeiya

"It has nothing to do with Youhabach."

At the edge of the platform, the leader of the Zero Squad, Hyoshubu Ichibei, replied.

"It was done by a monster that appeared from nowhere."


"That's right, that man first defeated Yamamoto Shigekuni, and then found the newly revived Yhwach."

"As for this giant tree, it was made by him eating Yhwach and watering it with his own flesh and blood. It looks like he is ready to eat the three realms."

"Eat the three realms?"

Shutara Senjumaru's eyes fixed.

"Monk, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"This is the only thing I won't make a mistake about."

Ichibei of the Hyoshubu folded his arms across his chest and looked down.

"The man used sweet words to deceive Kyoraku Shunsui and others, saying that this tree would replace the Soul King and become the cornerstone of the Three Realms."

"But in fact, this giant tree, which was watered with his flesh and blood, is an extension of his flesh and blood."

"At this moment, the man is using this tree to erode the land of the three realms, turning it into a part of himself."

"Once the assimilation is complete, the three realms will be swallowed into his body. I don't need to explain what this means."

The rest of the Zero Squad members:"......"

It seems there is no way to resolve it peacefully.......

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