In the Loyal system, the branch of the Ted Star Company.

A girl wearing a white shirt and a black leather jacket stood in front of a pile of huge machines with her arms folded.

A large amount of data was constantly displayed on the machine screen, and the blue light illuminated her short white hair.

After an unknown amount of time, a harsh ticking sound was heard, and a researcher in work uniform not far away immediately reported:

"Boss, the planet's surface protection shield is about to be breached. We need your help to block it in ten minutes."

"It was breached again so soon?"

Topa frowned."Didn't it just charge once two and a half system hours ago? What happened?"

"The number of insect swarms has increased."

The company staff replied with a wry smile.

"In order to shrink the battle line, the company transferred all the personnel and scientific research results from several frontline planets to the planet Ted yesterday."

"After devouring those planets, the size of the insect swarm expanded further, and even a true stinging insect king was born, which was nearly the size of a planet."

"Not long ago, this True Stinging Insect King led a further expanding swarm of insects to join the swarm attacking the planet Ted."


Why didn't you report this to me earlier?

Topa paused, her expression somewhat helpless.

As a member of the Strategic Investment Department, she was originally collecting a debt in a nearby galaxy.

Not long ago, the company headquarters suddenly contacted her and asked her to come to support the Laoyer galaxy and repel the Zerg.

Before leaving, Topa thought that this temporary mission was just like the previous ones, a small-scale one.

Who knew that when she arrived, she found that this Zerg that came out of nowhere had expanded to the point where it was enough to destroy the Laoyer galaxy.

Even if she could use Topaz and gain power close to that of a Protector in a short period of time, it would be impossible for her to clear out a Zerg of this size alone.

In desperation, Topa had to lead the team to station at the front line, set up a protective shield to intercept the Zerg while waiting for other reinforcements to arrive.

As a result, the enemy reinforcements arrived before the reinforcements arrived.

Sighing silently, Topa asked as he prepared to attack.

"What's the situation on Ms. Black Tower's side?"

"Did she say how long it would take to make the weapon?"

"Boss, actually not long ago, Ms. Black Tower sent a message saying that she has prepared weapons that can annihilate the Zerg swarm."


Topa was stunned.

If she remembered correctly, when she contacted the Black Tower yesterday, the other party seemed to say that they had just designed the weapon blueprints and were preparing the materials?

It took just over a day, and the Black Tower was completed?

While being shocked by the amazing efficiency of the Intellectual Order, Topa felt a little relieved.

"What type of weapon is this? Do you need our cooperation to drive the swarm to one area?"

"Please wait a moment, sir."

"I'm still asking about this....Hmm? Ms. Heita sent a message.

The company employee who was replying paused, clicked on the latest message and read it out word by word.

"Weapon Name: Confidential"

"Weapon transportation progress: Coming soon"

"Swarm Annihilation Plan: Just listen to him"

"Note: Don’t ask extra questions."

"Forehead...Boss, I can’t seem to understand Ms. Heita’s email. Is this the code you agreed upon?"

"......If I hadn't lost my memory, I wouldn't have agreed on this code with Ms. Heita."

Topa's expression was also a little confused.

In her impression, Heita should be the kind of person who hates troubles but is very serious when doing things.

Why would she send such a strange email for no apparent reason ?

"Forget it, the communication with the girl in the black tower will be postponed for the time being"

"I will go to the front line to resist the insect swarm, you guys finish charging the shield as soon as possible, then......"


Before she finished speaking, a huge roar suddenly sounded.

In Topa's surprised eyes, a tall figure in armor smashed through the roof of the company and appeared in front of her.

"Looks like we're lucky and have reached our destination."

A heavy electronic sound came from inside the armor. The other party turned his head and looked around, then looked at Topa and asked,

"You should be the person in charge here."

"I am, who are you?"

"Hmm? Didn't Heita tell you about me?"

"Ms. Black Tower?"

Topa was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously thought of the strange email from Black Tower just now, and asked with a twitch of his eyes.

"that...To avoid misunderstanding, please allow me to ask"

"You are the weapon that Lady Black Tower mentioned, used to annihilate the Zerg swarm."

"Weapons? That's how Black Tower introduced me."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and said,"I was indeed invited by Black Tower to help the Zerg, but I don't plan to reveal too much information about myself."

"For the sake of convenience, you can call me Senju Hashirama."

