Black Tower Space Station

"Hmm? Were all the surveillance equipment destroyed by the aftermath?"

Looking at the dark screen in front of her, Heita, who was sitting in the office watching the live broadcast, paused for a moment. She had the illusion that the TV series she was following had suddenly ended badly.

But soon, she threw this strange illusion out of her mind and recorded the energy data released by Lin Yuan when he just cleaned up the insect swarm.

Although most of the energy was used for fancy modeling and shaping, the authenticity of that energy is beyond doubt.

When the insect swarm was just annihilated, Lin Yuan really caused an energy tide by his own strength for a moment, affecting the entire Laoyel galaxy.

To be honest, this record was a bit amazing to Heita.

Even if she had vaguely guessed before that Lin Yuan would be promoted to a pioneering envoy after locating the other world, becoming a double envoy.

But under normal circumstances, he should not have this scale of energy. If she didn't calculate it wrong, the total energy that Lin Yuan just burst out was probably four times that of an ordinary envoy-level strongman.

Even if the recovery speed of Fengyu's envoy is far beyond that of ordinary people, it is impossible to be so fast.

"It seems that guy has some secrets that I don't know."

Heita made a judgment and then put the matter behind him.

Everyone has their own secrets.

Just like Lin Yuan once said, you can't survive in this universe without a few trump cards.

"But in this case, it would be a bit troublesome to make energy recovery equipment that meets his requirements."

Heita fell into deep thought.

In fact, half of the reason why Lin Yuan made such a big fuss this time was due to her.

Before Lin Yuan set out, Heita specifically asked the other party if he could go all out to let her collect energy data.

As for the answer, there is naturally no need to say more.

Just the fuss caused by Lin Yuan's action this time is enough to become an eternal legend in the Laoyel galaxy.

Of course, it will also attract the attention of some people.


The sound of long-distance communication rang in Heita's mind.

"The efficiency is still as high as ever."

After noticing who initiated the call, Heita pressed the answer button.

"What can I do for you, Diamond?"

"Black Tower, there is no need to play dumb now."

A processed electronic mechanical sound came from the other end of the communication.

"What's the situation with the Harvest Envoy? Is he someone you know?"

"I kind of cooperate with him."

"What's his personality like?"

"Able to communicate"

"Can you give me a contact method?"

"Of course not."

Heita rejected the request without hesitation:"Do you think he wears that armor just to look cool?"

"That was his own request, asking me to provide a piece of equipment that could conceal my identity."

"Well, it seems he is not ready to come to the front."

As if he had expected this, Diamond did not continue to ask questions, but changed the subject.

"Since he's doing it on your behalf, it means he wants to take something from the company."

"Tell me, what are you going to exchange your reward for?"

"The debris from the Amber King"

"No problem.

Diamond agreed to this without hesitation.

Within the company, the Amber King's fragments are indeed precious.

If other people want them, even if they help the company, they have to go through a lot of approvals.

But this time is different.

As the head of the Strategic Investment Department, Diamond's vision is far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Lin Yuan only made a move once, and he saw a lot of problems.

This envoy of the Order of Plenty is not only very powerful, but also fundamentally different from other envoys of the Order of Plenty.

The other party is a envoy of the Order of Plenty who can communicate and has a moral bottom line in his heart. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even though such a big noise was made when the insect swarm was annihilated, the opponent's attack still did not fall on any planet.

During the whole process, the only loss caused by the opponent was the detection device that was damaged when the energy tide was set off.

But obviously, this is within an acceptable range.

If the other party can be won over and a cooperative relationship can be established like the Black Tower, it will be of great help to the company.

For this reason, it is not a loss to pay some of the Amber King's fragments to build a good relationship.[]

"Black Tower, tell the Envoy of the Order of Plenty"

"If he needs anything else, he can contact the Strategic Investment Department through you or anyone else at any time."

"You are trying to win him over so blatantly, aren't you afraid that Apolli will find you out and cause trouble?"

Heita fanned the flames as if nothing had happened.

Her partner in the company was not Diamond.

As the Intellectual Order Envoy, the only person in the company who had a slightly better relationship with her was Apolli, the head of the Technical R&D Department.

As for Diamond,...This guy and she are purely creditors.

She was short of funds for her research before, and he somehow found out about it and invested hundreds of millions of credit points in her.

For this favor, she left her contact information and occasionally cooperated with him.

But in terms of faction, she is actually from the Technology R&D department and has nothing to do with Diamond Management's Strategic Investment Department.

"Apollo won't cause me any trouble."

Diamond was not at all panicked in the face of Black Tower's instigation.

"As long as you don't tell her about our conversation, no third person will know about it."

"What if I told her?"

"Simulated Universe Project"


"As far as I know, you are currently working on a project called Simulated Universe, and even teamed up with several members of the Genius Club."

Diamond changed the subject as if nothing had happened:"To be honest, I am a little interested in your project. Do you need investment?"

"As long as you don't tell Apollo about today's conversation, and���When the Envoy of the Order of Abundance needs help, please come to me directly. I can personally invest 10 billion credit points in your research funds."


Heita betrayed Apolli without hesitation.

Friends are such precious things that they need to be cashed in at critical moments.

With this wave of funds, she can then go all out to simulate the universe.

After chatting with Diamond for a few more sentences, Heita hung up the phone and lowered his head to design Lin Yuan's power bank device.

After sufficient funds, I felt my mind suddenly open up.

Sure enough, the seventh piece of magic equipment for scientific researchers is always credit points. Lauyer


Lin Yuan, who didn't know about the conversation between Heita and Diamond, was wandering in an empty space at this moment.

This place is about hundreds of light years away from the star Ted. After Lin Yuan rejected Toppa's retention, he directly opened the space channel through the power of pioneering and teleported here.

As for why he didn't immediately return to the space station to find Heita to inquire about the progress of data collection, but came to this uninhabited area, it was purely because he found an unexpected treasure.

"Found it."

After searching around, Lin Yuan quickly found his target.

A purple gem sealed in amber........

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