Although she made many puppet bodies, Heita knew the condition of each of her puppets very well.

Because of this, she could be sure of one thing.

None of her five bodies in the space station had this kind of strange wooden sculpture in front of them.

After pausing for a moment on the wooden sculpture of the pharmacist and the Fuli, as well as the two incense burners in front of the wooden sculptures.

Heita stood up from her chair and looked around.

It was not until then that she discovered that her other four bodies in the space station were neatly placed next to her.

It seemed that a thief had really broken in.

Heita reaffirmed her thoughts.

In this space station, even Esta, the acting station chief, did not dare to move her body at will.

The previous one could be said to be an accident.

Now that they are all together, it can only be an accident.


Just as Heita was collecting intelligence and sorting out the current situation.

The door of a room not far away suddenly opened.

Under her gaze, a familiar figure staggered in from outside.

"Hey, Heita, you are finally back."

Lin Yuan waved at her:"I have been waiting for you for several days. Don't you ever check your phone when you are working?"

"The area I was in before was isolated from the outside world, and messages sent by ordinary equipment could not reach me."

After confirming the identity of the space station thief, Black Tower temporarily gave up the idea of teaching him a lesson, and asked with his hands folded on his chest

"What do you want from me? If it's a way to increase destiny resonance, I'm ready."

"Sorry, that sutra is not needed anymore."

Lin Yuan waved his hand and interrupted,"I came to you this time to ask you for another favor."


No need?"

I didn't expect to get such a reply. Heita was stunned for a moment and then he immediately perked up.

"Wait, do you mean that you have already completed the positioning of the other world through the method you came up with?"

"That's right"

"How did you do it?"

"I transformed the new world into a part of my body, and then mobilized all the power of that world to transform it into backup energy, resonating with the destiny."

Lin Yuan simply explained:"Although there were some minor setbacks along the way, it can be regarded as a successful completion of the resonance and positioning."


This works too?

Heita's expression was a little dull.

To put Lin Yuan's explanation in another way, isn't it that great strength can bring about miracles?

You just need to output with great strength, and leave the rest to fate.

Even this method can complete the positioning, Lin Yuan's luck is too good

"I roughly understand the situation.

After complaining about Lin Yuan's bad luck, the Black Tower returned to calm.

"Let's get back to the point. Why did you ask me to come here?"

"It’s mainly about the other world."

Lin Yuan replied:"Although the positioning is completed, I have to build the road myself."

"This task requires a large amount of imaginary energy. Black Tower, can you help me make a few power banks to quickly replenish the imaginary energy?"

"Restore energy quickly? No problem.

Compared to something beyond cognition, such as locating another world, replenishing energy is a piece of cake for Heita.

With just a little time, she can even make a device with the energy of a master.


"How about the compensation?" Heita asked.

"I wasn't sure about the previous matter, and I was also a little interested in the topic of the other world, so I didn't mention it."

"This time I am sure I can complete your commission. You can't continue to take advantage of me."

"Of course, there is no problem with this."

The imaginary energy in Lin Yuan's body began to surge.

The abundance destiny created books, and the memory destiny engraved words.

Under the simultaneous action of the two destiny, thick books took shape at Lin Yuan's feet.

In an instant, hundreds of books piled up into a mountain, submerging the other four black tower puppets on standby.

Black Tower did not care about this, but leaned over to pick up one of the books and read the contents on it.

"This is...How is spiritual pressure generated?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"That's right, these are what I gained in this different world."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly:"The method of generating spiritual pressure, the method of fusing spiritual pressure with imaginary energy, the technology of making Zanpakuto and Death Hagi, the method of making medical hot springs and transforming souls, etc."

"Although I don't know if it's useful to you, these books basically record a complete power system of another world, as well as how to combine it with our existing system."

"As a reward for your help, this should be enough, right?"


After quickly reading the book in his hand through the auxiliary device, Heita nodded slightly and responded

"If what you said is true, it wouldn't hurt to help you a few more times, not to mention just once."

"That's great, I need your help with something else."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and summoned his Zanpakuto:"I've been out recently and my strength has improved a bit."

"With my current strength, the auxiliary value of this knife is greater than its actual combat value. I basically won’t need it in a real fight."

"So you want me to help you recast it?"

"That's right. It won't improve my combat power, but at least it will make it harder so that it won't be easily broken."

The Penguin Law is still very helpful to Lin Yuan.

If his Zanpakutō is broken, he won't be able to quickly analyze the enemy's data and construct the panel.

This is why he came to the Black Tower.

Among the people he knows, only he can do this.

"Strengthening the Zanpakutō is not a problem."

As expected, Heita gave a positive answer:"Even if I don't know the details of how to forge a Zanpakutō, I can do it."

"However, the bigger problem now is the materials needed to recast the Zanpakuto, rather than the technology to do so."

"���According to my observation, the materials used to make Zanpakuto are already among the top-performing materials among ordinary materials."

"If you want it to be able to cooperate with you to exert the power of the Commander level after recasting, you must use materials far superior to that."

"I understand that, but I know nothing about materials."

Lin Yuan asked,"Do you have any good suggestions?""

"If we only consider hardness, the best material I know of is the gravel that falls from the Amber King."

"Amber King's gravel? Although I am confident in my own strength, if you ask me to fight Amber King...Maybe I can't beat it"

"I'm more curious about how your brain works that you would think of fighting the Amber King."

"Ahem~ Just a joke."

You better really be joking.

Looking at Lin Yuan thoughtfully, Heita continued

"If you want to get the debris dropped by the Amber King, there are usually only two ways:"

"Cooperate with the company, call 080 to get good relations, complete the commission, and get it from the other party's senior management"

"Bloom with a strong will to preserve and obtain the gift of the Amber King, and take it directly from His hands"

"I think the second option might be a bit difficult."

Lin Yuan was the first to deny the path of blooming the will to protect.

Although he has recently started working in civil engineering and started screwing screws to build railways, he is in two directions with the Amber King who builds city walls every day.

If he wants to attract the other party's attention, the possibility is very small.

"Don't worry, I didn't expect you to show the will to protect the Amber King from the beginning."

Heita replied calmly:"You should have heard that I have been helping the company recently."

"In fact, it was a time-consuming and labor-intensive commission with no substantial return for me."

"But for the company, this matter is very important"

"If you are willing to help me solve this problem, I can negotiate with the company and ask them to give you a piece of the stone that fell from the Amber King."

"What exactly is it?"

Lin Yuan asked curiously

"Destroy the insect swarm."

Heita raised her hand and a star map appeared in the air not far away.

She clicked on a red area and pulled out a dozen photos of planets flooded by the overwhelming insect swarms, and said

"One of the company's R&D department's territories, the Loyer system, was attacked by an inexplicably large swarm of insects seven days ago."

"There are many company staff and research results there, which prevents the company from using large weapons to annihilate the insect swarm."

"Don't you like to solve problems with your fists? Then go and kill all those bugs."......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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