"Usually, in order to hide their identities

, they would just give themselves a code name."What the hell is Senju Hashirama? Could it be that he stole the name from someone else?


Just when Topa couldn't help but complain, another roar sounded above everyone's head.

The next moment, the company's internal alarm bells began to operate frantically, and panicked voices came from not far away. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Oh no! The protective shield was breached ahead of time!"

"Director Topa, please help stop the swarm!"

"The third line of defense near the ground has detected the swarm of insects. Please mobilize ground forces for support immediately."

"Don't panic, set up a temporary shield near the headquarters first!"

"The shield was breached in advance?"

Faced with this unexpected situation, Topa lost interest in communicating. Her fair little hand reached into her pocket, and the next second she took out a yellow gem and held it, preparing to transform.

"Mr. Senju Hashirama, I'm going to build a new protective shield outside the Ted Planet. Please help me contain the insect swarm."

""Contain? You underestimate me a little bit."

Lin Yuan looked up.

Through the gap in the ceiling he had just smashed, he could see that the sky was now covered by black clouds.

It was a dense army of insects, which were breaking through the atmosphere and falling straight towards the planet Ted.

Behind the swarm of insects, Lin Yuan could faintly see a giant real stinging insect that was as big as a planet.

"Are they all gathered together? This will be much more convenient."


The vast imaginary energy burst out from Lin Yuan's body without any warning.

Topaz, who was completely unprepared for the impact at close range, even lost consciousness in an instant, interrupting the activation of the topaz stone.

When she came to her senses again, she saw Lin Yuan in front of her clapping his hands.

"Wood Release: Flower Tree World Arrives!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of roars sounded, and the earth began to shake.

Under Topa's shocked eyes, one after another, ten thousand meter old trees pierced through the rocks, split the mountains, and rose from the ground.

Hundreds of meters big flower buds bloomed, and the golden pollen edged every corner of the Ted Star, causing the inhaled insect swarms to fall one after another.

".Um...This seems to have a low lethality."

Lin Yuan, who was practicing with the insect swarm, thought about it and clapped his hands again.

"Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique!"

A huge vitality was injected into the earth from Lin Yuan's feet, and tens of millions of wood dragons emitting a terrifying aura rose in the woods.

They came in groups, constantly shuttling through the insect swarms in the sky to cause destruction, and from time to time they opened their mouths to shoot out light bullets.

Faced with these overwhelming wood dragons, the insect swarms, which were always good at siege, immediately launched a counterattack, pounced on the wood dragons and exploded.

The roar continued, and the rich energy tide changed the color of the sky and the earth.

But what shocked Topa and others was that under the self-destructive attack of the insect swarm, none of these wood dragons fell down.

Not to mention being severely injured, there was not even a trace of scar on the surface of their bodies.

"this...It's really too exaggerated."

Topa's eyes widened, and he looked at the tall figure in armor beside him with surprise.

If Lin Yuan had just self-destructed under the attack of the insect swarm, or even used large-scale weapons to annihilate the insect swarm bit by bit, the knowledgeable Topa would not be so surprised.

But the problem is that Lin Yuan annihilated the insect swarm by summoning the wood dragon.

(Wang Nuohao) She could feel that each of those wooden dragons exuded the aura of a top-level destiny walker.

Making so many wooden dragons at the same time, while ensuring the quality, they could also maintain their operation and quickly annihilate the insect swarm.

In terms of energy and fine operation alone, the other party was far beyond the ordinary order envoys, reaching a level that she could not understand.

When did this kind of monster appear in this universe?

"It seems to be a little slow."

At this moment, Lin Yuan muttered again.

Then, in Topa's confused eyes, he clapped his hands again and used a new move.

""The sixty-third thunder roar cannon of the broken path!"

In the sky, tens of millions of wooden dragons stopped moving at the same time, opened their ferocious mouths and aimed at every corner of the sky.

Blue lightning flashed, and a deafening roar resounded throughout the star Ted in the next moment. Tens of millions of lightning flashes swept the sky at the same time.

A few seconds later, when these lightning flashes dissipated again, the swarm of insects that originally covered the sky disappeared, replaced by unharmed wooden dragons.

They wandered in the sky, exuding a fierce aura, shocking everyone's heart.

"Well, this makes me feel much more comfortable."

Lin Yuan let out a long sigh and returned to his original intention.

"Compared to hand-to-hand combat, sex is more exciting!"......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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